• An overview of HTTP
  • Compression in HTTP
  • Redirections in HTTP
  • Connection management in HTTP/1.x
  • HTTP Client hints
  • Security and privacy
    1. Permissions Policy Experimental
    2. Headers
  • References
  • HTTP headers
    1. Accept-Language
    2. Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
    3. Access-Control-Expose-Headers
    4. Age
    5. Attribution-Reporting-Eligible Experimental
    6. Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source Experimental
    7. Attribution-Reporting-Register-Trigger Experimental
    8. Connection
    9. Content-DPR Non-standard Deprecated
    10. Content-Location
    11. Content-Type
    12. Critical-CH Experimental
    13. Date
    14. DNT Non-standard Deprecated
    15. Downlink Experimental
    16. DPR Non-standard Deprecated
    17. Early-Data Experimental
    18. ECT Experimental
    19. Expect-CT Deprecated
    20. Host
    21. If-Range
    22. Link
    23. NEL Experimental
    24. No-Vary-Search Experimental
    25. Observe-Browsing-Topics Experimental Non-standard
    26. Origin-Agent-Cluster Experimental
    27. Permissions-Policy Experimental
    28. Pragma Deprecated
    29. Range
    30. Report-To Non-standard Deprecated
    31. Reporting-Endpoints Experimental
    32. RTT Experimental
    33. Save-Data Experimental
    34. Sec-Browsing-Topics Experimental Non-standard
    35. Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme Experimental
    36. Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Motion Experimental
    37. Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Transparency Experimental
    38. Sec-CH-UA Experimental
    39. Sec-CH-UA-Arch Experimental
    40. Sec-CH-UA-Bitness Experimental
    41. Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factors Experimental
    42. Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version Deprecated
    43. Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List Experimental
    44. Sec-CH-UA-Mobile Experimental
    45. Sec-CH-UA-Model Experimental
    46. Sec-CH-UA-Platform Experimental
    47. Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version Experimental
    48. Sec-CH-UA-WoW64 Experimental
    49. Sec-Fetch-User
    50. Sec-GPC Experimental
    51. Sec-WebSocket-Key
    52. Server-Timing
    53. Set-Cookie
    54. Set-Login Experimental
    55. Speculation-Rules Experimental
    56. Supports-Loading-Mode Experimental
    57. Tk Non-standard Deprecated
    58. Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
    59. Viewport-Width Non-standard Deprecated
    60. Warning Deprecated
    61. Width Non-standard Deprecated
    62. X-DNS-Prefetch-Control Non-standard
    63. X-Forwarded-For Non-standard
    64. X-Forwarded-Host Non-standard
    65. X-Forwarded-Proto Non-standard
    66. X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies Non-standard
    67. X-Powered-By Non-standard
    68. X-Robots-Tag Non-standard
    69. X-XSS-Protection Non-standard Deprecated
  • HTTP request methods
    1. HEAD
    2. PUT
    3. 102 Processing
    4. 202 Accepted
    5. 206 Partial Content
    6. 300 Multiple Choices
    7. 304 Not Modified
    8. 401 Unauthorized
    9. 405 Method Not Allowed
    10. 409 Conflict
    11. 413 Content Too Large
    12. 417 Expectation Failed
    13. 423 Locked
    14. 428 Precondition Required
    15. 500 Internal Server Error
    16. 504 Gateway Timeout
    17. 508 Loop Detected
    18. CSP: block-all-mixed-content Deprecated
    19. CSP: fenced-frame-src Experimental
    20. CSP: frame-src
    21. CSP: object-src
    22. CSP: prefetch-src Non-standard Deprecated
    23. CSP: report-uri Deprecated
    24. CSP: require-trusted-types-for Experimental
    25. CSP: script-src-elem
    26. CSP: trusted-types Experimental
    27. Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not match 'xyz'
    28. Reason: CORS request did not succeed
    29. Reason: Did not find method in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
    30. Reason: missing token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' from CORS preflight channel
    31. Permissions-Policy: accelerometer Experimental
    32. Permissions-Policy: ambient-light-sensor Experimental
    33. Permissions-Policy: attribution-reporting Experimental
    34. Permissions-Policy: autoplay Experimental
    35. Permissions-Policy: bluetooth Experimental
    36. Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics Experimental Non-standard
    37. Permissions-Policy: camera Experimental
    38. Permissions-Policy: compute-pressure Experimental
    39. Permissions-Policy: cross-origin-isolated Experimental
    40. Permissions-Policy: display-capture Experimental
    41. Permissions-Policy: document-domain Experimental
    42. Permissions-Policy: encrypted-media Experimental
    43. Permissions-Policy: fullscreen Experimental
    44. Permissions-Policy: gamepad Experimental
    45. Permissions-Policy: geolocation Experimental
    46. Permissions-Policy: gyroscope Experimental
    47. Permissions-Policy: hid Experimental
    48. Permissions-Policy: identity-credentials-get Experimental
    49. Permissions-Policy: idle-detection Experimental
    50. Permissions-Policy: local-fonts Experimental
    51. Permissions-Policy: magnetometer Experimental
    52. Permissions-Policy: microphone Experimental
    53. Permissions-Policy: midi Experimental
    54. Permissions-Policy: otp-credentials Experimental
    55. Permissions-Policy: payment Experimental
    56. Permissions-Policy: picture-in-picture Experimental
    57. Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-create Experimental
    58. Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-get Experimental
    59. Permissions-Policy: screen-wake-lock Experimental
    60. Permissions-Policy: serial Experimental
    61. Permissions-Policy: speaker-selection Experimental
    62. Permissions-Policy: storage-access Experimental
    63. Permissions-Policy: usb Experimental
    64. Permissions-Policy: web-share Experimental
    65. Permissions-Policy: window-management Experimental
    66. Permissions-Policy: xr-spatial-tracking Experimental
  • informational response may be sent by a server while it is still preparing a response, with hints about the sites and resources that the server expects the final response will link to. This allows a browser to preloading resources even before the server has prepared and sent a final response. Preloaded resources indicated by early hints are fetched by the client as soon as the hints are received.

    The early hint response is primarily intended for use with the Link header, which indicates the resources to be loaded. It may also contain a Content-Security-Policy header that is enforced while processing the early hint.

    A server might send multiple 103 responses, for example, following a redirect. Browsers only process the first early hints response, and this response must be discarded if the request results in a cross-origin redirect.

    Note: For compatibility and security reasons, it is recommended to only send HTTP 103 Early Hints responses over HTTP/2 or later unless the client is known to handle informational responses correctly.

    Most browsers limit support to HTTP/2 or later for this reason. See browser compatibility below. Despite this, the examples below use HTTP/1.1-style notation as per usual convention.

  • Syntax

    103 Early Hints


    Preconnect example

    The following 103 early hint response shows an early hint response where the server indicates that the client might want to preconnect to a particular origin (https://cdn.example.com). Just like the HTML rel=preconnect attribute, this is a hint that the page is likely to need resources from the target resource's origin, and that the browser may improve the user experience by preemptively initiating a connection to that origin.

    103 Early Hint
    Link: <https://cdn.example.com>; rel=preconnect, <https://cdn.example.com>; rel=preconnect; crossorigin

    This example preconnects to https://cdn.example.com twice:

    • The first connection would be used for loading resources that can be fetched without CORS, such as images.
    • The second connection includes the CORS-protected resources, such as fonts.

    CORS-protected resources must be fetched over a completely separate connection. If you only need one type of resource from an origin then you only need to preconnect once.

    Subsequently the server sends the final response. This includes a crossorigin font preload and an <img> loaded from the additional origin.

    200 OK
    Content-Type: text/html
    <!doctype html>
    <link rel="preload" href="/cats-d8c4vu/cdn.example.com/fonts/my-font.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>
    <img src="/cats-d8c4vu/cdn.example.com/images/image.jpg" alt="">

    Preload example

    The following 103 early hint response indicates a stylesheet style.css might be needed by the final response.

    103 Early Hint
    Link: </style.css>; rel=preload; as=style

    Subsequently the server sends the final response. This includes a link to the stylesheet, which may already have been preloaded from the early hint.

    200 OK
    Content-Type: text/html
    <!doctype html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" rel="preload" href="style.css" />

    Early hint response with CSP

    The following example shows the same early hint response but with a Content-Security-Policy header included.

    103 Early Hint
    Content-Security-Policy: style-src: self;
    Link: </style.css>; rel=preload; as=style

    The early response restricts preloading to the same origin as the request. The stylesheet will be preloaded if the origin matches.

    The final response might set the CSP to none, as shown below. The stylesheet has already been preloaded, but will not be used when rendering the page.

    200 OK
    Content-Security-Policy: style-src: none;
    Content-Type: text/html
    <!doctype html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" rel="preload" href="style.css" />


    # early-hints

    Browser compatibility

    BCD tables only load in the browser

    See also