- Access Board, Final Report of the Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee (EITAAC).
- Access Board, Final Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
- Access Board, Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC) Wiki.
- Accessibility Institute, The University of Texas at Austin. (Formerly the Institute for Technology and Learning.) Includes "How-To's and Demos" page, useful links, and summaries of research projects.
- Adaptive Technology Resource Center, University of Toronto. Research and development related to adaptive technologies for persons with disabilities, including Web and software accessibility.
- Adobe, Accessibility Resource Center - includes links to training video and other resources for creating accessible Flash and PDF.
- Bohman, Paul. Introduction to Web Accessibity,, November, 2005.
- Brittain, Mike. Making Compact Forms More Accessible, A List Apart, December, 2006.
- Campbell, Alastair. Responsibilities in accessibility, May, 2007.
- Cherim, Mike. Overcoming Objections to Accessibility., May, 2007.
- Cisneros, Oscar S. AOL Settles Accessibility Suit. Wired News, July, 2000.
- Clark, Joe. Building Accessible Web Sites, New Riders Publishing, October 2002. See Joe Clark's web site for more information.
- Clark, Joe. Facts and Opinions about PDF Accessibility, A List Apart, August, 2005.
- Cynthia Says, One page accessibility evaluation.
- Delorie, DJ. Lynx Viewer. April 19, 2000.
- Disabilities Rights Commission (U.K.), The Web: Access and Inclusion for Disabled People (PDF), April, 2004.
- Deque, Ramp family of accessibility testing and repair products.
- DO-IT. Resources for Accessible Web Page Design. December 13, 2000. University of Washington.
- Erigami, A new testing tool (as of March, 2007) called Truex. Looks promising.
- Federal IT Accessibility Initiative. Federal IT Accessibility Initiative (Home Page). U.S. General Services Administration.
- Feingold, Lainey. A disability rights lawyer who works primarily with the blind and visually impaired community on technology and information access issues. Her speciality is Structured Negotiations.
- Freedom Scientific, JAWS screen reader.
- Graves, Steve, 15 tips to make your Web site accessible, Government Computer News, May, 2001.
- Gunderson, Jon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Functional Accessibility Evaluator; taking Accessibility testing to a new level.
- GW-Micro. Window-Eyes screen reader.
- Heilmann, Christian. Seven Accessibility Mistakes, Part 1, January, 2006 and Part 2, February, 2006, Digital Web Magazine.
- Henry, Shawn Lawton, UI Access, The purpose of this excellent resource is to provide free information on web accessibility. January, 2002.
- Henry, Shawn Lawton. "Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design". Published by, 2007. The book is available on line.
- IBM Accessibility Center. Web Accessibility (including guidelines, rationale and techniques). International Business Machines, Inc.
- Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (CITA) directed by Jon Gunderson. A rich collection of accessibility resources.
- International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet, Section 508 Resource Page.
- Jacobs, Ian, Judy Brewer. Accessibility Features of CSS. August 4, 1999. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
- Johansson, Roger. Seven accessibility mistakes you don’t want to make. 456Brea Street, January, 2007.
- Kahn, Johnathon. Accessibility: standards versus testing, August, 2006.
- King, Matt. 25-Million Web Page Section 508 Compliance Project: Lessons Learned, Technical Innovations, and Results. CSUN, 2004
- King, Matt, J.W. Thatcher, P. M. Bronstadt and R Easton, Managing usability for people with disabilities in a large Web presence, IBM Systems Journal 44 November 2005.
- Kliehm, Martin. Accessible Web 2.0 Applications with WAI-ARIA, A List Apart, April, 2007.
- Lemon, Gez. Juicy Studio. A superb resource for accessibility. If I were to rank all individually run web sites that I know about for their contributions to web accessibility, Juicy Studio would be at the top.
- Lemon, Gez. Making Ajax Work with Screen Readers, on the Juicy Studio site, May 2006.
- Knowbility. An Accessible Web Page Design Curriculum. A curriculum designed for the ITTA (Information Technology Training Association).
- Knowbility. The Accessibility Internet Rally. High tech teams are paired with non-profits to produce a web site in a one day competition/rally. The tech teams get accessibility training. The non-profits get web sites. Everybody wins.
- Laskowski, Sharon, Dr. NIST Web Metrics Home. March 5, 2001. National Institute on Standards and Technology.
- Lauke, Patrick H., Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility with Firefox, Aridne, July, 2005.
- Letourneau, Chuck. Accessible Web design - a definition. Starling Access Services.
- Letourneau, Chuck, Geoff Freed. Curriculum for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0: Welcome page. March 17, 2000. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
- Lie, Hakon Wium, Bert Bos, Robert Cailliau. Cascading Style Sheets, Second Edition: Designing for the Web. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1999.
- May, Matt. Accessibility From The Ground Up, Digital Web Magazine, January, 2005.
- May, Matt. On accessibility and validity, The bestkungfu weblog, November, 2005.
- McCathieNevile, Charles, Jason White. Web Accessibility Guidelines - Slide list. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
- Meyer, Eric A. Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide. Cambridge, MA: OReilly & Associates, Inc., 2000.
- Microsoft's Enable site. Provides information about and access to many Microsoft tools for accessible design, plus links to other resources including information about Microsoft's Active Accessibility (MSAA).
- Moss, Trenton. Beyond guidelines: advanced accessibility techniques, I.T. Wales Business Club, July, 2006.
- Napthine, Mark. Headings and Lists - are you using them correctly?. Nomensa.
- National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM). NCAM's Media Access Generator (MAGpie).
- National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM) Accessibility testing - the NCAM favelet.
- National Center on Accessible Distance Learning (AccessDL). The AccessDL site contains resources and links for distance learning administrators, educators, web designers and students about how to ensure that distance learning is accessible to students and instructors with disabilities. December 17, 2004.
- Paciello, Mike. Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities. CMP Books, Lawrence, Kansas: 2000.
- Paciello, Mike. The Paciello Group.
- Parasoft. WebKing, a high function enterprise testing tool - and it tests for accessibility too!
- Pederick, Chris. Web Developers Toolbar for FireFox.
- Petrie, Helen, Adam Badani and Arpna Bhalla. Sex, lies and web accessibility: the use of accessibility logos and statements on e-commerce and financial websites. Accessible Design in the Digital World Conference 2005, Dundee, Scotland. August 2005. Report on this work at, Does your website overstate its accessibility, December, 2006.
- RampWEB. Section 508 Toolbar for IE and FireFox.
- Rønn-Jensen, Jesper. 25% of all web users are disabled,, January, 2006.
- Seidel, Diana, Pottery. This has nothing to do with accessibility. It is my wife's (Diana Seidel, Potter) web site and I wanted one link to her web site
- Slatin, John and Sharron Rush. Maximum Accessibility, Addison Wesley, September, 2002. A terrific book. Order Maximum Accessibility today from
- Special Needs Opportunities Windows (SNOW) at the University of Toronto for online resources and professional development opportunities for educators and parents of students with special needs.
- SSB Bart Group, InFocus family of accessibility evaluation and repair tools.
- System Concepts Ltd., Accessibility study of BBCi: Problems faced by users with disabilities (PDF), February 2003.
- Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Web site is maintained by Dr. Jim Allan, Webmaster and Statewide Technical Specialist and provides a wealth of information on a broad range of accessibility topics.
- Thatcher, Jim. Web Accessibility for Section 508. May 4, 2001.
- Thatcher, Jim. Side by side comparison of Section 508 Web provisions and WCAG priority 1 checkpoints. July, 2001.
- Thatcher, Jim. Testing tools report. May, 2006.
- Thatcher, Jim, Paul Bohman, Michael Burkes, Shawn Henry, Bob Regan, Sarah Swierenga, Mark Urban, Cynthia Waddell. Constructing Accessible Web Sites. Glasshaus, Burmingham, UK, April, 2002 (It should be out of print).
- Thatcher, Jim, Michael Burkes, Christian Heilmann, Shawn Henry, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Partick Lauke, Bruce Lawson, Bob Regan, Richard Rutter, Mark Urban, and Cynthia Waddell. Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance, Friends of Ed, 2006.
- Trace Center. Designing More Usable Web. Trace Research and Development Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- U.S. Department of Justice. Americans with Disabilities Act. ADA Home Page.
- U.S. Department of Justice. Web Page Accessibility Questionnaire for Component Web Contacts.
- Vision Australia, Accessibility Toolbar. A terrific collection of tools (favelets) with which you can analyze your current page in Internet Explorer. The best think that has happened to accessibility since this list was first put together in about 2001.
- Watchfire, Bobby. It seems to still be available (5/2007).
- Watchfire, WebXACT. This is the replacement for Bobby.
- The Wave, invented by the late Len Kasday at Temple University, the tool is now maintained by WebAIM.
- The Web Standards Project is a "grassroots coalition fighting for standards that ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
- Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI. WAI Home page. Web accessibility resources and participation.
- Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI. Complete List of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools.
- Web Accessibility Tools Consortium, tools and toolbars for accessibility.
- Web Accessibility Tools Consortium, Contrast Analysis tool.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. May 5, 1999. Web Accessibility Initiative. Ian Jacobs, Wendy Chisholm, and Gregg Vanderheiden, Eds. Companion checklists for these guidelines.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. May 17, 2007. Web Accessibility Initiative. Ben Caldwell, Michael Cooper, Loretta Guarino Reid, and Gregg Vanderheiden, Eds. Companion, WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference Document.
- WebAIM. A Review of Free, Online Accessibility Tools,
- WebAIM. Web Accessibility in Mind. Tutorials, training, accessible simulations, laws, guidelines and more. The 508 checklist with success/failure criteria is especially helpful.
- WebAIM. Testing with Screen Readers: Questions and Answers.
- WebCredible, Accessibility audit vs. accessibility testing, August, 2007.
- Joe McFerrin, Interior Web Design.
- WebSavvy from the University of Toronto has tutorials and other information on accessible design.
- YAWC Online. YAWC (Yet Another Word Converter) is an online fee-based service for converting Word documents into clean neat and accessible HTML or xhtml.
This course was written for the Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center, funded in support of Section 508 by NIDRR and GSA at Georgia Institute of Technology, Center for Rehabilitation Technology. The course has been completely updated.