Play the classic Television game show, Wheel of Fortu... er, I mean, Fortune Wheel! The show's host, Pat, will explain the rules. Then his lovely colleague, Vanna, will reveal the puzzle. Your job is to guess the right letters and eventually figure out the common word or phrase.
How much money you end the round with determines where your island vacation will take you...
Click into the MS-DOS window above, and you'll see a blinking cursor. Type the command "fortune.exe" to launch the program.
After that, follow the on-screen prompts. It's really pretty simple. :) Post your total money to the comments. And thanks!
This game was built in about a day by HugBug, though most of the work went into coding the HTML5 DOS-prompt simulator thingy. (HINT, if you explore the windows you might find some easter eggs.)
HUGBUG SAYS: My only goal is to get better at making games. Really truly. So if you have suggestions, PLEASE TELL ME! I can take criticism with a grin, and you'll be an awesome person for helping me improve. THANK YOU!