Learn how to set up an enterprise account for your customer as a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider partner.
As a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner, you can create an enterprise account on GitHub on behalf of your customer. You can also invite your customer to become an enterprise owner.
Before you start, make sure you know:
As a Microsoft CSP partner, you can get started with GitHub Enterprise from the Microsoft Azure portal.
At any time during the trial, you can purchase GitHub Enterprise for your client by linking it to their Azure subscription. If the account is later transferred to the customer, ensure the Azure subscription is fully managed by them.
At the top of the page, in the blue banner, click Activate Enterprise.
Click Add Azure subscription.
To sign in to your Microsoft account, follow the prompts.
Review the "Permissions requested" prompt. If you agree with the terms, click Accept.
If you don't see a "Permissions requested" prompt, and instead see a message indicating that you need admin approval, see Connecting an Azure subscription.
Under "Select a subscription", select the Azure Subscription ID that you want to connect to your organization. To select an Azure subscription, you must have owner permissions to the subscription. If the default tenant does not have the right permissions, you may need to specify a different tenant ID. For more information, see Prerequisites and Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow in Microsoft Docs.
Click Activate Enterprise.
Invite your client to become an enterprise owner. See Inviting people to manage your enterprise.
Optionally, you can change your role to billing manager to manage the billing for the enterprise account, without having full administrative access.
On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click People.
Under " People", click Administrators.
Confirm that your client is listed as an enterprise owner.
To the right of your username, select the dropdown menu, then click Change role.
Select Billing manager, then click Change role.
As a Microsoft CSP partner, you can use the Contact support