Learn how to make your Copilot extension accessible to the internet.
Your Copilot Extension must be hosted on a server that is accessible to the internet. In this guide, we will use ngrok to create a tunnel to your local server, but you could also use a service like localtunnel.
Alternatively, if you are a Codespaces user, you can use the built-in Codespaces port forwarding. For more information, see Forwarding ports in your codespace.
Visit the ngrok setup & installation page.
If you do not yet have an account, follow the instructions on screen to sign up.
Under "Agents," ensure the correct operating system is selected.
Under "Installation," follow the instructions for your operating system to download and install ngrok.
Under "Deploy your app online," select Ephemeral domain or Static domain.
Run the command provided in your terminal, replacing the port number with the port your extension is configured to run on. For example:
For an ephemeral domain:
ngrok http http://localhost:EXTENSION-PORT-NUMBER
For a static domain:
ngrok http --domain=YOUR-STATIC-DOMAIN.ngrok-free.app EXTENSION-PORT-NUMBER
In your terminal, next to "Forwarding," copy the URL that ngrok has assigned to your server. You will need this forwarding endpoint when you are configuring your GitHub App.
Do not copy the -> http://localhost:XXXX part of the URL.
-> http://localhost:XXXX
Keep the terminal window open while you are using your extension.