Info for Contributors Hi there. Thanks so much for helping us out with! There are a few things you should know. Most of the things are in the bedrock docs. These docs have a lot of information about how to get your local environment setup for development, as well as how to format your code and commit messages. Following these guidelines will very much increase the chances of a pleasant code-review experience. How to Get Started If this is your first time contributing then we suggest you first install bedrock and then explore the layout of the codebase a little. This will help you familiarize yourself with the layout of files and how they relate to different pages of the website. Finding an Issue to Work On The next step is to find an issue or bug to work on. We suggest looking at issues with the help wanted labels. These types of issues should be ready to work on, and contain enough information to get started. Once you have found an issue that interests you, it's worth reading through carefully to make sure that you understand what needs doing, and also to check that someone else isn't already working on it. If you're unsure about anything, then questions are always welcome. Mozilla employees are happy to try and help, but please note they may not always have the capacity to help mentor on more complicated issues. So please only take on issues where you feel you have an understanding for what needs doing. Pull requests will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. How to Ask for Help If you're having technical difficulties with bedrock then you can ask for help on GitHub, or alternatively try dropping into the room on Code of Conduct This repository is governed by Mozilla's Community Participation Guidelines and Developer Etiquette Guidelines.