This is a great game, I've played through it multiple times
I think I crashed the browser version of game, here are the steps that it took
- Have the move copy
- Encounter an enemy with the move stop
- The enemy uses stop
- Use the move copy on the next turn to replace one of the enemy's move with go
- The turn after the enemy uses go to regain their move, use copy to copy go
- The screen turned black
Edit: refreshing the page brought me back to the beginning of the level
Have fun on your journey :)
yeah it's a good tip!
congrats on your act of terrorism against GOD :o
thanks, it was very fun to make!
u can divide his hp by 3 with eco tax c:
Was it a lot of coding to make this game work? If so, I will not be able to do it, because I barely know coding, like, at all.
359 days ago(+1)
You could put the universal thief in greek mythology. Could be awesome
Nah :p I have a bunch of other projects!
I know another dev has been working on a part 2 for a while, but I myself am not quite sure what I could add in a sequel X)
thanks for playing :) the reality of gamedev is that is I spend 2 weeks on something it will actually be more like 2 weekends, so 4 days. A year spent on a project is around 60 days with no free time for myself. Time spent on a project has very diminishing returns :p