MediaWiki Frontend API

This documentation describes the public API that user scripts, gadgets, skins, and extensions can use to interact with MediaWiki. To interact with MediaWiki from outside a wiki, use the Action API.

The MediaWiki frontend API consists of global variables and ResourceLoader modules.

Get started

Explore the documentation

Browse namespaces and classes within the MediaWiki base library.

Manage dependencies

Load modules and scripts to use in your code.

Access wiki configuration

Get information about wikis, pages, and users. See the complete list of configuration values.

Use the API

Interact with a wiki's API to query pages, edit pages, perform patrolling actions, and more.

Integrate with wiki features

Hooks let you register and fire events that you can use to extend and enhance the behavior of MediaWiki.

Format and parse system messages

Handle translatable text or HTML strings that are part of the MediaWiki interface.

Send notifications

Display pop-up notifications to users.

Interact with users

Get information about users, sessions, and user preferences.

Interact with pages

Construct and parse page elements.


Get helpful methods for handling URLs, CSS, regular expressions, and more.

Debugging and error reporting

Log errors, send deprecation warnings, and debug your code.


  • OOjs — JavaScript library for working with objects
  • OOUI — component-based JavaScript UI library
