Dear word game lovers,
We are Jay and Julia Bacal - the husband and wife team that brought you Chain of Thought. Today, we are super excited to announce our newest word game - Crossword Island.
Crossword Island on Google Play Store
If you like crossword puzzles - or if you solve the "Wheel" game show puzzles before the contestants - then Crossword Island should become your next destination.
* Solve 100's of fun "connected word" puzzles
* Earn over 50 achievements
* Compete for high score with the world
* 3 difficulty settings (easy, medium and hard)
* Request crossword-style verbal clues
* Use Reveal-A-Letter power-ups
* Dig for daily treasure to get free coins
* Expand your vocabulary with instant definitions
* Earn extra coins by making Bonus Words
So kick back with a tropical drink, relax to the sounds of surf and seagulls and send your brain on a well-deserved word vacation with Crossword Island!
Best wishes.
Jay & Julia