Learn how to connect to the API, store data, and analyze usage trends.
Organization owners, enterprise owners, and billing managers
GitHub Copilot Business or GitHub Copilot Enterprise
You can use the REST API endpoints for Copilot metrics to see trends in how users are adopting GitHub Copilot. During a rollout of GitHub Copilot, it's useful to view these trends to check that people are using their assigned licenses, see which features people are using, and understand the effect of your company's enablement plan on developers.
The API includes:
If you currently use the REST API endpoints for GitHub Copilot usage metrics, we recommend migrating to the REST API endpoints for Copilot metrics as soon as possible.
This guide demonstrates how to query the API, store data, and analyze a trend for changes to the number of users per week. The examples in this guide use the endpoint for an organization, but you can adapt the examples to meet your needs.
Endpoints are available to get data for an enterprise, organization, organization team, or enterprise team on GitHub.com.
The Copilot metrics endpoints are not available for GitHub Enterprise Cloud with data residency on GHE.com.
npm install -g octokit
For our example, to get metrics for an organization, we'll create a personal access token (classic) with the manage_billing:copilot scope. See Managing your personal access tokens.
If you're using another endpoint, you may need different scopes. See REST API endpoints for Copilot metrics.
We will call the API from a script and save the response as a variable. We can then store the data externally and analyze trends in the data.
The following example uses the Octokit client for JavaScript. You can use other methods to call the API, such as cURL or the GitHub CLI.
In this example:
/ Import Octokit import { Octokit } from "octokit"; / Set your token and organization const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: 'YOUR_TOKEN' }); const org = 'YOUR_ORG'; / Set other variables if required for the endpoint you're using /* const team = 'YOUR_TEAM'; const enterprise = 'YOUR_ENTERPRISE'; const entTeam = 'YOUR_ENTERPRISE_TEAM'; */ / Call the API async function orgMetrics() { const resp = await octokit.request(`GET /orgs/${org}/copilot/metrics`, { org: 'ORG', headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' } }); const copilotUsage = resp.data; console.log(copilotUsage); } / Call the function orgMetrics();
import { Octokit } from "octokit";
Import Octokit
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: 'YOUR_TOKEN' }); const org = 'YOUR_ORG';
Set your token and organization
/* const team = 'YOUR_TEAM'; const enterprise = 'YOUR_ENTERPRISE'; const entTeam = 'YOUR_ENTERPRISE_TEAM'; */
Set other variables if required for the endpoint you're using
async function orgMetrics() { const resp = await octokit.request(`GET /orgs/${org}/copilot/metrics`, { org: 'ORG', headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' } }); const copilotUsage = resp.data; console.log(copilotUsage); }
Call the API
Call the function
To test the script locally, save the file as copilot.mjs, then run node copilot.mjs.
node copilot.mjs
The .mjs file type is important. The import { Octokit } statement may not work with a regular .js file.
import { Octokit }
In your terminal, you should see output with a JSON array like the following.
[ { date: '2024-11-07', copilot_ide_chat: { editors: [Array], total_engaged_users: 14 }, total_active_users: 28, copilot_dotcom_chat: { models: [Array], total_engaged_users: 4 }, total_engaged_users: 28, copilot_dotcom_pull_requests: { total_engaged_users: 0 }, copilot_ide_code_completions: { editors: [Array], total_engaged_users: 22 } }, ...
To analyze trends over longer than 28 days, you will need to:
In this example we'll save the data to a local .json file. To do this, we will import some modules for working with files, and update the orgMetrics function to save the response data.
The function saves new data that is returned each day, without overwriting old data in the file.
New steps are annotated in bold.
/ Import Octokit import { Octokit } from "octokit"; / **Import modules for working with files** import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { dirname } from 'path'; / **Declare variables for working with files** const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); / Set your token and organization const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: 'YOUR_TOKEN' }); const org = 'YOUR_ORG'; / Call the API async function orgMetrics() { const resp = await octokit.request(`GET /orgs/${org}/copilot/metrics`, { org: 'ORG', headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' } }); const copilotUsage = resp.data; / **Define the path to the local file where data will be stored** const dataFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'copilotMetricsData.json'); / **Read existing data from the file, if it exists** let existingData = []; if (fs.existsSync(dataFilePath)) { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath, 'utf8'); existingData = JSON.parse(fileContent); } / **Filter out the new data that is not already in the existing data** const newData = copilotUsage.filter(entry => !existingData.some(existingEntry => existingEntry.date === entry.date)); / **Append new data to the existing data** if (newData.length > 0) { existingData = existingData.concat(newData); / **Save the updated data back to the file** fs.writeFileSync(dataFilePath, JSON.stringify(existingData, null, 2)); console.log(`Saved ${newData.length} new entries.`); } else { console.log('No new data to save.'); } } / Call the function orgMetrics();
import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { dirname } from 'path';
Import modules for working with files
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
Declare variables for working with files
async function orgMetrics() { const resp = await octokit.request(`GET /orgs/${org}/copilot/metrics`, { org: 'ORG', headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' } }); const copilotUsage = resp.data;
const dataFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'copilotMetricsData.json');
Define the path to the local file where data will be stored
let existingData = []; if (fs.existsSync(dataFilePath)) { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath, 'utf8'); existingData = JSON.parse(fileContent); }
Read existing data from the file, if it exists
const newData = copilotUsage.filter(entry => !existingData.some(existingEntry => existingEntry.date === entry.date));
Filter out the new data that is not already in the existing data
if (newData.length > 0) { existingData = existingData.concat(newData);
Append new data to the existing data
fs.writeFileSync(dataFilePath, JSON.stringify(existingData, null, 2)); console.log(`Saved ${newData.length} new entries.`); } else { console.log('No new data to save.'); } }
Save the updated data back to the file
After running the script with node copilot.mjs, you should have a new file in your directory called copilotMetricsData.json. The file should contain data from the API response.
If you run the script again tomorrow, it should only save data for one new day to the file.
You can work with the data from the API to identify trends over the last 28 days or, if you've stored data from previous API calls, over a longer period.
In the following example, we update the orgMetrics function to extract the total and average number of active and engaged users per week. We could then use that data to track changes over time. This example uses the data returned directly from the API, and doesn't require stored data.
/ Call the API async function orgMetrics() { const resp = await octokit.request(`GET /orgs/${org}/copilot/metrics`, { org: 'ORG', headers: { 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' } }); const copilotUsage = resp.data; / **Create an object to store data for each week** let userTrends ={ week1: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week2: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week3: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week4: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, }; / **Iterate over the data** for (let i =0; i<copilotUsage.length; i++) { / **Determine the week number (1-4) based on the index** const week = Math.ceil((i+1)/7); / **Increment userTrends for the current week** userTrends[`week${week}`].days += 1; userTrends[`week${week}`].activeUsers += copilotUsage[i].total_active_users; userTrends[`week${week}`].engagedUsers += copilotUsage[i].total_engaged_users; } / **Calculate the average number of active and engaged users per day for each week, rounded to two decimal places** for (const week in userTrends) { userTrends[week].avgActiveUsers = (userTrends[week].activeUsers / userTrends[week].days).toFixed(2); userTrends[week].avgEngagedUsers = (userTrends[week].engagedUsers / userTrends[week].days).toFixed(2); } / Output to the console console.log(userTrends); }
let userTrends ={ week1: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week2: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week3: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, week4: { days:0, activeUsers:0, engagedUsers:0, }, };
Create an object to store data for each week
for (let i =0; i<copilotUsage.length; i++) {
Iterate over the data
const week = Math.ceil((i+1)/7);
Determine the week number (1-4) based on the index
userTrends[`week${week}`].days += 1; userTrends[`week${week}`].activeUsers += copilotUsage[i].total_active_users; userTrends[`week${week}`].engagedUsers += copilotUsage[i].total_engaged_users; }
Increment userTrends for the current week
for (const week in userTrends) { userTrends[week].avgActiveUsers = (userTrends[week].activeUsers / userTrends[week].days).toFixed(2); userTrends[week].avgEngagedUsers = (userTrends[week].engagedUsers / userTrends[week].days).toFixed(2); }
Calculate the average number of active and engaged users per day for each week, rounded to two decimal places
console.log(userTrends); }
Output to the console
After running the script with node copilot.mjs, you should see output in your terminal like the following.
{ week1: { days: 7, activeUsers: 174, engagedUsers: 174, avgActiveUsers: '24.86', avgEngagedUsers: '24.86' }, week2: { days: 7, activeUsers: 160, engagedUsers: 151, avgActiveUsers: '22.86', avgEngagedUsers: '21.57' }, week3: { days: 7, activeUsers: 134, engagedUsers: 123, avgActiveUsers: '19.14', avgEngagedUsers: '17.57' }, week4: { days: 6, activeUsers: 143, engagedUsers: 132, avgActiveUsers: '23.83', avgEngagedUsers: '22.00' } }