The @import
at-rule is used to import style rules from other valid stylesheets.
An @import
rule must be defined at the top of the stylesheet, before any other at-rule (except @layer) and style declarations, or it will be ignored.
The @import
at-rule is used to import style rules from other valid stylesheets.
An @import
rule must be defined at the top of the stylesheet, before any other at-rule (except @layer) and style declarations, or it will be ignored.
@import url;
@import url layer;
@import url layer(layer-name);
@import url layer(layer-name) supports(supports-condition);
@import url layer(layer-name) supports(supports-condition) list-of-media-queries;
@import url layer(layer-name) list-of-media-queries;
@import url supports(supports-condition);
@import url supports(supports-condition) list-of-media-queries;
@import url list-of-media-queries;
Is a <url>
type representing the location of the resource to import. The URL may be absolute or relative.
Is a comma-separated list of media queries, which specify the media-dependent conditions for applying the CSS rules defined in the linked URL. If the browser does not support any of these queries, it does not load the linked resource.
Is the name of a cascade layer into which the contents of the linked resource are imported.
Indicates the feature(s) that the browser must support in order for the stylesheet to be imported.
If the browser does not conform to the conditions specified in the supports-condition, it may not fetch the linked stylesheet, and even if downloaded through some other path, will not load it.
The syntax of supports()
is almost identical to that described in @supports
, and that topic can be used as a more complete reference.
Use @import
together with the layer
keyword or layer()
function to import external style sheets (from frameworks, widget stylesheets, libraries, etc.) into layers.
Imported rules must come before all other types of rules, except @layer
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* more styles */
@import url("my-imported-styles.css");
As the @import
at-rule is declared after the styles it is invalid and hence ignored.
@import url("my-imported-styles.css");
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* more styles */
The @import
rule is not a conditional group at-rules.
So that media queries after the URL. In the absence of any media query, the import is not conditional on the media used. Specifying all
for the list-of-media-queries
has the same effect.
Similarly, user agents can use the supports()
function in an @import
at-rule to only fetch resources if a particular feature set is (or is not) supported.
This allows authors to take advantage of recently introduced CSS features, while providing graceful fallbacks for older browser versions.
Note that the conditions in the supports()
function of an @import
at-rule can be obtained in JavaScript using CSSImportRule.supportsText
The @import
rule can also be used to create a <string> ][ '.' [ supports( ] ) ?
<url()> =
url( |
* )
<supports-condition> =
not <supports-in-parens> * *
<supports-in-parens> =
( <supports-condition> ) <declaration> )
@import "custom.css";
@import url("chrome://communicator/skin/");
The two examples above show how to specify the url as a <string>
and as a url()
@import url("fine-print.css") print;
@import url("bluish.css") print, screen;
@import "common.css" screen;
@import url("landscape.css") screen and (orientation: landscape);
The @import
rules in the above examples show media-dependent conditions that will need to be true before the linked CSS rules are applied. So for instance, the last @import
rule will load the landscape.css
stylesheet only on a screen device in landscape orientation.
@import url("gridy.css") supports(display: grid) screen and (max-width: 400px);
@import url("flexy.css") supports((not (display: grid)) and (display: flex))
screen and (max-width: 400px);
The @import
rules above illustrate how you might import a layout that uses a grid if display: grid
is supported, and otherwise imports CSS that uses display: flex
While you can only have one supports()
statement, you can combine any number of feature checks with not
, and
, and or
. However, you must use parenthesis to define precedence when you mix them, e.g. supports((..) or (..) and not (..))
is invalid, but supports((..) or ((..) and (not (..))))
is valid.
Note that if you just have a single declaration then you don't need to wrap it in additional parentheses: this is shown in the first example above.
The examples above show support conditions using basic declaration syntax.
You can also specify CSS functions in supports()
, and it will evaluate to true
if they are supported and can be evaluated on the user-agent.
For example, the code below shows an @import
that is conditional on both child combinators (selector()
) and the font-tech()
@import url("whatever.css")
supports((selector(h2 > p)) and (font-tech(color-COLRv1)));
@import "theme.css" layer(utilities);
In the above example, a cascade layer named utilities
is created and it will include rules from the imported stylesheet theme
@import url(headings.css) layer(default);
@import url(links.css) layer(default);
@layer default {
audio[controls] {
display: block;
In the above example, the rules in headings.css
and links.css
stylesheets cascade within the same layer as the audio[controls]
@import "theme.css" layer();
@import "style.css" layer;
This is an example of creating two separate unnamed cascade layers and importing the linked rules into each one separately. A cascade layer declared without a name is an unnamed cascade layer. Unnamed cascade layers are finalized when created: they do not provide any means for re-arranging or adding styles and they cannot be referenced from outside.
Specification |
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5 # at-import |
BCD tables only load in the browser