Bibliography of Woodrow Wilson
This bibliography of Woodrow Wilson is a list of published works about Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States. For a more comprehensive listing see Peter H. Buckingham, Woodrow Wilson: A bibliography of his times and presidency (Scholarly Resources Inc, 1990).[1]
[edit]- Auchincloss, Louis. Woodrow Wilson (Viking, 2000)
- Berg, A. Scott. Wilson (2013), full-scale scholarly biography
- Blum, John. Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality (1956); short scholarly biography
- Brands, H. W. Woodrow Wilson 1913–1921 (2003); short scholarly biography
- Cooper, John Milton. Woodrow Wilson: A Biography (2009), full-scale scholarly biography
- Hankins, Barry. Woodrow Wilson: Ruling Elder, Spiritual President (Oxford University Press, 2016).
- Heckscher, August (1991). Woodrow Wilson. Easton Press.
- Kennedy, Ross A., ed. A Companion to Woodrow Wilson (2013), comprehensive coverage
- Levin, Phyllis Lee (2001). Edith and Woodrow: The Wilson White House. Scribner. ISBN 0-7432-1158-8. - Wikipedia article on the book: Edith and Woodrow
- Link, Arthur S. "Woodrow Wilson" in Henry F. Graff ed., The presidents: A Reference History (2002) pp. 365–388; short scholarly biography
- Link, Arthur Stanley. Wilson: The Road to the White House (1947), first volume of standard biography (to 1917); Wilson: The New Freedom (1956); Wilson: The Struggle for Neutrality: 1914–1915 (1960); Wilson: Confusions and Crises: 1915–1916 (1964); Wilson: Campaigns for Progressivism and Peace: 1916–1917 (1965), the last volume of 5-volume standard scholarly biography
- Maynard, W. Barksdale. Woodrow Wilson: Princeton to the Presidency (2008)
- Miller, Kristie. Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson's First Ladies (University Press of Kansas, 2010)
- O'Toole, Patricia (2018). The Moralist: Woodrow Wilson and the World He Made. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0743298094.
- Post, Jerrold M. "Woodrow Wilson Re-Examined: The Mind-Body Controversy Redux and Other Disputations," Political Psychology (1983) 4#2 pp. 289–306 in JSTOR, on Wilson's self-defeating behavior
- Walworth, Arthur (1958). Woodrow Wilson, Volume I, II. Longmans, Green.; full scale scholarly biography
Scholarly topical studies
[edit]- Allerfeldt, Kristofer. "Wilsonian Pragmatism? Woodrow Wilson, Japanese Immigration, and the Paris Peace Conference." Diplomacy and Statecraft 15.3 (2004): 545–572.
- Ambrosius, Lloyd E. "Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush: Historical Comparisons of Ends and Means in Their Foreign Policies", Diplomatic History, 30 (June 2006), 509–43.
- Ambrosius, Lloyd E. Woodrow Wilson and American Internationalism (Cambridge University Press, 2017) 270 pp.
- Ambrosius, Lloyd E. Wilsonian Statecraft: Theory and Practice of Liberal Internationalism During World War I (1991)
- Ambrosius, Lloyd E. "Woodrow Wilson and World War I." in A Companion to American Foreign Relations (2003): 149+.
- Bailey; Thomas A. Wilson and the Peacemakers: Combining Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace and Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal (1947); detailed coverage of 1919; Great Betrayal online; deals with battle in Washington
- Burnidge, Cara Lea. 2016. A Peaceful Conquest: Woodrow Wilson, Religion and the New World Order. University of Chicago Press.
- Clements, Kendrick, A. Woodrow Wilson: World Statesman (1999)
- Clements, Kendrick A. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson (1992), a standard scholarly survey
- Clements, Kendrick A. "Woodrow Wilson and World War I", Presidential Studies Quarterly 34:1 (2004). pp. 62+
- Davis, Donald E. and Eugene P. Trani. The First Cold War: The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson in U.S.-Soviet Relations (2002) Archived 2011-06-28 at the Wayback Machine
- Ferrell, Robert H. (1985). Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1917-1921. Harper & Row. LCCN 84048160.
- Flanagan, Jason C. "Woodrow Wilson's" Rhetorical Restructuring": The Transformation of the American Self and the Construction of the German Enemy." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 7.2 (2004): 115-148. online[dead link ]
- Greene, Theodore P., ed. Wilson at Versailles (1957) essays by scholars and primary sources
- Hofstadter, Richard. "Woodrow Wilson: The Conservative as Liberal" in The American Political Tradition (1948), ch. 10.
- Janis, Mark Weston. "The John Sloan Dickey Essay on International Law: How Wilsonian Was Woodrow Wilson." Dartmouth Law Journal (2007): 1+. online
- Kazianis, Harry. "Woodrow Wilson: Civil War, Morality and Foreign Policy", E-International Relations (2011),
- Kennedy, Ross A., ed. A Companion to Woodrow Wilson (2013), historiographical essays by scholars
- Knock, Thomas J. To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order (1995)
- Levin, Jr., N. Gordon. Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: America's Response to War and Revolution (1968)
- Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910–1917 (1972) standard political history of the era online
- Link, Arthur S. Wilson the Diplomatist: A Look at His Major Foreign Policies (1957) online
- Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and a Revolutionary World, 1913–1921 (1982)
- Livermore, Seward W. Woodrow Wilson and the War Congress, 1916–1918 (1966)
- Malin, James C. Archived 2012-05-28 at the Wayback Machine
- Manela, Erez. The Wilsonian moment: self-determination and the international origins of anticolonial nationalism (Oxford UP, 2007).
- Pestritto, Ronald J. Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism (2005)
- Ruiz, George W. "The Ideological Convergence of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson". Presidential Studies Quarterly (1989). 19#1: 159–177. online
- Schwabe, Klaus, and Rita Kimber. Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany, and peacemaking, 1918-1919: missionary diplomacy and the realities of power (University of North Carolina Press, 1985).
- Startt, James. Woodrow Wilson and the Press: Prelude to the presidency (Springer, 2004).
- Trani, Eugene P. "Woodrow Wilson and the Decision to Intervene in Russia: A Reconsideration". Journal of Modern History (1976). 48:440–61. in JSTOR
- Tucker, Robert W. Woodrow Wilson and the Great War: Reconsidering America's Neutrality, 1914–1917 (2007)
- Vought, Hans. "Woodrow Wilson, Ethnicity, and the Myth of American Unity". In Myth America: A Historical Anthology, Volume II. 1997. Gerster, Patrick, and Cords, Nicholas. (editors.) Brandywine Press, St. James, NY. ISBN 1-881-089-97-5
- Walworth, Arthur; Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (1986)
- Wolgemuth, Kathleen L. "Woodrow Wilson and federal segregation." Journal of Negro History 44.2 (1959): 158–173. online
- Wright, Esmond. "The Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson: A Re-Assessment. Part 1: Woodrow Wilson and the First World War" History Today. (Mar 1960) 10#3 pp 149–157
- Wright, Esmond. "The Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson: A Re-Assessment. Part 2: Wilson and the Dream of Reason" History Today (Apr 1960) 19#4 pp 223–231
- Yellin, Eric S. Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America (2013)
The Princeton experience
[edit]- Axtell, James. The Making of Princeton University: From Woodrow Wilson to the Present (2006), passim.
- Axtell, James. "The Dilettante Dean and the Origins of the Princeton Graduate School," Princeton University Library Chronicle (2001) 62#2 pp. 238-261.
- Axtell, James, ed. The Educational Legacy of Woodrow Wilson: From College to Nation (U of Virginia Press, 2012) online.
- Axtell, James. "The Bad Dream." Princeton University Library Chronicle (2008) 69#3 pp. 400-436. Argues that Wilson never forgot or forgave the enemies who decisively defeated him on two major issues: replacing the elitist residential system and reducing the independence of the graduate school.
- Bragdon, Henry. Woodrow Wilson: The Academic Years (1967)
- Clarke, Linda Lois. "Woodrow Wilson at Princeton: A study in leadership ideals" (PhD dissertation, The University of Iowa; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1991. 9212860).
- Cooper, John Milton. Woodrow Wilson: A Biography (2009) pp 62-119.
- Cooper, John Milton. Woodrow Wilson: The Academic Man, Virginia Quarterly Review (1982) 58#1 pp. 38-53.
- Garraty, John A. "The Training of Woodrow Wilson" American Heritage ( Aug1956,) Vol. 7 Issue 5, p24+ short essay on Wilson at Princeton.
- Grafton, Anthony. "The Precept System: Myth and Reality of a Princeton Institution," Princeton University Library Chronicle (2002) 64#3 pp. 466-503.
- Link, Arthur S. Wilson: The Road to the White House (1947) 1:37-92.
- Maynard, W. Barksdale. Woodrow Wilson: Princeton to the Presidency (2008) online; popular history.
- Mulder , J.M. Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Preparation (Princeton UP, 1978) online
- O'Reilly, Kenneth. "The Jim Crow Policies of Woodrow Wilson". Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (1997). (17): 117–121. doi:10.2307/2963252.
- Potter, Edmund D. "Path to Power: Wilson as President of Princeton and Governor of New Jersey." in A Companion to Woodrow Wilson (2013): 55-70. online
- Rogal, Samuel J. "From Pedagogue to President: Thomas Woodrow Wilson as Teacher-Scholar." Presidential Studies Quarterly 24.1 (1994): 49-56. online
- Taggart, Robert J. "Woodrow Wilson and Curriculum Reform," New Jersey History (1975), Vol. 93 Issue 1/2, pp. 99-114.
- Veysey, Laurence R. "The academic mind of Woodrow Wilson." Mississippi Valley Historical Review 49#4 (1963): 613-634. online
Primary sources on Princeton
[edit]- Myers, William Starr. Woodrow Wilson: Some Princeton Memories (Princeton University Press, 2015) online
- Wilson, Woodrow. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson Volumes 1, 14–21, ed, by Arthur S. Link et al. (1972–76);
- Baker, Ray Stannard. Woodrow Wilson Life and Letters: Volume 2: Princeton 1890 – 1910 (Doubleday, 1927) biograohy and documents; online
Unpublished PhD dissertations
[edit]Finished after 1992; all are available online at academic libraries.
- Behn, Beth A. "Woodrow Wilson's conversion experience: The president and the federal woman suffrage amendment" (University of Massachusetts Amherst ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3498330).
- Benbow, Mark Elliott. "Leading them to the promised land: Woodrow Wilson, covenant theology and the Mexican Revolution, 1913--1915" (Ohio University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1999. 9956767).
- Fernandez, Luke O. "Preparing students for citizenship: The pedagogical vision of Yale's Noah Porter, Harvard's Charles Eliot and Princeton's Woodrow Wilson" (Cornell University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1997. 9728389).
- Filozof, Michael Francis. "Woodrow Wilson and international human rights" (State University of New York at Buffalo; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2000. 9958260).
- Hamel, William Christopher. "Race and responsible government: Woodrow Wilson and the Philippines" (Michigan State University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2002. 3075014).
- Jablonski, Joseph John, Jr. "The Dark Side of President Woodrow Wilson's Progressive Political Thought: Its Race-Historicism and Other Anti-Democratic Aspects" (The Claremont Graduate University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018. 13424622).
- Kendall, Eric M. "Diverging Wilsonianisms: Liberal internationalism, the peace movement, and the ambiguous legacy of Woodrow Wilson" (Case Western Reserve University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3497646).
- Kraig, Robert Alexander. "Woodrow Wilson and the lost world of the oratorical statesman" (The University of Wisconsin - Madison; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1999. 9927251).
- Kramer, Jacob. "The new freedom and the radicals: Woodrow Wilson, progressive views of radicalism, and the origins of repressive tolerance, 1900–1924" (City University of New York;' ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2006. 3232024).
- Moyer, Jason Ray. "Not just civil religion: Theology in the cases of Woodrow Wilson, John Kennedy, and Barack Obama" (The University of Iowa; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 3461205).
- Nabulsi, Kassem. "Presidential leadership in foreign policy: Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman and George Bush in an international system undergoing transformation" (University of Southern California; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1999. 3110957).
- Owen-Cruise, Sian Elizabeth. "'Out into pastures of quietness and peace such as the world never dreamed of before': An examination of Woodrow Wilson 's peace rhetoric as covenant creation. (Volumes I and II)" (University of Minnesota; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1993. 9405346).
- Rinehart, John M. "The making of a Christian statesman: Woodrow Wilson's religious thought and practice, 1856–1910" (University of Illinois at Chicago; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2006. 3248871).
- Rothra, John L. "Progressivism's impact on evangelism: The confluence of ideas between Woodrow Wilson and John R. Mott, and Barack Obama and Jim Wallis" (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2014. 3580304).
- Schaffer, Samuel Lonsdale. "New South Nation: Woodrow Wilson's Generation and the Rise of the South, 1884–1920" (Yale University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2010. 3440588)
- Stid, Daniel Diehl. "Woodrow Wilson, responsible government, and the Founders' regime" (Harvard University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1994. 9421980).
- Yang, David William. "An agonized state of peace: The Lockean social contract theory of Woodrow Wilson" (The Johns Hopkins University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1996. 9617627).
- Zentner, Scot James. "Leadership and partisanship in the thought of Woodrow Wilson and the American founders" (Michigan State University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1994. 9512165).
[edit]- Ambrosius, Lloyd. Wilsonianism: Woodrow Wilson and his legacy in American foreign relations (Springer, 2002).
- Bimes, Terry; Skowronek, Stephen. "Woodrow Wilson's Critique of Popular Leadership: Reassessing the Modern-Traditional Divide in Presidential History". Polity (1996). 29#1: 27–63. doi:10.2307/3235274.
- Cooper, John Milton, ed. Reconsidering Woodrow Wilson: Progressivism, Internationalism, War, and Peace (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008)
- Cooper, John Milton. "Making A Case for Wilson," in Reconsidering Woodrow Wilson (2008) ch 1.
- Janis, Mark Weston. "How Wilsonian Was Woodrow Wilson?," Dartmouth Law Journal (2007) 5:1 pp. 1–15 online
- Kennedy, Ross A. "Woodrow Wilson, World War I, and an American Conception of National Security." Diplomatic History 25.1 (2001): 1-31.
- Johnston, Robert D. "Re-Democratizing the Progressive Era: The Politics of Progressive Era Political Historiography." Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1.1 (2002): 68–92.
- Saunders, Robert M. “History, Health and Herons: The Historiography of Woodrow Wilson's Personality and Decision-Making.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 24#1 pp. 57–77. online
- Saunders, Robert M. In Search of Woodrow Wilson: Beliefs and Behavior (1998)
- Seltzer, Alan L. "Woodrow Wilson as" Corporate-Liberal": Toward a Reconsideration of Left Revisionist Historiography." Western Political Quarterly 30.2 (1977): 183-212.
- Smith, Daniel M. "National interest and American intervention, 1917: an historiographical appraisal." Journal of American History 52.1 (1965): 5-24. online
- Wertheim, Stephen. "The Wilsonian Chimera: Why Debating Wilson’s Vision Hasn’t Saved American Foreign Relations’." White House Studies 10.4 (2011): 343–359. online[dead link ]
- Princeton University (1956). "Woodrow Wilson – Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Princeton University Library February 18 through April 15, 1956 Commemorating the Centennial of His Birth". XVII (3, Spring issue). The Princeton University Library Chronicle.
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Primary sources
[edit]Books written by Wilson
[edit]Selected items only. Older items are not included.[2]
- Congressional Government, A Study in American Politics. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1885 – via Internet Archive.
- George Washington. New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers. 1896 – via Internet Archive.
- On Being Human, 1897.
- The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics, 1898.
- volume III; volume V.
- Constitutional Government in the United States, 1908.
- The New Freedom, 1913.
- When A Man Comes To Himself, 1915.
- The Road Away from Revolution, 1923.
Other primary sources
[edit]- August Heckscher, ed., The Politics of Woodrow Wilson: Selections from his Speeches and Writings (1956)
- Link, Arthur S. (editor). the original on November 1, 2014.
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has generic name (help) 69 volumes. Annotated edition of all of Wilson's correspondence, speeches and writings. - Tumulty, Joseph P. (1921). Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him.. Memoir by Wilson's chief of staff.
- Wilson, Edith Bolling (1939). My memoir. Bobbs-Merrill. ASIN B0008BKX5I. Arno Press reprint: 1981.
- Wilson, Woodrow (1917). Why We Are at War.
- Wilson, Woodrow (1925). Selected Literary & Political Papers & Addresses of Woodrow Wilson. New York, Grosset & Dunlap. 3 volumes, 1918 and later editions.
- Woodrow Wilson, compiled with his approval by Hamilton Foley; Woodrow Wilson's Case for the League of Nations, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1923; contemporary book review
- Wilson, Woodrow. Messages & Papers of Woodrow Wilson 2 vol (ISBN 1-135-19812-8)
- Wilson, Woodrow. The New Democracy. Presidential Messages, Addresses, and Other Papers (1913–1917) 2 vol 1926, ISBN 0-89875-775-4
- Wilson, Woodrow. President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points (1918)[usurped]
- Wilson, Woodrow. Presidential papers and personal library, Woodrow Wilson Library of the Library of Congress.
- The Study of Administration, 1887.
- Leaders of Men, 1890.
[edit]- ^ For older studies see Richard L. Watson, "Woodrow Wilson and his interpreters, 1947-1957." Mississippi Valley Historical Review 44.2 (1957): 207-236 online.
- ^ For a guide to older publications see Howard Seavoy Leach, An essay towards a bibliography of the published writings and addresses of Woodrow Wilson, March 1917 to March 1921 (The Library of Princeton University, 1922).
External links
[edit]Books about Woodrow Wilson at Wikimedia Commons
Books by Woodrow Wilson at Wikimedia Commons