The Tweet button is a small button displayed on your website to help viewers easily share your content on X. A Tweet button consists of two parts: a link to the Tweet composer on and X for Websites JavaScript to enhance the link with the easily recognizable Tweet button.
The website provides a simple, form-based approach to generate HTML markup for a Tweet button you may copy-and-paste into your website template.
A tweet event is triggered on your webpage when the Tweet button is tapped or clicked.
How to add a Tweet button to your website
1. Create a new anchor element with a twitter-share-button class to allow the X for Websites JavaScript to discover the element and enhance the link into a Tweet button. Set a href attribute value of to create a link to the X web intent composer.
<a class="twitter-share-button"
2. Pre-populate Tweet text and suggest related accounts by customizing Tweet web intent query parameters.
<a class="twitter-share-button"
3. Customize Tweet button parameters using data-* attributes.
<a class="twitter-share-button"
4. Asynchronously load the X for Websites JavaScript using our loading snippet. The JavaScript snippet will check for an existing version already on the page, initialize a function queue to be executed once the widgets JavaScript has loaded, and load the widgets JavaScript asynchronously from X’s CDN.
Tweet text components
A text parameter appears pre-selected in a Tweet composer. The Tweet author may easily remove the text with a single delete action.
The text parameter may be auto-populated from the webpage’s <title> element if not explicitly set.
The url parameter contains an absolute HTTP or HTTPS URL to be shared on X. The shared URL will be Card may appear for a shared URL.
The url parameter may be auto-populated from a location.href of the page when not explicitly set.
<link rel="canonical"
Add a comma-separated list of hashtags to a Tweet using the hashtags parameter. Omit a preceding “#” from each hashtag; the Tweet composer will automatically add the proper space-separated hashtag by language.
Attribute the source of a Tweet to a X username using the via parameter. The attribution will appear in a Tweet as ” via @username” translated into the language of the Tweet author.
A via parameter may be auto-populated from a link or anchor element linked to a Twitter profile page with a me relationship token.
<link rel="me"
Button customization
Add a data-size attribute value of large to display a larger Tweet button.