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Public holidays in Venezuela

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The table below shows a list of the most notable holidays in Venezuela. Popular and public holidays are included in the list.

Other public holidays may be observed. In 2019, several days were announced as national holidays based on widespread blackouts.[1]

Official holidays


Information adapted from the Office of National Holidays.[2]

Date Local name English name
January 1 Día de Año Nuevo New Year's Day
January 6 Día de Reyes Epiphany
Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday Carnaval Carnival
From Palm Sunday to Easter (movable) Semana Santa Holy Week
30 days after Easter (movable) Día de la ascención Feast of the Ascension
March 19 Día de San José Saint Joseph's Day
April 19 Diecinueve de abril Anniversary of the Beginning of the Independence movement/19 April
May 1 Día del Trabajador Labor Day
Second Sunday of May (movable) Día de las Madres Mother's Day
Third Sunday of June (movable) Día de los Padres Father's Day
Approx. 60 days after Easter Corpus Christi Corpus Christi
June 24 Día de San Juan Bautista y Aniversario de la Batalla de Carabobo Feast of Saint John the Baptist and the Anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo
June 29 Día de San Pedro y San Pablo Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
July 5 Cinco de julio Independence Day
July 24 Natalicio del Libertador Birth of Simón Bolívar
August 15 (usually) Día de la Asunción Assumption Day
Second Monday of September Aparicion del Virgen del Coromoto Feast of Our Lady of Coromoto
October 12 Día de la Resistencia Indígena Day of Indigenous Resistance
November 1 Día de Todos los Santos All Saints' Day
December 8 Inmaculada Concepción Immaculate Conception
December 24 Nochebuena Christmas Eve
December 25 Navidad Christmas
December 31 Nochevieja New Year's Eve
Date Local name English name
January 14 Día de la Divina Pastora Feast of the Divina Pastora
January 15 Día del Maestro Teachers' Day
February 12 Día de la Juventud Youth Day
February 20 Dia de la Federacion Federation Day
March 8 Dia Internacional de la Mujer International Women's Day
March 21 Día del abolición de la esclavitud Slavery Abolition Anniversary
March 28 Día Nacional del Patrimonio Cultural National Cultural Patrimonies Day
March 31 Aniversario del fundacion del San Cristóbal Foundation anniversary Day of San Cristóbal, Táchira
May 3 Día del Cruz del Mayo Fiesta de las Cruces
May 25 Día del Himno Nacional National Anthem Day
June 27 Día del Periodista y Aniversario de la instauración del Decreto de Instrucción pública gratuita y obligatoria Journalists' Day and the Anniversary of the 1872 Public Education Decree
Third Sunday of July (movable) Dia del niño Children's Day
July 24 Dia de la Armada Nacional Navy Day and the anniversary of the Battle of Lake Maracaibo
July 25 Aniversario del fundacion del Caracas Caracas City Foundation Day
August 3 Día de la Bandera Flag Day
August 4 Día de la Guardia Nacional National Guard Day
September 8 Día del Virgen del Valle Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of the Virgen del Valle
September 24 Día del Virgen de las Mercedes Feast of the Our Lady of Mercy
November 2 Día de los fieles difuntos All Souls' Day
November 17 to November 19 Feria de la Chinita Feria of La Chinita
November 21 Día del estudiante universitario University Students' Day
December 8 Dia de la Lealtad Loyalty Day
December 10 Día de la Aviacion Militar Venezuelan Air Force Day
December 17 Aniversario de la muerte de Libertador Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar Memorial Day


  1. ^ "National Holidays in Venezuela in 2019". Office Holidays. Retrieved 2019-10-21.
  2. ^ "National Holidays in Venezuela". Office Holidays. Retrieved 2019-10-21.

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