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Ray Milland

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Nacemento(en) Alfred Reginald Jones
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Ocupaciónactor, realizador, Editar o valor en WikidataEditar o valor en Wikidata cinema de suspense psicolóxico, crime drama film (en) cinema de ciencia ficción, science fiction horror film (en) cinema de aventuras, ,
Carreira militar
Rama militarpremio do Festival de Cannes ao mellor actor, premiado polo traballo A fin de semana perdida
  • (1946)  National Board of Review ao mellor actor, premiado polo traballo A fin de semana perdida
  •  Obálky knih,
  • Alfred Reginald Jones, coñecido como Ray Milland, nado en Neath (Gales) o 3 de xaneiro de 1907 e finado en Torrance (California) o 10 de marzo de 1986 foi un actor británico.


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    Comezou no cinema como extra a finais da década de 1920. Alcanzou o éxito con The Flying Scotsman, que o levou a ser contratado pola Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, motivo polo cal marchou a Hollywood en 1930. Tras dous anos de pequenos papeis decidiu volver ao Reino Unido, mentres a súa esposa continuaba en América rematando os estudos.

    No seu país só traballou en dous filmes, polo que volveu a California. Preocupado por conseguir un traballo fixo foi xerente dunha gasolineira. Volveu ao cinema cando un actor inglés do filme de George Raft Bolero tivo que ser substituído urxentemente e el foi o escollido.

    A partir de 1936 comezou a ter papeis protagonistas, conseguindo o seu maior éxito en 1945 con A fin de semana perdida, de Billy Wilder, coa que gañou o Oscar ao mellor actor.

    Tras finalizar o contrato que tiña coa Paramount en 1955 comezou unha carreira como director, tendo grande éxito na televisión.


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    Ano Filme
    1929 Piccadilly
    The Informer
    The Flying Scotsman
    The Lady from the Sea
    The Plaything
    1930 Way for a Sailor
    Passion Flower
    1931 The Bachelor Father
    Strangers May Kiss
    Just a Gigolo
    Ambassador Bill
    Blonde Crazy
    1932 The Man Who Played God
    Polly of the Circus
    But the Flesh Is Weak
    Payment Deferred
    1933 This Is the Life
    Orders Is Orders
    1934 Bolero
    We're Not Dressing
    Many Happy Returns
    Charlie Chan in London
    One Hour Late
    1935 The Gilded Lily
    Four Hours to Kill!
    Alias Mary Dow
    The Glass Key
    1936 Next Time We Love
    The Return of Sophie Lang
    The Big Broadcast of 1937
    Three Smart Girls
    The Jungle Princess
    1937 Bulldog Drummond Escapes
    Wings Over Honolulu
    Easy Living
    Ebb Tide
    Wise Girl
    1938 Her Jungle Love
    Tropic Holiday
    Men with Wings
    Say It in French
    1939 Hotel Imperial
    Beau Geste
    Everything Happens at Night
    1940 French Without Tears
    The Doctor Takes a Wife
    Arise, My Love
    1941 I Wanted Wings
    1942 The Lady Has Plans
    Reap the Wild Wind
    Are Husbands Necessary?
    O maior e a menor
    Star Spangled Rhythm
    1943 Forever and a Day
    The Crystal Ball
    1944 Lady in the Dark
    The Uninvited
    Till We Meet Again
    Ministry of Fear
    1945 Kitty
    A fin de semana perdida
    1946 The Well-Groomed Bride
    1947 California
    The Imperfect Lady
    The Trouble with Women
    Golden Earrings
    Variety Girl
    1948 So Evil My Love
    The Big Clock
    Sealed Verdict
    Miss Tatlock's Millions
    1949 Alias Nick Beal
    It Happens Every Spring
    1950 A Woman of Distinction
    A Life of Her Own
    Copper Canyon
    1951 Close to My Heart
    Circle of Danger
    Night Into Morning
    1952 Bugles in the Afternoon
    Something to Live For
    The Thief
    1953 Jamaica Run
    Amor a medianoite
    1954 Dial M for Murder
    1955 The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing
    A Man Alone
    1956 Lisbon
    Three Brave Men
    1957 High Flight
    The River's Edge
    1958 The Safecracker
    1962 The Premature Burial
    Panic in Year Zero!
    1963 X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes
    1964 The Confession
    1968 Hostile Witness
    1970 Love Story
    Company of Killers
    1972 Embassy
    The Big Game
    The Thing with Two Heads
    1973 The House in Nightmare Park
    The Student Connection
    Terror in the Wax Museum
    1974 Gold
    1975 Escape to WitchMountain
    1976 The Million Dollar Fire
    The Swiss Conspiracy
    Aces High
    The Last Tycoon
    1977 The Girl in Yellow Pajamas
    The Uncanny
    1978 Slavers
    Oliver's Story
    1979 Battlestar Galactica
    Survival Run
    Game for Vultures
    1980 The Attic
    1984 The Sea Serpent
    1985 The Gold Key

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