Preserve critical user experiences

Cross-site cookies have been a critical part of the web for over a quarter of a century. This makes any change, especially a breaking change, a complex process that requires a coordinated and incremental approach. While the additional cookie attributes and new privacy-focused APIs account for the majority of use cases, there are specific scenarios where we want to ensure we don't break the experience for people using those sites. Explore these temporary options while you continue making the necessary changes to migrate away from unrestricted third-party cookies.

Heuristics based exceptions

There are specific critical user experiences where there are established practices in the ecosystem where temporary third-party cookie access is granted in a predefined flow.

Primarily these are authentication or payment flows where a top-level site either opens a dialog or redirects to a third-party site for an operation and then returns to the top-level site, making use of a cookie either on that return journey or in the embedded context. To learn more visit the deep dive on the temporary set of heuristics that identify these scenarios and allow third-party cookies for a limited amount of time, giving sites a longer window to implement the necessary changes.

We have published an blink-dev mailing list with further details and we will continue to update documentation here.

Enterprise support

See Chrome Enterprise third-party cookie policies.

Report issues with third-party cookies and get help

We want to ensure we capture the various scenarios where sites break without third-party cookies to ensure that we have provided guidance, tooling, and features to allow sites to migrate away from their third-party cookie dependencies. If your site or a service you depend on is breaking with third-party cookies disabled, you can submit it to our breakage tracker at

If you have questions around third-party cookies and Chrome's plans, you can raise a new issue using the "third-party" tag in our developer support repository.

Temporary exemptions for essential sites

It's critical that people can continue to rely on Chrome as their trusted browser, while maintaining access to essential services. With third-party cookie restrictions in place for 1% of Chrome clients, Chrome is providing exemptions to allow third-party cookie access for sites providing essential services in government, education, healthcare, and banking where the restriction of third-party cookies would impact user-critical functionality.

If your site is an essential service that is impacted by third-party cookie restrictions, and none of the available temporary exceptions are suitable, file a breakage report.

Sites that are eligible for Chrome's essential site exemptions will still need to work towards transitioning away from third-party cookies. Chrome will provide at least six months' notice before the essential site exemptions are removed. Further updates to the timeline will be published as we develop plans to transition essential sites away from third-party cookie reliance. You can review Chrome's guidance to prepare for third-party cookie restrictions. For further support, ask questions on the Privacy Sandbox Developer Support repository.