• Signature
  • Accent
  • Accessible name
  • Algorithm
  • ALPN
  • Argument
  • Array
  • ATAG
  • Bandwidth
  • Baseline (typography)
  • BiDi
  • Blink
  • Block (scripting)
  • Boolean (JavaScript)
  • Breadcrumb
  • Buffer
  • CalDAV
  • Canonical order
  • Caret
  • Challenge-response authentication
  • Character set
  • Cipher suite
  • Closure
  • Code point
  • Color space
  • Composite operation
  • Constructor
  • Cookie
  • CORS-safelisted response header
  • Cross Axis
  • Cryptographic hash function
  • CSS
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Decryption
  • Deno
  • Device pixel
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
  • Document directive
  • Domain name
  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
  • Dynamic typing
  • Element
  • Engine
    1. Entity header
    2. Event
    3. Fallback alignment
    4. Fetch directive
    5. Firewall
    6. First Input Delay (FID) Deprecated
    7. Flex
    8. Flow relative values
    9. Fragmentainer
    10. Function
    11. Gecko
    12. Global object
    13. Google Chrome
    14. Grid
    15. Grid Column
    16. Grid Tracks
    17. Hash
    18. HMAC
    19. Houdini
    20. HTML color codes
    21. HTTP header
    22. HTTPS RR
    23. ICANN
    24. Identifier
    25. IIFE
    26. Information architecture
    27. Input method editor
    28. Internationalization (i18n)
    29. IP Address
    30. ISO
    31. Java
    32. JSON
    33. Key
    34. Layout mode
    35. LGPL
    36. Local variable
    37. Long task
    38. LTR (Left To Right)
    39. MathML
    40. Media query
    41. Microsoft Internet Explorer
    42. Minification
    43. Modem
    44. MVC
    45. Native
    46. NNTP
    47. Node.js
    48. Nullish value
    49. OOP
    50. Operand
    51. OWASP
    52. Page load time
    53. Parse
    54. PDF
    55. Physical properties
    56. Plugin
    57. POP3
    58. Prerender
    59. Privileged code
    60. Property
      1. Prototype
      2. Pseudo-element
      3. Quality values
      4. Random Number Generator
      5. Real User Monitoring (RUM)
      6. Relying party
      7. Replay attack
      8. Request header
      9. REST
      10. Round Trip Time (RTT)
      11. RTCP (RTP Control Protocol)
      12. RTSP: Real-time streaming protocol
      13. Salt
      14. Screen reader
      15. Scroll container
      16. SDP
      17. Selector (CSS)
      18. Serialization
      19. Session Hijacking
      20. Shim
      21. SIMD
      22. SLD
      23. SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)
      24. SOAP
      25. Speculative parsing
      26. SRI
      27. Static method
      28. Strict mode
      29. Style origin
      30. SVN
      31. Syntax
      32. Table Wrapper Box
      33. TCP slow start
      34. Thread
      35. Time to interactive
      36. Transient activation
      37. Truthy
      38. Type coercion
      39. UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
      40. Unix time
      41. Usenet
      42. UX
      43. Vendor Prefix
      44. VoIP
      45. Web performance
      46. WebDAV
      47. WebKit
      48. WebSockets
      49. WindowProxy
      50. XForms Deprecated
      51. XML
      52. XSLT
      53. protocol showing that a message is authentic.

        From the key.

        On receiving the message, the verification process

        • authenticates the sender - uses the sender's public key to decrypt the signature and recover the hash, which can only be created with the sender's private key, and
        • checks message integrity - compares the hash with a newly calculated one from the received document (the two hashes will differ if the document has been tampered with)

        The system fails if the private key is compromised or the recipient is deceitfully given the wrong public key.

        Digital signatures rely on asymmetric cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography.

  • See also