Type it Out
Kill demons by typing words to protect your cat. Inspired by Typing of the Dead.
Controls: ENTER to start, then type words in the highlighted box.
NOTE: focus on the game window to get key input working
Cat: https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-cat-sprites
Demon: https://0x72.itch.io/dungeontileset-ii
Tileset: https://trixelized.itch.io/nightfield
BGM: https://gooseninja.itch.io/space-music-pack
SFX: https://coloralpha.itch.io/50-menu-interface-sfx
Typing SFX: https://opengameart.org/content/single-key-press-sounds
Fonts: Pixellari and VCR OSD Mono