Documentation for this module may be created at Module:String/doc
return {
sub = (function (frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, frame:getParent().args
return mw.ustring.sub( args[1] or pargs[1] or "", tonumber( args[2] or pargs[2] ), tonumber( args[3] or pargs[3] )
length = (function (frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, frame:getParent().args
return mw.ustring.len( args[1] or pargs[1] or "" )
find = (function (frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, frame:getParent().args
local start = tonumber( args[3] or pargs[3] )
local res = mw.ustring.find( args[1] or pargs[1] or "", args[2] or pargs[2] or "", start or 1, true )
start = res and (start and 4 or 3) or (start and 5 or 4)
res = res or ""
return args[start] or pargs[start] or res
replace = (function (frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, frame:getParent().args
local res = mw.ustring.gsub(
args[1] or pargs[1] or "",
mw.ustring.gsub( args[2] or pargs[2] or "", "([][^$%%.*+-?])", "%%%1" ),
args[3] or pargs[3] or "",
tonumber( args[4] or pargs[4] )
return res
trim = (function (frame)
local args, pargs = frame.args, frame:getParent().args
local what = mw.ustring.gsub( args[2] or pargs[2] or "", "([][^$%%.*+-?()])", "%%%1" )
local res = mw.ustring.gsub(
mw.ustring.gsub( args[1] or pargs[1] or "", "^[" .. what .. "]*", "" ),
"[" .. what .. "]*$",
return res