Please note:
We retired the Likes, Collections, and Moments timelines on January 13, 2023.
We recommend you use the Lists timelines, which we’re updating to become faster, easier to use, and more up-to-date with X features and functionality.
You can learn more about this change in our announcement.
Embedded Timelines
Embedded timelines are an easy way to embed Tweets on your website in a compact, linear view. Choose between a profile timeline to get the latest Tweets from a X account, or a List timeline containing a curated list of Tweets from your favorite X accounts.
An embedded timeline consists of two parts: including an embed code that links your webpage to the timeline on, and the X for Websites JavaScript to transform the link into a fully-rendered timeline.
Timeline types
Profile timeline
A profile timeline displays the latest Tweets from the specified (public) X account.
List timeline
A list timeline displays the latest Tweets from a curated, public list of X accounts. The timeline includes a header displaying the list’s name, description, and curator. To create lists on, the X app, or in TweetDeck, learn more here.
How to add an embedded timeline to your website
Visit to generate embed codes for profiles and lists.
An embedded timeline automatically adjusts to the width of its parent element with a minimum width of 180 pixels and a maximum width of 520 pixels. The grid display has a minimum width of 220 pixels. Set the maximum width or the maximum height of an embedded timeline by adding a data-width or data-height attribute to the embed code anchor element.
<a class="twitter-timeline"
Tweets by @TwitterDev
Custom chrome
Control the frame around the linear timeline by setting a data-chrome attribute with space-separated tokens for each chrome component.
Token | Description |
noheader | Hides the timeline header. Implementing sites must add their own X attribution, link to the source timeline, and comply with other X display requirements. |
nofooter | Hides the timeline footer and Tweet composer link, if included in the timeline widget type. |
noborders | Removes all borders within the widget including borders surrounding the widget area and separating Tweets. |
noscrollbar | Crops and hides the main timeline scrollbar, if visible. Please consider that hiding standard user interface components can affect the accessibility of your website. |
transparent | Removes the widget’s background color. |
<a class="twitter-timeline"
data-chrome="nofooter noborders">
Tweets by @TwitterDev
Limiting the number of Tweets displayed
Display a specific number of items between 1 and 20 by customizing your embed HTML.
Add a data-tweet-limit attribute to the embed code to specify a number of Tweets. The timeline will automatically adjust its height to display a specified number of Tweets. The timeline is fixed after display; it will not poll for new Tweets until the page is refreshed.
<a class="twitter-timeline"
Tweets by @TwitterDev
Accessibility: Override ARIA live politeness
An embedded timeline describes its content for screen readers and other assistive technologies using additional markup defined in live region of a page which will receive updates when new Tweets become available.
By default, a timeline has a politeness value of polite by default; set a data-aria-polite attribute value of assertive to set the embedded timeline live region politeness to assertive, for example if you’re using the embedded Timeline as a primary source of live content in your page.
<a class="twitter-timeline"
Tweets by @TwitterDev