TestFlight makes it easy for testers to give feedback on your apps, games, and App Clips across Apple platforms before you publish. Share your beta with just your team, or the public. Learn how to get started with TestFlight.
Get started
To get started with TestFlight, go to the Apps section of App Store Connect and select the app, game, or App Clip you want to test. You’ll then select the TestFlight tab and add test information that lets people know what you’d like them to test, along with any other relevant information they should know. You’ll also need to provide an email address so you can monitor and respond to any tester feedback. Keep in mind your beta app description and beta app review information are required in order to share your beta with external testers.
Next, upload a beta build of your app, game, or App Clip to App Store Connect. You can share up to 100 builds, and start testing multiple builds at once. Once your build is uploaded, you can invite internal and external testers.
With TestFlight, it’s easy to find and manage testers. You don’t need to keep track of UDIDs, or provision tester profiles.
Testers use the TestFlight app to view your invite and install your beta. Your invite includes your beta app description that highlights new features and content your app or game offers. Apps and games with an approved version that’s ready for distribution can also include their screenshots and app category in their invite. And if they don’t accept your invite, people can leave feedback to let you know why.
Testers can access all available beta builds you’ve shared with them, on up to 30 devices for comprehensive testing.
Create tester groups
Groups are how you organize and distribute builds to testers. You can create multiple groups and add different builds to each one. For example, you might want a specific group to focus on testing on a new platform. Additionally, you can view tester metrics to better evaluate tester engagement and manage participation.
Add internal testers
Designate up to 100 members of your development team who hold the Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, Developer, or Marketing role as beta testers. You can also choose to automatically distribute new builds to internal testers, so they’re always testing the latest updates.
Invite external testers
You can also invite up to 10,000 external testers to join your beta program. To invite external testers, you’ll first create a group in App Store Connect, add the builds you’d like them to test, and have your first build already approved by App Review for TestFlight. Your builds are automatically sent for review once they’re added to a group.
Invite external testers using your choice of:
Email. Send people an invitation with a link to install your beta and start testing. This can be an effective way to enroll testers if you have a specific people and know their email addresses.
Public links. Include a public link in your marketing communications — such as email, social media, and more — to invite people to test your beta build. If you’re new to beta testing, public links can be a great way to establish a group of testers since you don’t need to have anyone’s contact information to invite them. To more easily enroll qualified testers and get more relevant feedback, you can set criteria, such as device type and OS version, for those who enroll via your public link.
To ensure a good user experience, be thoughtful about where you share your public link and when it may be appropriate to remove it. For example, if you’ve reached your tester limit, be sure to disable your link so people who try and join your beta will know it’s no longer accepting new testers. You can view how many testers viewed and installed your beta from a public link, as well as how many people met any criteria you’ve selected in App Store Connect.
Get feedback
Feedback is a key part of using TestFlight and helps you understand how to improve your app experience. Testers can take a screenshot from your app or game and easily share feedback. They can even mark up the image with relevant feedback or suggestions. If they experience a crash, you’ll receive a crash report and testers have the option of sharing additional context to help you troubleshoot the issue.
You can view feedback in the TestFlight section of App Store Connect, including screenshots, comments related to crashes, and any additional written feedback. Filter feedback by platform or OS version to get additional insight about potential improvements. You can find out how successful your public link is at enrolling testers for your app as well as understand how many testers viewed and accepted your invite. If you’ve chosen to set criteria for the public link, you can also view how many testers didn’t meet the criteria.
Submit and publish
When you’ve finished testing, be sure to incorporate any feedback before you distribute your app, game, or App Clip. Any builds you’ve already added in TestFlight will appear in App Store Connect. Simply select the build you wish to publish and submit it for review.
Follow Lee on X/Twitter - Father, Husband, Serial builder creating AI, crypto, games & web tools. We are friends :) AI Will Come To Life!