Oh boy, writing disorder nerfing me hard on this one
Huh, that's weird. That word definitely should be on both dictionaries.
jump scare noise when you lose damn that got me
oh, I didn't know that about the volume mute thing, thanks!
which dictionary are you using right now? i thought it was listed somewhere but i can't find it
I would really appreciate a line break for the definition text. It often runs off the little game box in both directions. I also have questions about the dictionary, some of the definitions are non-typical. Like "nun", it mentions something abut it being the xth number in the alphabet.
Otherwise a very cute concept.
a limit of only 9 characters for the name doesn't let me put in my username :c
Not easily at least. The size does depend on your screen resolution so the bigger the rez, the smaller the cursor while everything else scales proportionally.
got 1145
i love this! i wish the hand cursor was slightly transparent so i could see the letter under it, though
i am number 721 on leaderboards
Nice game too, i like the graphics, the addition of a multiplier (you don't see things like risk and reward everyday), and the fact that it isn't laggy at all.
(edit: it's been 9 months since this was posted, and i'm now past 1,000 on leaderboards!!)
youre using a non-unitywebgl browser
on your system you've probably not tried
Great game! I saw this in the full video of the entire livestream, which contained the most popular games from the jam, on Jonas Bonus. (Jonas' second YouTube channel.) I was immediately attracted to it. I played it as soon as I could, and was pleasantly surprised at how well balanced and fun to play it is! Good job to whoever developed this!
Unity Game Developer
Yup, you are very much right! I'm afraid that block rotating would make it too complex, quite a few people already said they just played it by placing blocks pretty much not considering the letters at all. Of course it was a jam game and some people don't really have the patience to play the games properly and just mess around with em for couple of minutes so that isn't something to really cater the game around though. But having a kind of block "hold" has been suggested and is pretty much exactly what you described too. I think that might be a very nice addition here. I guess I'll have to try these things out.
Thanks for playing and the feedback! ❤️
you could make a portuguese version? I am brazilian but I know a little of english
That's super polished! I loved your game.
-The gameplay mechanics are simple but very good and fun, I especially liked the fact that the game explains the meaning of the words you make.
-Visually the game is really well done.
-I like the fact of having that ranking as it encourages the player to keep playing to improve and get higher on it.
Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)