On Friday, January 26, 2024, in celebration of the Data Protection Day, Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency organized a conference titled “Entrepreneurs and New Technologies” at Ericsson Nikola Tesla. The event aimed to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Recognizing the financial and human resource constraints faced by SMEs in adhering to data protection regulations, the Agency, in collaboration with partners from the ARC II project (Data Protection Awareness Campaign for SMEs), introduced a web tool named “Olivia” to support entrepreneurs.
“I am pleased to celebrate this year’s Data Protection Day in a working atmosphere with small and medium-sized enterprises. We have listened to your needs through education that we have held for more than two thousand entrepreneurs across Croatia, and we have noticed the need to create a web tool that will help you align your business with GDPR. The web tool “Olivia” was created in synergy between data protection experts and the university community from the Republic of Croatia and Italy and we are extremely proud of it. I believe that all entrepreneurs will recognise its value and use it regularly in their business,” said Director Zdravko Vukić and congratulated the European Data Protection Day.
Mr. Sc. Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, welcomed the gathered and expressed satisfaction that Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s role as host of this ceremony was given to Ericsson Nikola Tesla. In particular, she emphasised the importance of protecting personal data as well as the challenges that come with it. “As a leader in ICT, we are aware of our role because advances in technology development that come with new dimensions of the internet, augmented reality technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and super-fast networks, opens many opportunities, but also brings ethical and legal challenges in data protection. As we mark the European Data Protection Day, we commit to further promoting awareness of the importance of this topic and addressing the challenges posed by the application of advanced technologies. In this way, we not only protect the privacy and rights of individuals, but we are moving towards a digital future that is inclusive, accountable, and respectful of our common values.”
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Hrvoje Bujanović pointed out that the adoption of the GDPR in 2018 represented an exceptional and significant civilizational shift of the European Union towards the systematic protection of citizens’ privacy and that Olivia’s tool will certainly make it easier for entrepreneurs to comply with the Regulation, but also to effectively protect the personal data they process. “I am glad that through such conferences and educations, the Agency contributes to the exchange of knowledge and information that are crucial in today’s times when technology is rapidly advancing and brings new opportunities and challenges. Therefore, we encourage entrepreneurs, academia, and institutes to work together to raise awareness and education to increase the efficiency of adaptation.”
The pleasure that the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics is a partner in the ARC II project was expressed by the dean prof. dr. sc. Marina Klačmer Čalopa. “We are proud to participate in the development of Olivia tool, providing our technical expertise to jointly create a resource that will be invaluable for the entrepreneurial community.”
During the initial segment of this year’s European Data Protection Day celebration, participants had the opportunity, under the guidance of a mentor, to explore a complimentary web tool named “Olivia,” accessible at https://olivia-gdpr-arc.eu/hr. Olivia serves as a virtual instructor and assistant, featuring a compact online academy with diverse learning modules tailored for entrepreneurs seeking to enhance their understanding of personal data protection. Additionally, Olivia provides a practical tool to assist in crafting internal regulations, demonstrating compliance and reliability.
Approximately sixty small and medium-sized enterprises, the primary target audience for this tool, expressed their satisfaction after testing various modules. They appreciated the convenience of having everything essential for compliance with personal data protection regulations consolidated in one accessible platform.
In the second segment of the event, a panel discussion titled “Artificial Intelligence: What to expect in 2024?” was conducted, featuring panelists Anamarija Mladinić (AZOP), Andrej Grgurić (Ericsson Nikola Tesla), William Bello (Bello Consulting), Marija Bošković Batarelo (Parser Compliance), and Marijan Bračić (Legit Software). Participants had the opportunity to hear how technological innovations based on artificial intelligence can improve their business, reduce costs and increase business efficiency in general.
While acknowledging the numerous advantages of AI-driven innovations, the panelists highlighted various risks that could pose threats to the right to the protection of personal data, privacy, and other human rights. The conversation also touched upon the significance of the Artificial Intelligence Act, designed to regulate AI in the European Union, and ensure the safety and transparency of such systems. Recognizing the comprehensive nature of this legal regulation, the panel participants emphasized the need for thorough preparation and implementation of the AI Act. For organisations, the AI Act will bring a whole range of new obligations and many changes, and new responsibilities and responsibilities for the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency.
Panelisti ARC2 konferencija
Panelisti ARC2 konferencija- Umjetna inteligencija
Olivia- validacijska radionica
ravnatelj AZOP-a Zdravko Vukić
ravnatelj AZOP-a Zdravko Vukić
Anamarija Mladinić, voditeljica projekta ARC2
validacijska radionica-mentori i sudionici
Mr.sc. Gordana Kovačević, predsjednica kompanije Ericssona Nikole Tesle
Panelisti ARC2 konferencija- Umjetna inteligencija
Olivia-validacijska radionica
Državni tajnik Ministarstva gospodarstva i održivog razvoja Hrvoje Bujanović
dekanica prof. dr. sc. Marina Klačmer Čalopa, FOI
Panel discussion on AI