Pre- Early Access Version Last update 23rd 2023
Check out the Steam page for the current Demo and Early Access updates!
Your owner has been captured by vile fiends and thrown into a cell at the bottom of the castle ... and they left without feeding you!
Navigate you way through dungeons - casting spells by solving clues and unjumbling words to reach the exit.
There are 2 cryptic levels included as well as 50+ 'normal' style crosswords of varying sizes but any Crossword in .puz format can be loaded in. I have also included the .puz for these levels so they can be solved in other online programs.
All of these modes are still in the Prototype stage - Please tell me what you like and don't like!
Story mode - play through the 50+ included levels - solve the clues and spell the words to navigate the maze then drag and drop the words (flick to switch the word from horizontal to vertical) and place them into the grid. When the path clear hit go to race to the exit. Keeps track of your fastest times and highest scores
Crossword Mode - Can connect to Twitch chat (Options - Twitch chat) - hitting enter on the clue prints the clue to chat and for the currently active clue if someone in chat enters the correct answer it will fill it into the grid and award the viewer a point!
Code Word Mode - Click a cell then type or click a letter to fill all corresponding numbers with that letter
Maze - has a random mode with words getting longer with each level
Battle - Flip 3,4,5,6 letters and spell words (letters can be used multiple times). Score more points than the goblin to win!
Patchword - It's a crossword jigsaw!
Spellycaster - random mode flips letters to unjumble words
March 7th
Updated description
Updated Crossword Mode to be more like a regular crossword solving experience where any letters can be entered and buttons to check/reveal entries
Feb 14th
Fixed issue with loading irregular sized .puz files
Feb 13th
Mouse and keypad navigation for crossword mode improved
Themes preview on menu
Added Spellycaster mode - unscramble all the words!
Added random modes to maze and spellycaster mode
Jan 17th
Level Map selection screen
Fixed some animations
More work on Themes
Scores - saving and loading
Jan 7th
Patchword mode added
Added 40 levels to Story mode
Better layout
See Known Issues.txt for things not finished
Oct 5th
Cryptic Dungeon #3 added as well as pdf versions
Update to Adventure modes and Battle modes
Better twitch integration and chat commands
![clue][a/d] - print clue to chat
![clue][a/d] [answer] - answer
Set emote/message to print to chat on correct answer
Sept 15th Update
New graphics
Battle Mode added
Flip tiles, spell words to beat the Goblin
Sept 8th Alpha v0 Update
Adds Twitch chat integration - Link to your Twitch channel by generating an oauth code and paste into the dialog box. Then enter the name of your channel and SpellyCat will try to connect to your Twitch channel. Users in chat can then enter answers and points will be tracked in the Leaderboards.txt file
Adds a simple black and white standard crossword style theme for easier viewing
Spinny Letters v0 (I need to fix this up)
Adventure Mode test - Spell words to defeat the ghost and unlock the exit. Wild characters can be any letter (type letter) or a free spot. Click the exit to get to the next level
More updates to come!
Updated | 5 days ago |
Status | BrknFixie |
Genre | crossword, Text based, Embedยท Updated 5 days ago |