To Get Her
To Get Her is a romantic game where you join together words in order to join together with your significant other. Rearrange your thoughts to fully express how you really feel to her.
Game takes a while to load in browser, please be patient! Recommend you play the downloadable version first instead of the browser version (Since there's a possibility the backgrounds fail to load), but I understand if you'd rather play the browser version.
Click on tools and then to click on words to combine, swap, and delete parts of a sentence to rearrange your feelings into expressions of love. To restart a level, click on the restart tool and click on a word.
Try to solve the puzzles first! If you're really stuck, I put a walkthrough of the entire game here:
Khoi (Crow Seeds) - Programming, level design, concept, backgrounds
La Bread - Level music, level design, backgrounds, concept
Ike - Intro music
Jay - Legal Consultant 1
Faaiz - Legal Consultant 2
Mooob - Play tester, concept