• Beginner's tutorials
  • Getting started with CSS
  • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
  • CSS values and units
  • Images, media, and form elements
  • Challenge: Creating fancy letterheaded paper
  • Styling lists
  • CSS layout
    1. Flexbox
    2. Challenge: Fundamental layout comprehension
  • CSS backgrounds and borders
  • CSS box sizing
  • CSS compositing and blending
  • CSS custom properties for cascading variables
  • CSS font loading
  • CSS grid layout
  • CSS logical properties and values
  • CSS multi-column layout
  • CSS overscroll behavior
  • CSS pseudo-elements
  • CSS scroll snap
  • CSS shadow parts
  • CSS text
  • CSS values and units
  • -moz-float-edge Non-standard Deprecated
  • -moz-force-broken-image-icon Non-standard Deprecated
  • -moz-image-region Non-standard
  • -moz-orient Non-standard
  • -moz-user-focus Non-standard Deprecated
  • -moz-user-input Non-standard Deprecated
  • -webkit-*
    1. -webkit-border-before Non-standard
    2. -webkit-box-reflect Non-standard
    3. -webkit-mask-box-image Non-standard
    4. -webkit-mask-composite Non-standard
    5. -webkit-mask-position-x Non-standard
    6. -webkit-mask-position-y Non-standard
    7. -webkit-mask-repeat-x Non-standard
    8. -webkit-mask-repeat-y Non-standard
    9. -webkit-tap-highlight-color Non-standard
    10. -webkit-text-security Non-standard
    11. -webkit-touch-callout Non-standard
  • align-items
  • anchor-name Experimental
  • animation-*
    1. animation-direction
    2. animation-name
    3. animation-range Experimental
    4. animation-range-end Experimental
    5. animation-range-start Experimental
    6. animation-timeline Experimental
    7. backdrop-filter
    8. background-blend-mode
    9. background-origin
    10. background-repeat
    11. border-block
    12. border-block-end-style
    13. border-block-start-style
    14. border-bottom
    15. border-bottom-style
    16. border-end-end-radius
    17. border-image-repeat
    18. border-inline
    19. border-inline-end-style
    20. border-inline-start-style
    21. border-left
    22. border-radius
    23. border-right-width
    24. border-style
    25. border-top-right-radius
    26. bottom
    27. box-*
      1. box-align Non-standard Deprecated
      2. box-direction Non-standard Deprecated
      3. box-flex Non-standard Deprecated
      4. box-flex-group Non-standard Deprecated
      5. box-lines Non-standard Deprecated
      6. box-ordinal-group Non-standard Deprecated
      7. box-orient Non-standard Deprecated
      8. box-pack Non-standard Deprecated
      9. break-before
      10. clear
      11. clip-*
        1. clip Deprecated
        2. color-interpolation
        3. column-fill
        4. column-rule-style
        5. columns
        6. contain-*
          1. contain-intrinsic-inline-size
          2. container-name
          3. counter-increment
          4. cx
          5. display
          6. field-sizing Experimental
          7. fill-*
            1. filter
            2. flex-*
              1. flex-flow
              2. float
              3. font-family
              4. font-optical-sizing
              5. font-smooth Non-standard
              6. font-stretch Deprecated
              7. font-synthesis-position Experimental
              8. font-variant
              9. font-variant-emoji
              10. font-variation-settings
              11. grid
              12. grid-auto-rows
              13. grid-row
              14. grid-template-areas
              15. height
              16. image-orientation
              17. image-resolution Experimental
            3. inset-block
            4. inset-inline-end
            5. interpolate-size Experimental
            6. justify-self
          8. line-break
          9. line-height-step Experimental
        7. list-*
          1. list-style-type
        8. margin-*
          1. margin-block-start
          2. margin-inline-start
          3. margin-trim Experimental
        9. marker-*
          1. marker-start
        10. mask-*
          1. mask-border-outset
          2. mask-border-width
          3. mask-mode
          4. mask-size
          5. math-shift Experimental
          6. max-inline-size
          7. min-inline-size
          8. object-position
          9. offset-*
            1. offset-path
            2. order
            3. outline-offset
            4. overflow-anchor
            5. overflow-wrap
            6. overlay Experimental
            7. overscroll-*
              1. overscroll-behavior-x
              2. padding-block-end
              3. padding-inline-end
              4. padding-top
            8. page-*
              1. page-break-after Deprecated
              2. page-break-before Deprecated
              3. page-break-inside Deprecated
            9. place-content
            10. position
            11. position-anchor Experimental
            12. position-area Experimental
            13. position-try Experimental
            14. position-try-fallbacks Experimental
            15. position-try-order Experimental
            16. position-visibility Experimental
          10. resize
          11. ruby-align
          12. scale
          13. scroll-*
            1. scroll-margin-block-end
            2. scroll-margin-inline-end
            3. scroll-margin-top
            4. scroll-padding-block-start
            5. scroll-padding-inline-start
            6. scroll-snap-align
            7. scroll-timeline Experimental
            8. scroll-timeline-axis Experimental
            9. scroll-timeline-name Experimental
          14. scrollbar-*
            1. shape-image-threshold
            2. speak-as Experimental
            3. stroke-dasharray
            4. stroke-miterlimit
            5. table-layout
            6. text-*
              1. text-box
              2. text-decoration
              3. text-decoration-skip Experimental
              4. text-emphasis
              5. text-indent
              6. text-rendering
              7. text-size-adjust Experimental
              8. text-spacing-trim Experimental
              9. text-wrap
              10. timeline-scope Experimental
              11. transform-box
              12. transition-behavior
              13. transition-timing-function
            7. user-modify Non-standard Deprecated
            8. view-timeline Experimental
            9. view-timeline-axis Experimental
            10. view-timeline-inset Experimental
            11. view-timeline-name Experimental
            12. white-space-collapse
            13. word-break
            14. y
            15. Attribute selectors
            16. Universal selectors
          15. Combinators
            1. Column combinator Experimental
            2. Selector list
            3. :-moz-broken Non-standard Deprecated
            4. :-moz-drag-over Non-standard
            5. :-moz-first-node Experimental Non-standard
            6. :-moz-handler-blocked Non-standard
            7. :-moz-handler-crashed Non-standard
            8. :-moz-handler-disabled Non-standard
            9. :-moz-last-node Experimental Non-standard
            10. :-moz-loading Non-standard
            11. :-moz-locale-dir(ltr) Non-standard
            12. :-moz-locale-dir(rtl) Non-standard
            13. :-moz-only-whitespace Non-standard
            14. :-moz-submit-invalid Non-standard
            15. :-moz-suppressed Non-standard
            16. :-moz-user-disabled Non-standard
            17. :-moz-window-inactive Non-standard
          16. :blank Experimental
          17. :current Experimental
          18. :disabled
          19. :first-child
          20. :focus-within
        11. :has()
        12. :hover
        13. :is()
        14. :left
        15. :local-link Experimental
        16. :nth-child()
        17. :only-child
        18. :out-of-range
        19. :placeholder-shown
        20. :read-write
        21. :scope
        22. :target
        23. :target-within Experimental
        24. :visited
        25. ::-moz-color-swatch Non-standard
        26. ::-moz-focus-inner Experimental Non-standard
        27. ::-moz-list-bullet Experimental Non-standard
        28. ::-moz-list-number Experimental Non-standard
        29. ::-moz-meter-bar Non-standard
        30. ::-moz-progress-bar Experimental Non-standard
        31. ::-moz-range-progress Non-standard
        32. ::-moz-range-thumb Non-standard
        33. ::-moz-range-track Non-standard
      12. ::-webkit-*
        1. ::-webkit-inner-spin-button Non-standard
        2. ::-webkit-meter-bar Non-standard Deprecated
        3. ::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value Non-standard
        4. ::-webkit-meter-inner-element Non-standard
        5. ::-webkit-meter-optimum-value Non-standard
        6. ::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value Non-standard
        7. ::-webkit-progress-bar Non-standard
        8. ::-webkit-progress-inner-element Non-standard
        9. ::-webkit-progress-value Non-standard
        10. ::-webkit-scrollbar Non-standard
        11. ::-webkit-search-cancel-button Non-standard
        12. ::-webkit-search-results-button Non-standard
        13. ::-webkit-slider-runnable-track Non-standard
        14. ::-webkit-slider-thumb Non-standard
      13. ::cue
      14. ::first-line
      15. ::part()
      16. ::spelling-error
      17. ::view-transition-image-pair
      18. @color-profile
      19. @document Non-standard Deprecated
      20. @import
      21. @namespace
      22. @position-try Experimental
      23. @supports
      24. -moz-image-rect Non-standard Deprecated
      25. anchor-size() Experimental
      26. anchor() Experimental
      27. attr()
      28. calc-size() Experimental
      29. color-mix()
      30. cos()
      31. cubic-bezier()
      32. element() Experimental
      33. fit-content()
      34. hwb()
      35. inset()
      36. lch()
      37. log()
      38. min()
      39. oklch()
      40. palette-mix() Experimental
      41. scale3d()
      42. scroll() Experimental
      43. sin()
      44. steps()
      45. translateZ()
      46. view() Experimental
      47. <angle-percentage>
      48. <blend-mode>
      49. <color-interpolation-method>
      50. <custom-ident>
      51. <display-inside>
      52. <display-outside>
      53. <frequency-percentage>
      54. <hex-color>
      55. <image>
      56. <line-style>
      57. <overflow>
      58. <position-area> Experimental
      59. <resolution>
      60. <shape> Deprecated
      61. <time-percentage>
      62. Guides
      63. Animations
        1. Box alignment in block layout
        2. Introduction to the CSS basic box model
        3. Using relative colors
        4. Basic concepts of multi-column layout
        5. Handling content breaks in multi-column layout
      64. Conditional rules
        1. Using container size and style queries
      65. CSSOM view
        1. Introduction to formatting contexts
        2. Basic concepts of flexbox
        3. Controlling ratios of flex items along the main axis
        4. Variable fonts guide
      66. Grid
        1. Grid template areas
        2. Grids, logical values, and writing modes
        3. Masonry layout Experimental
      67. Images
        1. Basic concepts of logical properties and values
        2. Using CSS math functions
      68. Media queries
        1. Printing
      69. Nesting style rules
        1. Understanding z-index
      70. Scroll snap
        1. Basic shapes with shape-outside
        2. Using CSS transitions
      71. Center an element
      72. List group with badges
      73. Color picker tool
      74. @property at-rule or by var() function (e.g., color: var(--primary-color);).

        Complex websites have very large amounts of CSS, and this often results in a lot of repeated CSS values. For example, it's common to see the same color used in hundreds of different places in stylesheets. Changing a color that's been duplicated in many places requires a search and replace across all rules and CSS files. Custom properties allow a value to be defined in one place, then referenced in multiple other places so that it's easier to work with. Another benefit is readability and semantics. For example, --main-text-color is easier to understand than the hexadecimal color #00ff00, especially if the color is used in different contexts.

        Custom properties defined cascade and inherit their value from their parent. The @property at-rule allows more control over the custom property and lets you specify whether it inherits its value from a parent, what the initial value is, and the type constraints that should apply.

        Note: Variables do not work inside media queries and container queries. You can use the var() function in any part of a value in any property on an element. You cannot use var() for property names, selectors, or anything aside from property values, which means you can't use it in a media query or container query.

  • Declaring custom properties

    In CSS, you can declare a custom property using two dashes as a prefix for the property name, or by using the @property at-rule. The following sections describe how to use these two methods.

    Using a prefix of two dashes (--)

    A custom property prefixed with two dashes begins with --, followed by the property name (e.g., --my-property), and a property value that can be any valid CSS value. Like any other property, this is written inside a ruleset. The following example shows how to create a custom property --main-bg-color and uses a <named-color> value of brown:

    section {
      --main-bg-color: brown;

    The selector given to the ruleset (<section> elements in the example above) defines the scope in which the custom property can be used. For this reason, a common practice is to define custom properties on the :root pseudo-class, so that it can be referenced globally:

    :root {
      --main-bg-color: brown;

    This doesn't always have to be the case: you maybe have a good reason for limiting the scope of your custom properties.

    Note: Custom property names are case sensitive — --my-color will be treated as a separate custom property to --My-color.

    Using the @property at-rule

    The @property at-rule allows you to be more expressive with the definition of a custom property with the ability to associate a type with the property, set default values, and control inheritance. The following example creates a custom property called --logo-color which expects a <color>:

    @property --logo-color {
      syntax: "<color>";
      inherits: false;
      initial-value: #c0ffee;

    If you want to define or work with custom properties in JavaScript instead of directly in CSS, there is a corresponding API for this purpose. You can read about how this works in the var() function in place of a standard property value:

    details {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);

    First steps with custom properties

    Let's start with some HTML that we would like to apply some styles to. There is a <div> that acts as a container that includes some child elements, some with nested elements:

    <div class="container">
      <div class="one">
      <div class="two">
        <div class="three">
      <input class="four" placeholder="Four" />
      <textarea class="five">Five</textarea>

    We will use the following CSS to style a few different elements based on their classes (some layout rules are not shown below so we can focus on colors). Depending on their classes, we're giving elements cornflowerblue or aquamarine background colors:

    /* For each class, set some colors */
    .one {
      background-color: cornflowerblue;
    .two {
      color: black;
      background-color: aquamarine;
    .three {
      background-color: cornflowerblue;
    .four {
      background-color: cornflowerblue;
    .five {
      background-color: cornflowerblue;

    This produces the following result:

    There's an opportunity to use custom properties to replace repetitive values across these rules. After defining --main-bg-color in the .container scope and referencing its value in multiple places, the updated styles look like this:

    /* Define --main-bg-color here */
    .container {
      --main-bg-color: cornflowerblue;
    /* For each class, set some colors */
    .one {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .two {
      color: black;
      background-color: aquamarine;
    .three {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .four {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .five {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);

    Using the :root pseudo-class

    For some CSS declarations, it is possible to declare this higher in the cascade and let CSS inheritance solve this problem. For non-trivial projects, this is not always possible. By declaring a custom property on the :root pseudo-class and using it where needed throughout the document, a CSS author can reduce the need for repetition:

    /* Define --main-bg-color here */
    :root {
      --main-bg-color: cornflowerblue;
    /* For each class, set some colors */
    .one {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .two {
      color: black;
      background-color: aquamarine;
    .three {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .four {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);
    .five {
      background-color: var(--main-bg-color);

    This leads to the same result as the previous example, yet allows for one canonical declaration of the desired property value (--main-bg-color: cornflowerblue;), which is very useful if you want to change the value across the entire project later.

    Inheritance of custom properties

    A custom property defined using two dashes -- instead of @property always inherits the value of its parent. This is demonstrated in the following example:

    <div class="one">
      <div class="two">
        <div class="three"><p>Three</p></div>
        <div class="four"><p>Four</p></div>
    div {
      background-color: var(--box-color);
    .two {
      --box-color: cornflowerblue;
    .three {
      --box-color: aquamarine;

    The results of var(--box-color) depending on inheritance are as follows:

    • class="one": invalid value, which is the default value of a custom property defined in this way
    • class="two": cornflowerblue
    • class="three": aquamarine
    • class="four": cornflowerblue (inherited from its parent)

    One aspect of custom properties that the examples above demonstrate is that they don't behave exactly like variables in other programming languages. The value is computed where it is needed, not stored and reused in other places of a stylesheet. For instance, you cannot set a property's value and expect to retrieve the value in a sibling's descendant's rule. The property is only set for the matching selector and its descendants.

    Using @property to control inheritance

    The @property at-rule lets you explicitly state whether the property inherits or not. The following example creates a custom property using the @property at-rule. Inheritance is disabled, there's a <color> data type defined, and an initial value of cornflowerblue.

    The parent element sets --box-color to a value of green and uses --box-color as a value for its background color. The child element also uses background-color: var(--box-color), and we would expect it to have the color green if inheritance was enabled (or if it was defined using the double dash syntax).

    <div class="parent">
      <p>Parent element</p>
      <div class="child">
        <p>Child element with inheritance disabled for --box-color.</p>
    @property --box-color {
      syntax: "<color>";
      inherits: false;
      initial-value: cornflowerblue;
    .parent {
      --box-color: green;
      background-color: var(--box-color);
    .child {
      width: 80%;
      height: 40%;
      background-color: var(--box-color);

    Because inherits: false; is set in the at-rule, and a value for the --box-color property is not declared within the .child scope, the initial value of cornflowerblue is used instead of green that would have been inherited from the parent:

    Custom property fallback values

    You can define fallback values for custom properties using the var() function, and the initial-value of the @property at-rule.

    Note: Fallback values aren't used to fix compatibility issues for when CSS custom properties are not supported, as the fallback value won't help in this case. Fallbacks cover the case where the browser supports CSS custom properties and is able to use a different value if the desired variable isn't defined yet or has an invalid value.

    Defining fallbacks in the var() function

    Using the Shadow DOM.

    The first argument to the function is the name of the custom property. The second argument to the function is an optional fallback value, which is used as the substitution value when the referenced custom property is invalid. The function accepts two parameters, assigning everything following the first comma as the second parameter. If the second parameter is invalid, the fallback will fail. For example:

    .one {
      /* Red if --my-var is not defined */
      color: var(--my-var, red);
    .two {
      /* pink if --my-var and --my-background are not defined */
      color: var(--my-var, var(--my-background, pink));
    .three {
      /* Invalid: "--my-background, pink" */
      color: var(--my-var, --my-background, pink);

    Including a custom property as a fallback, as seen in the second example above (var(--my-var, var(--my-background, pink))), is the correct way to provide more than one fallback with var(). You should be aware of the performance impact of this method, however, as it takes more time to parse through the nested variables.

    Note: The syntax of the fallback, like that of custom properties, allows commas. For example, var(--foo, red, blue) defines a fallback of red, blue — anything between the first comma and the end of the function is considered a fallback value.

    Fallbacks using the @property initial value

    Aside from using var(), the initial-value defined in the @property at-rule can be used as a fallback mechanism. In fact, we've already seen this in the @property inheritance section.

    The following example sets an initial value of --box-color to cornflowerblue using the @property at-rule. In the ruleset following the at-rule, we want to set --box-color to aquamarine, but there's a typo in the value name. The same is true for the third <div> where we've used 2rem for the custom property that's expecting a valid <color> value. Both 2rem and aqumarine are invalid color values, so the initial value of cornflowerblue is applied:

    @property --box-color {
      syntax: "<color>";
      initial-value: cornflowerblue;
      inherits: false;
    .one {
      --box-color: aquamarine;
      background-color: var(--box-color);
    .two {
      --box-color: aqumarine;
      background-color: var(--box-color);
    .three {
      --box-color: 2rem;
      background-color: var(--box-color);

    However, when the values of custom properties are parsed, the browser doesn't yet know where they will be used, so it must consider nearly all values as valid. Unfortunately, these valid values can be used, via the var() functional notation, in a context where they might not make sense. Properties and custom variables can lead to invalid CSS statements, leading to the concept of valid at computed time.

    When the browser encounters an invalid var() substitution, then the inherited value of the property is used. This example is just like the last one, except we use a custom property.

    The browser substitutes the value of --text-color in place of var(--text-color), but 16px is not a valid property value for color. After substitution, the property doesn't make sense., so the browser handles this situation in two steps:

    1. Check if the property color is inheritable. It is, but this <p> doesn't have any parent with the color property set. So we move on to the next step.
    2. Set the value to its default initial value, which is black.
    <p>This paragraph is initially black.</p>
    :root {
      --text-color: 16px;
    p {
      color: blue;
    p {
      color: var(--text-color);

    For such cases, the @property at-rule can prevent unexpected results by allowing to define the initial value of the property:

    <p>This paragraph is initially black.</p>
    @property --text-color {
      syntax: "<color>";
      inherits: false;
      initial-value: cornflowerblue;
    :root {
      --text-color: 16px;
    p {
      color: blue;
    p {
      color: var(--text-color);

    Values in JavaScript

    To use the values of custom properties in JavaScript, it is just like standard properties.

    / get variable from inline style
    / get variable from wherever
    / set variable on inline style
    element.style.setProperty("--my-var", jsVar + 4);

    See also