Deutsch: Bilder von Modems. Terminaladapter und Datenfernschaltgeräte gehören eigendlich nicht dazu, werden aber meistens auch so bezeichnet.
device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information |
This category has the following 32 subcategories, out of 32 total.
- 74942 (4 F)
- Atari 1030 (4 F)Atari XM301 (3 F)
- DOV-1X (20 F)Dr. Neuhaus, Smarty 28.8 TI (15 F)
- Elsa modems (13 F)
- Hayes Smartmodem (11 F)
- Modems (Telebit) (17 F)
- Nintendo 64 modem (3 F)Nokia modems (1 F)Novation CAT (3 F)
- Popcom (3 F)
- SharkWire Online (1 F)SupraFAXmodem 144 LC (3 F)
Media in category "Modems"
The following 196 files are in this category, out of 196 total.
2 Intel NUC.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 2.76 MB
3Com modem - Ethernet PCMCIA in IBM 9547.jpg 3,493 × 2,998; 1.34 MB
48K-64-QAM-8-32KHZ-PsalmPhotoZip.wav 24 min 52 s; 91.09 MB
56k-modem-dial-in-server.webm 1 min 24 s, 1,280 × 720; 32.89 MB
6 GHz - 140 Mbps modem (8973262021).jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 1.98 MB
9632AX face panel.jpg 2,210 × 1,180; 1.65 MB
Alice BOX 1.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.45 MB
Amsterdam RAI METS 2011 (136).JPG 2,469 × 2,136; 1.41 MB
Analog Modem 56K.jpg 3,017 × 2,011; 421 KB
ANSam.wav 5.4 s; 465 KB
Antu ModemManager.svg 512 × 512; 9 KB
Antu network-modem.svg 512 × 512; 554 bytes
Apple cat II.jpg 500 × 511; 99 KB
Asterisk on Intel NUC.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 623 KB
Atari 800XL with Modem.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 5.02 MB
Australian-modems.jpg 2,516 × 586; 480 KB
Bandai-Apple-Pippin-Modem.jpg 3,420 × 3,000; 1.1 MB
Banglalion wimax indoor modem and wifi router hotspot.jpg 1,744 × 3,088; 1.44 MB
Bell DataPhone 300.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.24 MB
Bell103-300Baud-Psalm118Jpg.ogg 4 h 29 min 7 s; 79.52 MB
Bell202-1200Baud-Psalm23Jpg.ogg 3 h 6 min 54 s; 90.67 MB
Bell202-2400Baud-Psalm118-JPG.ogg 30 min 15 s; 31.3 MB
Bezeq D-Link VDSL Doual Band router.jpg 1,233 × 952; 102 KB
Blitzschlag.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 616 KB
Box CityPlay Moulins-lès-Metz.jpg 896 × 896; 91 KB
Breathe-modem.svg 128 × 128; 75 KB
Breezeicons-devices-16-network-modem.svg 512 × 512; 699 bytes
Breezeicons-devices-22-network-modem.svg 512 × 512; 816 bytes
Caja ubee negra.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 4.35 MB
Cartucho Hotbit HB-3000.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 388 KB
Change the way you WiFi.jpg 1,568 × 811; 118 KB
Conexant 56K 1999.jpg 6,074 × 6,153; 11.53 MB
Crystal Clear device modem.png 128 × 128; 11 KB
Crystal Modem.png 256 × 256; 39 KB
Dale Heatherington with 80-103.jpg 500 × 312; 33 KB
Dataonetype4modem.jpg 450 × 338; 41 KB
DcbModem.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 5.79 MB
DEC DF112 modem.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.32 MB
Dial up connection (short).oga 9.5 s; 132 KB
Dial up connection failed.ogg 1 min 6 s; 866 KB
Dial up connection.ogg 39 s; 524 KB
Dial up modem noises explained final.png 2,500 × 1,301; 844 KB
Dial up modem noises.ogg 29 s; 417 KB
Dial-up sound spectrogram w labels.png 1,799 × 584; 1.37 MB
Dial-up sound spectrogram.png 1,799 × 584; 1.4 MB
Dsl-modem t-home.png 481 × 503; 399 KB
Elsa-Microlink-33.6TQV.ogv 32 s, 1,280 × 720; 3.48 MB
Enigma - Internet to the Danes 01.jpg 1,633 × 1,176; 625 KB
EWON 2005CD - 4005CD - průmyslový modem LAN.jpg 300 × 300; 16 KB
EWON 2101CD - 4101CD - průmyslový modem 3G.jpg 300 × 300; 12 KB
EWON eFive - průmyslové VPN připojení.jpg 300 × 300; 6 KB
EWON Flexy - průmyslový modulární modem.jpg 300 × 300; 20 KB
Exede Internet Modem SB2 (cropped).JPG 2,628 × 4,418; 3.28 MB
Exede Internet Modem SB2.JPG 3,226 × 4,838; 3.79 MB
Exemple WI-Fi IEEE 802.11ac @ 5GHz.png 1,323 × 574; 81 KB
External 33.6k serial dial-up modem.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.22 MB
External dialup modem back panel.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 396 KB
External rs232 serial dialup fax modem.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 544 KB
Fake Minitel sound.ogg 1.1 s; 14 KB
Fldigi-mainwindow.png 2,880 × 1,560; 188 KB
FLDigiWindowHtml.png 673 × 501; 234 KB
GameComWebstuff.jpg 512 × 295; 31 KB
GANDALF LDS125front.jpg 640 × 480; 23 KB
Gnome-modem.svg 48 × 48; 63 KB
GoldStar modem, 2400bps bottom.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.83 MB
GoldStar modem, 2400bps top.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.68 MB
Huawei 4G+ Modem.jpg 2,777 × 3,196; 1.26 MB
Icom-modem hg.jpg 3,155 × 2,521; 1.9 MB
Internet Box Yoomee.jpg 2,368 × 2,368; 1,006 KB
JNet JN-DS5100 front.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.3 MB
JNet JN-DS5100.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.16 MB
Legacy-2400-baud-modem.jpg 2,813 × 2,047; 1.17 MB
Lemel MD-56K 20141206.jpg 1,440 × 810; 202 KB
Liquid cooled Cable Modem.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 513 KB
Lugar10080.jpg 682 × 511; 25 KB
Matériel CityPlay SIVU.jpg 900 × 443; 69 KB
MELANIE H N.png 124 × 285; 35 KB
MicroLink 56k V90 von Elsa.jpg 4,624 × 2,604; 3.12 MB
MicroLink 56k von ELSA.jpg 4,624 × 2,604; 3.85 MB
MicroLink modem.jpg 1,576 × 1,429; 410 KB
Micromodem II in Apple II.jpg 500 × 336; 27 KB
MiFi Camtel Cameroun.jpg 2,368 × 4,224; 1.5 MB
Miscellaneous Stuff 1 - Retrosystems 2010.jpg 797 × 1,200; 405 KB
Miscellaneous Stuff 2 - Retrosystems 2010.jpg 1,200 × 797; 349 KB
Modem 1200 2400 EC8013 Telkom Teletra KGG.jpg 1,600 × 2,200; 1.41 MB
Modem BEST 2448 LF.jpg 1,784 × 1,338; 1.15 MB
Modem creatix front.jpg 622 × 762; 71 KB
Modem D200S hinten.jpg 1,908 × 1,050; 333 KB
Modem D200S Typenschild.jpg 2,976 × 954; 536 KB
Modem D200S Tür geöffnet.jpg 2,689 × 1,183; 360 KB
Modem Fastweb Nexxt.jpg 1,272 × 1,908; 828 KB
Modem HM 3120P DSCF7348k.jpg 2,280 × 1,690; 289 KB
Modem internet.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.94 MB
Modem Liberty Surf.jpg 3,854 × 2,003; 1.04 MB
Modem Olitec SelfMemory 2000.jpg 2,367 × 1,596; 614 KB
Modem Ooredoo Tunisie, février 2017.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 4.1 MB
Modem sincrono.png 668 × 170; 2 KB
Modem Standard 2400.jpg 1,886 × 1,415; 1.25 MB
Modem telefonico.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 173 KB
Modem Totalplay Mexico.jpg 4,224 × 3,168; 4.02 MB
Modem und modap.jpg 876 × 908; 554 KB
Modem ZyXEL U-1496E V32b-V42b-FAXpg.jpg 1,925 × 1,444; 1.1 MB
Modem, Datel 2400FD Televerket.jpg 2,988 × 5,312; 485 KB
Modem-bank-1.jpg 469 × 1,024; 92 KB
Modem-rtc speed-com.jpg 1,504 × 1,000; 131 KB
Modem-Varianten 1.jpg 2,243 × 1,823; 3.92 MB
Modem-Varianten.jpg 2,243 × 1,823; 1.45 MB
Modem.svg 784 × 670; 69 KB
Modems.jpg 600 × 800; 98 KB
Morita Shogi 64, Modem and led window.JPG 402 × 209; 51 KB
Mpodem-usr-courier-v34-side-online.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.67 MB
MTN Modem.jpg 471 × 848; 213 KB
MTNL internet modem.jpg 1,536 × 2,560; 1.34 MB
MX614P.png 2,836 × 1,868; 4.31 MB
MyModemWAY.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 243 KB
Módem de Wiki Katat.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 8.08 MB
Módem Infinitum.jpg 2,077 × 1,216; 1.05 MB
MódemSIG.jpg 1,639 × 2,325; 607 KB
N-OFDM receiver ideal.jpg 1,316 × 392; 97 KB
N-OFDM transmitter ideal.jpg 1,240 × 394; 95 KB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-01.jpg 4,800 × 3,680; 3.14 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-02.jpg 4,800 × 3,680; 3.23 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-03.jpg 4,800 × 3,680; 2.65 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-04.jpg 3,680 × 2,905; 3.32 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-05.jpg 4,800 × 3,680; 2.66 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-Attached.jpg 3,237 × 3,031; 3.71 MB
Nintendo-Famicom-Modem-Network-System-Horse-Betting.jpg 4,000 × 2,131; 3.07 MB
NovelSat Satellite Modem NS3000.png 1,086 × 155; 51 KB
OFDM receiver ideal.png 1,316 × 392; 17 KB
OFDM transmitter ideal.png 1,240 × 394; 16 KB
OLIVIA 1000 32 sample.ogg 32 s; 121 KB
OLIVIA 500 16 sample.ogg 38 s; 123 KB
Outdoor Motorola WiMax modem.jpg 480 × 640; 110 KB
Oxygen480-devices-modem.svg 128 × 128; 28 KB
Pennywhistle 103.jpg 2,152 × 1,192; 1.16 MB
PenrilDatalink.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.2 MB
Phone modem.jpg 3,000 × 3,000; 4.59 MB
RTA1320A synced.gif 1,918 × 1,469; 320 KB
RTA1320A.png 1,900 × 1,455; 248 KB
Satellite modem block diagram.png 969 × 322; 28 KB
Satellitenmodem (101275544).jpg 1,024 × 768; 132 KB
Sega megamodem alone.jpg 1,200 × 440; 86 KB
Sega megamodem.jpg 1,200 × 500; 64 KB
Sega-Dreamcast-Broadband-Adapter-BL.jpg 2,700 × 2,500; 977 KB
Sega-Dreamcast-Modem-Dialup-BL.jpg 2,700 × 2,500; 849 KB
Sega-Dreamcast-Modem-Dialup-FL.jpg 2,090 × 1,850; 1.42 MB
Sega-Dreamcast-Modem-Dialup-FL.png 2,090 × 1,850; 3.07 MB
Sega-Saturn-NetLink.jpg 3,850 × 2,570; 2.79 MB
Silicon Labs direct access arrangement (DAA) IC.png 652 × 615; 757 KB
Silicon Valley Electronics Flea Market April 2022 (51993107681).jpg 2,994 × 3,276; 2.72 MB
SIVU Box (derrière).jpg 900 × 476; 56 KB
SIVU Box (dessus).jpg 900 × 739; 82 KB
SIVU Box.jpg 900 × 595; 66 KB
Sony-PlayStation-2-Network-Adaptor-Back.jpg 3,270 × 2,490; 2.63 MB
Sony-PlayStation-2-Network-Adaptor-Front.jpg 3,270 × 2,490; 2.53 MB
Speed touch 330 black.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.24 MB
Sterlite Technologies ADSL2+ Modem.PNG 1,075 × 660; 1.43 MB
StructModem.png 531 × 230; 4 KB
SX8500B.JPG 500 × 166; 31 KB
SX8500F.JPG 500 × 278; 28 KB
TeleGuide-terminal.jpg 1,200 × 900; 271 KB
Teletype-Bell-101C.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 2.7 MB
Teliasurfinbird.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 4.79 MB
Teltonika industrial LTE modems.jpg 1,776 × 1,232; 429 KB
Tooway satellite modem.jpg 214 × 333; 12 KB
Translation error.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 840 KB
US-Robotics-56K-Sportster-External-Fax-modem-x.2-V.90-JPEG.jpg 1,280 × 960; 96 KB
USB broadband modems.jpg 720 × 940; 34 KB
V34 modem.jpg 3,904 × 1,624; 1.43 MB
Vicmodem.jpg 4,183 × 3,170; 4 MB
WiFi 2.4GHz.png 1,436 × 620; 171 KB
Wippies modeemi sivusta.jpg 288 × 154; 9 KB
Wireless-modem.svg 512 × 512; 35 KB
Xbands.gif 250 × 216; 38 KB
Xfinity XB6-T 1 2018-07-11.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 6.11 MB
Xfinity XB6-T 2 2018-07-11.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 8.64 MB
Zentralamt für Zulassungen im Fernmeldewesen.jpg 1,680 × 2,348; 1.18 MB
Ziggo Connect Box, Oude Pekela (2018).jpg 2,160 × 3,840; 1.89 MB
Zulassungsurkunde BZT.jpg 1,564 × 2,208; 829 KB
Zulassungsurkunde ZZF.jpg 1,570 × 2,214; 2.18 MB
ZyXEL Elite 2864 gros plan.jpg 1,280 × 960; 144 KB
ZyXEL Elite 2864.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 425 KB
ZyXEL Elite 2864ID.jpg 1,381 × 1,017; 474 KB
Zyxel U-1496 mit Motorola 68000.jpg 1,820 × 1,444; 1.35 MB
Модем (11431476944).jpg 640 × 640; 56 KB
Модем4.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 580 KB
МодемЗ.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 465 KB