Put your language skills and commercial baking knowledge to the test in this rhythm quiz game!
Make your choice from A-B-C-D to correctly fill the blank in the scrolling question. Get your answer in before the countdown expires and the next question rolls out!
Keep an eye on the stamina bar below your avatar! Your stamina ticks down 1 point every 4 beats. Replenish your stamina by answering questions correctly and timing your A-B-C-D selection when the arrow is touching a "?" block.
( This proof of concept demo was developed in partnership with Sarah Kay of englishatwork.ca. )
left mouse button >> click any clickable button
1, 2, 3, 4 >> Selection A, Selection B, Selection C, Selection D
z, x, c, v >> Selection A, Selection B, Selection C, Selection D
Toggle the metronome on and off with a click.
Watch your stamina bar! If it hits zero, game over. Correct answers earn you back stamina!
Drixxel Soft