my favs so far.
You're so decomposing you tried to grind a total and absolute and absolute and complete spoon.
You are a piece of salad.
You're so decomposing you can't even manage a pile of 2% milk carton.
Your toe is insidious, you toxic little lump of absolute ancient grandma.
You're nothing more than a pile of malignant 2% milk carton.
You're so useless you tried to please an absolute ancient hamster.
Kill yourself, you complete mosquito lord.
You're so stupid you tried to manage a spoon.
You're even more toxic than an ancient rat.
Manage yourself, you son of a grandma.
You're even more soggy than a grandma destroyer.
You walk like a rat.
You're so dirty you can't even scramble a piece of complete and total incoherent soup.
You never grew out of being a lump of grandma.
You're like a sad excuse for a mosquito.
You're even more trash than a piece of grandma.
Thanks for making this