html language in own languages
This is to learn HTML languages easily in our own mother languages
How to install: To use this package, please install Tcl/Tk. Itcan be found in path:
Compile Tcl/Tk using
In case of issues in compiling Tcl/Tk in windows, please use
Tcl/Tk is open-source freely distributable GNU license. This is used by this program.
Downnload this code as ZIP file. Then go to w_language/Program_files/gui.tcl This is main application.You can create copy of shortcut in Desktop.
Then you can run this program with Tcl/Tk application. No installation is required. You are free to make changes, report bugs,etc and distribute it
This program is released under open source license. For more help, subscribe to my youtube channel: VENKATESH RAAMAN
The help videos for tamil are posted in link
People are welcome to create videos in Hindi or other languages. Please send me mail describing your intentions and I will send you how-to create videos.
If you have more specific queries, mail me at [email protected]