Funka Nu AB to become LTO for WCAG 2.1


Funka Nu AB would like to become LTO for WCAG 2.1 into Swedish.
We were the LTO for the authorised WCAG 2.0 translation and we have the capacity and competence to make a high quality translation of WCAG 2.1, not least because our own website was one of the test pilots for the new success criteria.

Funka is a privately owned company specialising in consultancy and research on accessibility, with its head quarters in Sweden. It was founded as a NGO by the DPOs of Sweden in the mid 1990’s and was turned into a commercial company in 2000. Its staff contains some of the leading experts in Europe.

We are planning to have the same kind of partners as we had last time, including:

  *   DPOs
  *   Public sector authorities
  *   Academy
  *   Relevant associations

We have already contacted the umbrella organisations among DPOs in Sweden (Funktionsrätt and Lika Unika) as well as some of the major individual ones (visually impaired, motor impairments, reading and writing difficulties, cognitive disabilities and deaf and hard of hearing).

Public sector authorities
We are in contact with the most relevant public authorities:
The Institute for Language and Folklore collects, preserves and researches dialects, city names, personal names and public memories. The institute are also working with language and language policy. The task of the institute is to live and spread knowledge as well as advising on language issues.

Swedish Agency for Accessible Media produces and distributes literature, newspapers and periodicals in accessible format to persons with reading impairments. The authority also actively participate in the development of accessible media.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) monitors the electronic communications and postal sectors in Sweden and also has a specific responsibility for digital accessibility. Among other things, the authority publishes the oficial guidelines for web acessibility for public sector bodies.

DIGG is a new government authority, started on September 1, 2018.The authority is responsible for governance of digital administration and will serve as a hub for digitalization of the public sector. It is also suggested to be the monitoring agency for the Web Accessibility Directive.
The Swedish Agency for Participation is working to ensure that everyone is entitled to full participation in society, regardless of functional ability. The agency is monitoring and analysing developments, proposing methods, guidelines and guidance, disseminating knowledge, initiating research and other development work, and providing support and proposing measures to government.
The universities we have contacted are:
Lund University, which was the first Swedish university to include universal design in the main stream design curriculum.
Mid Sweden University, which is one of the leading higher education when it comes to diversity studies
Stockholm University, which has a broad range of technical and social programs including accessibility

Relevant associations
The Joint Group for Swedish Computer Terminology includes representatives of language care, daily press, media, higher education, industry press and companies in the data industry. The Terminology Center, TNC, coordinates the group. The group's work began in May 1996.

The International Association of Acessibility Profesionals is a global organisations for profesional experts in the field of accessibility. The organisation opened its first local chapter in the Nordic countries in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2017, founded by Funka.

Best regards,

Susanna Laurin | CEO, G3ict and IAAP Representative to the EU, IAAP Global Leadership Council Vice Chair, Managing Director of IAAP Nordic, expert in the WADex Expert group and ETSI Special Task Force 536.

Direct: +46 8 555 770 61
Mobile: +46 708 90 04 90<>
Twitter: @FunkaNu<>

Funka Nu AB
Tegnérgatan 23
SE-111 40 Stockholm
Switch: +46 8 555 770 60<>

[unka logotype]

Received on Monday, 1 October 2018 11:52:25 UTC

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