it's my own engine, but it uses PIXI for webgl rendering and rot.js for FOV and pathfinding
it's my own engine, but it uses PIXI for webgl rendering and rot.js for FOV and pathfinding
Damn, this is a really pretty game! I love the title screen and the audio too.
It's pretty fun, but without any level progression it feels like you run out of things to do fairly quickly. The optimum strategy seems to be standing on a money flower and using it as a 'wait' button. Changing it so that you received money when walking onto the tile instead of clicking might fix that little exploit.
That box mockup is a work of art! Had fun with this. Seems like you can quite quickly get overwhelmed by enemies – it would be cool if there was a powerup or something that you could strategically deploy to counter this.
thanks! so much more I wanted to add, but I'm glad the basic idea works.
Your dialogue had me laughing, well done! I think I found a bug – if you aggro the shopkeeper (which OF COURSE I did) he stays aggressive even if you die and restart.
Really impressed that you managed not only to make this work, but to make it work well! Congrats.
Hey folks!
This was my first time doing 7DRL. I made the foolish decision to write an engine from scratch so ended up dropping lots of ideas and cramming all the gameplay in on the last day. It's still kinda fun, albeit rather simple. The mechanic that I wanted to explore was "roguetime" ranged combat, where enemies would move as you fire, and the challenge would be to predict where they would move to and aim accordingly. Sadly didn't have time to add a variety of enemies with different movement patterns, but the basis of the mechanic is in there.
- 7 unique levels
- 3 flavours of slime
- sneks and bats
- your dad
i like the idea of both competing and cooperating... but not always knowing which