• Web APIs
  • Navigator
  • Instance properties
    1. activeVRDisplays Non-standard Deprecated
    2. appCodeName Deprecated
    3. appName Deprecated
    4. appVersion Deprecated
    5. bluetooth Experimental
    6. buildID Non-standard
    7. contacts Experimental
    8. devicePosture Experimental
    9. doNotTrack Non-standard Deprecated
    10. globalPrivacyControl Experimental
    11. gpu Experimental
    12. hid Experimental
    13. ink Experimental
    14. keyboard Experimental
    15. login Experimental
    16. mediaSession
    17. mimeTypes Deprecated
    18. oscpu Deprecated
    19. platform Deprecated
    20. plugins Deprecated
    21. product Deprecated
    22. productSub Deprecated
    23. scheduling Experimental
    24. serial Experimental
    25. userActivation
    26. userAgentData Experimental
    27. vendor Deprecated
    28. vendorSub Deprecated
    29. virtualKeyboard Experimental
    30. xr Experimental
  • Instance methods
    1. deprecatedReplaceInURN() Experimental
    2. getAutoplayPolicy() Experimental
    3. getInstalledRelatedApps() Experimental
    4. getUserMedia() Deprecated
    5. getVRDisplays() Non-standard Deprecated
    6. javaEnabled() Deprecated
    7. sendBeacon()
    8. taintEnabled() Deprecated
    9. DOMStringMap
    10. HTMLAudioElement
    11. HTMLButtonElement
    12. HTMLDataListElement
    13. HTMLElement
    14. HTMLFormElement
    15. HTMLFrameSetElement Deprecated
    16. HTMLHtmlElement
    17. HTMLLIElement
    18. HTMLMapElement
    19. HTMLMeterElement
    20. HTMLOptGroupElement
    21. HTMLParagraphElement
    22. HTMLQuoteElement
    23. HTMLSpanElement
    24. HTMLTableColElement
    25. HTMLTemplateElement
    26. HTMLTrackElement
    27. HashChangeEvent
    28. MessageChannel
    29. PageSwapEvent
    30. Plugin Deprecated
    31. PluginArray Deprecated
    32. ValidityState
    33. Learn more
    34. See full compatibility
  • The maxTouchPoints read-only property of the Navigator interface returns the maximum number of simultaneous touch contact points that are supported by the current device.


    A number.


    if (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1) {
      / browser supports multi-touch


    Product help
  • Instance properties
    1. appVersion\nDeprecated\n
    2. connection
    3. deviceMemory
    4. globalPrivacyControl\nExperimental\n
    5. ink\nExperimental\n
    6. locks
    7. mediaDevices
    8. oscpu\nDeprecated\n
    9. plugins\nDeprecated\n
    10. scheduling\nExperimental\n
    11. usb
    12. vendor\nDeprecated\n
    13. webdriver
    14. clearAppBadge()
    15. getGamepads()
    16. javaEnabled()\nDeprecated\n
    17. sendBeacon()
    18. unregisterProtocolHandler()
    19. ErrorEvent
    20. HTMLBRElement
    21. HTMLCanvasElement
    22. HTMLDialogElement
    23. HTMLEmbedElement
    24. HTMLFrameSetElement\nDeprecated\n
    25. HTMLHtmlElement
    26. HTMLLIElement
    27. HTMLMapElement
    28. HTMLMeterElement
    29. HTMLOptGroupElement
    30. HTMLParagraphElement
    31. HTMLQuoteElement
    32. HTMLSpanElement
    33. HTMLTableColElement
    34. HTMLTemplateElement
    35. HTMLTrackElement
    36. HashChangeEvent
    37. MessageChannel
    38. PageSwapEvent
    39. PromiseRejectionEvent
    40. Window
    41. WorkletGlobalScope
  • ","source":{"folder":"en-us/web/api/navigator/maxtouchpoints","github_url":"https://github.com/mdn/content/blob/main/files/en-us/web/api/navigator/maxtouchpoints/index.md","last_commit_url":"https://github.com/mdn/content/commit/a77040afd58b77d50a6f4cbb94823c44bfba9d26","filename":"index.md"},"summary":"The maxTouchPoints read-only property of the\nNavigator interface returns the maximum number of simultaneous touch\ncontact points that are supported by the current device.","title":"Navigator: maxTouchPoints property","toc":[{"text":"Value","id":"value"},{"text":"Examples","id":"examples"},{"text":"Specifications","id":"specifications"},{"text":"Browser compatibility","id":"browser_compatibility"}],"baseline":{"baseline":"high","baseline_low_date":"2020-07-28","baseline_high_date":"2023-01-28","support":{"chrome":"55","chrome_android":"55","edge":"12","firefox":"59","firefox_android":"79","safari":"13","safari_ios":"13"}},"browserCompat":["api.Navigator.maxTouchPoints"],"pageType":"web-api-instance-property"}}

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