Apple Store app 帶來順暢無縫的絕佳方式,讓你無論身處何地,均可瀏覽、探索和選購最新 Apple 產品。在「產品」分頁緊貼最新情報選購與你現有產品兼容的各式配件。瀏覽最新 iPhone、iPad、Mac 和 Apple Watch 等產品。探索只在 Apple 提供的最新季節優惠,以及獨家的節省好方法。透過通話或文字對話獲取購物支援。在「為你推薦」分頁找到最貼近你的資訊收藏和管理你的喜好項目,並可透過「最近的活動」輕鬆接續購物進度。輕易追蹤訂單的狀態變化,以準備好接收訂單產品。在「深入探索」分頁了解如何充分發揮現有裝置透過影片和課程等,取得我們團隊提供的創意貼士。輕鬆與我們聯繫,為任何技術問題或帳戶問題找到合適的支援選項。更好的購物方式管理你的帳戶資料,包括已儲存的付款方式、送貨地址、AppleCare 服務計劃的狀態,以及你的帳戶餘額。透過免費的自訂鐫刻服務,加點個人特色。你還可使用只在 Apple Store app 提供的功能,刻上 Memoji。透過影片查看常見疑問的解答,以助了解購買過程中的各種選項。-此 app 或會要求授權使用原深感測鏡頭,以助確認 Apple Vision Pro 的佩戴貼合度。請注意,Apple Store app 及部分功能僅於指定國家或地區提供。個人資料的用途:為了創造個人化的購物體驗,我們將收集並使用有關你的裝置、Apple 帳戶、Apple Store 購物活動和 Apple 訂閲項目的資料。如要更改或修改相關設定,請前往「帳戶」>「設定」
版本 6.3
- 多項改進和效能提升。
3,186 個評分
Can only access App Store when phone is connected to WIFI. No access when it’s on mobile data. (Before you ask) Mobile data has already been allowed for App Store in Settings. Please check and fix.
Don’t buy anything from the online store unless you are prepared to forfeit your rights as a customer! My case is that I just misplaced my order for the old iPad, I discovered it when Im back home checking my order acknowledgment at night. The order status had already changed to preparing delivery (at Sunday night!). I placed the order at apple (Asia pacific) online shop which is run by bureaucratic Singaporean. Once you place your order, even though you have a sound reason (they will listen to you but just ignore you), they won’t allow you to cancel or even change your order. The staff will just repeat the terms of the refund policy. They wouldn’t provide any help and even worse they wouldn’t disclose their identities so that you can pursue further. Apple should be ashamed of having the long established bureaucratic Singapore office. I couldn’t believe those staff could survive in the United States customer service! Only buy apple stuff at Apple store which provide excellent customer service!
(HK) The app keeps showing the iPhone 14 Pro 256GB Black in-stock in all stores but once you place an order, it says not available and not allow you to refresh to check on other stores.It’s been happening for a week. I understand that there’s a shortage and people may check out quickly once there’s a stock. However, it shouldn’t be saying there’re stocks in all stores at the first place 24/7.Please fix.
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