Words Und Letras
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
Put your language skills to the test in Words Und Letras.
Take turns placing words on the board in a language that keeps changing. Do you play that long word now and risk not leaving yourself a word in the next language, or play a shorter word giving you an easier time on your next turn?
Play in your choice of languages from:
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Spanish
Work to beat your opponents or work together to see how many new words you can find.
Other Info
Made for the 8 Bits to Infinity Turn Based Jam on the theme The world keeps changing.
- Dictionaries sourced from gwicks.net.
- Tile sounds are from UI SFX Set by Kenney Vleugels (Kenney.nl)
- Success and fail sounds are from 8-bit Sound Effects by Beep Yeah! (beepyeah.itch.io)
- Flag icons are from Pixel Europe made by rmocci (rmocci.itch.io)
- Fonts are Damion and WorkSans from Google fonts
- Full credits available in game.
Status | BAM |
Genre | dragonruby, Mouse |
Multiplayer |