Freedom from app-dev complexities
VDC Research
Long-term Success and Security with Java
Get executive insights on the state of Java compared to 22 other languages across top tech trends around security, data management, cloud, analytics, block chain, and microservices based on a recent VDC Research study.

With the acceleration of digital technologies, and with IT threats becoming more and more common, security remains the most important priority consistently for the fourth year in a row when selecting new technologies. This leads to new challenges for CIOs, IT Executives and DevOps.

Read the report to learn about the

  • Top IT concerns from the survey
  • Cloud research findings
  • Java’s relative positioning 
  • The benefits of Oracle’s stewardship of Java
  • Key strategic IT investments
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Why Java is the #1 choice for developers?

Organizations are recognizing the value Java provides in scaling the enterprise on premises and in the cloud, and Java remains the #1 language with 10M full-time Java developers and 56B JVMs active globally. The large ecosystem of established Java users, coupled with Java’s capability of solving ever more pressing challenges of security and stability, presents enterprises and their IT leaders with substantial opportunities through investing in commercial support to help accelerate the goals of application modernization and innovation while also securely maintaining legacy applications. 

10M full-time
Java developers

56B JVMs
active globally

#1 developer choice
in the cloud



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