- From: Jorge Manuel Fernandes <Jorge.Fernandes@fct.pt>
- Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 12:23:06 +0000
- To: "w3c-translators@w3.org" <w3c-translators@w3.org>
Dear All My name is Jorge Fernandes, from the ACCESS Unit of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Science & Tech. Foundation), a public Agency that belongs to the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science. Following the Policy for Authorized W3C Translations (http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/) into European Portuguese language. We (European portuguese LTO and Brazilian portuguese LTO already in progress) decided to discuss the pt-BR and the pt-PT documents at the same PT mailing list, joining reviewers of the both portuguese variants. Follow below a list of all the relevant stakeholders who will be partners in the review process [1]. All the organisations' members have expressed their willingness to review the translation. At the moment we have already a pt-PT version of the WCAG 2.1 [2] ready to be consolidated with the pt-BR and reviewed in the W3C's public mailing-list. With Kind Regards, Jorge Fernandes --- [1] ## Final list *LTO: Unidade ACESSO of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (Public Agency from the Ministry of Education and Science). Jorge Fernandes & Cláudia Cardoso http://www.acessibilidade.gov.pt ## Enterprises Luís Azevedo Anditec (AAC company: accessibility expert): http://www.anditec.pt Norberto Sousa ComAcesso (Web accessibility specialist consultant): http://www.comacesso.pt Carlos Duarte BoomUX/Lisbon University (Accessibility and Usability expert): http://www.boomux.com * Organizations representative of/and of people with disabilities* Rui Batista ACAPO (National Blind & Partially Sighted): http://www.acapo.pt Ricardo Domingues CERCI Lisboa (Cognitive): http://www.cercilisboa.org.pt *Public sector* Rui Fernandes CANTIC (ICT Education; assistive to basic and secondary level students with disabilities): http://www.cantic.org.pt Alice Ribeiro Universidade do Porto/GTAEDES (Assistive to higher education students with disabilities): http://gtaedes.ul.pt Laura Henriques ANACOM (National Authority of Communications): http://www.anacom.pt Maria Helena Alves INR - Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação (National Agency for the Rehabilitation) Expert in Rehabilitation / Sign Language *Academy/Educational Institutions* Célia Sousa IPLeiria/Manager of the Master in AAC / Manager of the Inclusion Resource Center Maria Manuela Francisco IPLeiria/UED (eLearning): http://ued.ipleiria.pt Francisco Rebelo FMH/Lisbon University (ergonomy specialist): http://www.fmh.utl.pt Maria José Freire IPSetúbal/ESE (expert in translation and interpreting of sign language): http://www.ese.ips.pt [2] pt-PT version of the WCAG 2.1: http://www.a12e.tk/wcag/wcag21-pt-PT.html __ Jorge Fernandes | vCard<https://www.fct.pt/dsi/vcards/jf.html>. Coordenador da Unidade ACESSO Departamento da Sociedade da Informação Head of ACCESS Unit Department for the Information Society FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Av. D. Carlos I, 126, 1249-074 Lisboa, Portugal t: [+351] 213 911 557 | [+351] 213 924 300 e: jorge.fernandes@fct.pt<mailto:jorge.fernandes@fct.pt> w: www.fct.pt<http://www.acessibilidade.gov.pt> ----------------------------- CONFIDENCIAL. Esta mensagem (e eventuais ficheiros anexos) é destinada exclusivamente às pessoas nela indicadas e poderá conter matéria confidencial e legalmente protegida. Se receber esta mensagem por engano, agradecemos contacto por e-mail ou por telefone e eliminação da mensagem e ficheiros sem reprodução. CONFIDENTIAL. This message (and any files attached) is intended solely for the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by e-mail or by telephone and delete this message and any attached files without reproduction. -----------------------------
Received on Friday, 2 November 2018 12:23:35 UTC