Also check out the Shavian Game Room Discord server!
If this game does not run on yoru browser, try Shingo! Lite, a demake with fewer features but faster load times and better performance.
You have 7 guesses to guess an English word written in Shavian (5 letters by default). After each guess, each letter will be colored according to how close you were.
A gray letter (miss) is not in the secret word. In this case, none of the letters in “smarter” are correct.
A yellow letter (graze) is in the secret word, but in the wrong place. In this case, the “ing” in “padding” is in the word, but not at the end.
A green letter (hit) is in the secret word in the right spot. In this case, the word starts with the “b” in “brings”, but the “ing” is still not in the right place.
When all the letters are green, you win! The secret word of this example question was “bingo”!
Any word in the dictionary over a certain frequency threshold may be a valid answer, except words whose Shavian spelling contains a space, hyphen, apostrophe, namer dot, or acroring, and proper nouns. (Plurals and gerunds/participles are fair game.)
You can choose the number of letters in the word between 4 and 7 inclusive.
The words are taken from the Kingsley Read Lexicon, with proper nouns filtered out, and some missing words added. If you find some missing words of your own, the game will let you keep track of them to upload later.
The font is a modified version of Mikado by Hannes von Döhren (HVD Fonts). Shavian letters were added by myself.
The updated voice samples are my own voice.
The legacy voice samples are produced by the voice synthesizer DECtalk, developed by Dennis Klatt and popularized by Moonbase Alpha and Stephen Hawking. (Look at the Wiki article—the picture has a cat for scale.)
This game was most directly based on Android