You can convert your personal account into an organization. This allows more granular permissions for repositories that belong to the organization.
Before converting a user into an organization, keep these points in mind.
The personal account you want to convert cannot be a member of any organizations. If the personal account you want to convert is a member of an organization, you must leave the organization before you can convert the account.
If you want your organization to have the same name that you are currently using for your personal account, or if you want to keep your personal account's information intact, then you must create a new organization and transfer your repositories to it instead of converting your personal account into an organization.
You can also convert your personal account directly into an organization. Converting your account:
When you convert a personal account into an organization, we'll add collaborators on repositories that belong to the account to the new organization as outside collaborators. You can then invite outside collaborators to become members of your new organization if you wish. For more information, see Roles in an organization.
Organizing members into teams
Inviting users to join your organization
Accessing an organization