Project:Support desk

Latest comment: 19 hours ago by RuzDD in topic Creating custom skins
Welcome to the MediaWiki Support desk. This is a place where you can ask any questions you have about installing, using or administrating the MediaWiki software.

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  1. To help us answer your questions, please indicate which version of MediaWiki you are using, as found on your wiki's Special:Version page:
  2. If possible, add $wgShowExceptionDetails = true;error_reporting( -1 );ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); to LocalSettings.php in order to make MediaWiki show more detailed error messages.
  3. Please include the web address (URL) to your wiki if possible. It's often easier for us to identify the source of the problem if we can see the error directly.
  4. To start a new thread, click the box with the text "Add topic".

Creating custom skins


Hello. I have 18:25, 10 February 2025 (UTC)Reply

@RuzDD Manual:How to make a MediaWiki skinTheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 16:10, 11 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, I will write here if I have problems. RuzDD (talk) 19:40, 11 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
@TheDJ The links I saw don't help, how can I install or enable intl? RuzDD (talk) 19:56, 11 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
@RuzDD Basic (web) development knowledge is required for those who want to develop skins, there is no 'easy' way to learn how to develop skins. Maybe ask AI to help you if you still need to learn. I'm not sure what prompted you to ask about intl, but most likely it refers to 09:09, 12 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
@TheDJ I got an error message saying I need to install or enable intl, but these pages don't tell how can I install or enable it in XAMPP's Apache. I already have basic web developement knowledge. Can you help me for installing or enabling php intl in XAMPP's Apache? RuzDD (talk) 10:51, 12 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
12:20, 12 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I uncommented ";extension=intl" (there was no ";extension=php_intl.dll") in php.ini and looks like it worked, thanks. I will write here if I have another problem. RuzDD (talk) 14:00, 12 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I got this error:
Cannot access the database: :real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).
Check the host, username and password and try again. If using "localhost" as the database host, try using "" instead (or vice versa).
I tried both but they don't work. (I ran XAMPP as admin and both Apache and MySQL are running.) What can I do @TheDJ? RuzDD (talk) 14:12, 12 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I solved this problem and completed the installation and I will write here again if I have a problem creating the skin. RuzDD (talk) 13:06, 13 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
@TheDJ The page you linked first tells three ways, but I don't know anything about the mustache templates or whatever gives the data. To clarify, with my current knowledge, I can make an HTML structure giving the look of the skin but can't make the skin show any data. Can you please help me about that? RuzDD (talk) 13:49, 13 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
@wargo Can you help me about that? RuzDD (talk) 18:08, 23 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
Note: A bot archived this topic disruptively and I undid it. RuzDD (talk) 14:22, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Not disruptive at all - the bot archives discussions that have been untouched for two weeks, so is working as designed. I think you've exhausted the knowledge and willingness to engage of the regulars here so leaving this discussion unarchived will be futile, but whatever. * Pppery * it has begun 16:15, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
@Brooke Vibber Can you help me about that? RuzDD (talk) 16:10, 22 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Location Map Error


I'm having an issue while attempting to implement a location map on my wiki. (Currently running MediaWiki version 1.43.0 after being updated as the result of a previous help request.) Instead of properly displaying a box and floating the map right, it does neither of those things and instead displays the text "class=notpageimage|" below the image. (05:10, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply

Try to export all templates related to the Location map and import to your wiki. It can help. Fokebox (talk) 09:33, 24 February 2025 (UTC)Reply
I tried updating both the 05:00, 3 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
I got exaclty same problem, also running MediaWiki version 1.43.0. I noticed that when i changed skin from Vector to Cologne Blue everything works correctly. Can't find really source of this problem. 12:11, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Restricting edit access to a accounts with a specified verified email domain


I am attempting to restrict editing to users with a verified email of a specific domain (e.g. only users with an @ email). I found this post from several years ago, but the hook it's using doesn't seem to work with newer versions. The code I'm using now looks something like (at the bottom of LocalSettings):

$wgEmailDomain = ''; / Set the email domain to check

  $wgHooks['ConfirmEmailComplete'][] = function ( $user ) use ( $wgEmailDomain) {

         if ( preg_match('/' . preg_quote($wgEmailDomain, '/') . '$/i', $user->getEmail()) ) {



     return true;


No matter what event I tie this to (e.g. ConfirmEmailComplete, AbortNewAccount, etc.) I always wind up encountering errors when I attempt to run it. Any suggestions on fixes or a different way to implement? Thanks! Ironblade101 (talk) 03:12, 4 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Hi! What errors do you encounter? Do you use any external authentication provider (e.g. with Extension:PluggableAuth)? Osnard (talk) 06:52, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

"Edit" only appears on Main Page but not on "Discussion"


I am a noob. Using version 1.43. I have enabled visualeditor and it appears as "Edit" on the "Main Page", but when I select "Discussion" only "Edit source" appears. I have spent several hours trying to figure it out to no avail. Cthomask (talk) 22:06, 5 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

I don't think it's designed for talk pages. See Topic:T2q1jtrwx74r3np4, and the "Talk pages" heading at Help:VisualEditor/FAQ. Jonathan3 (talk) 11:44, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
You can install Extension:DiscussionTools for an improved discussion interface. —TheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 10:53, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Editnotice in discussiontools-ui-replyWidget


Hi there, I have an editnotice on my talk page with my pronouns. This editnotice shows up when the source is being edited or when someone starts a new topic. I would like it to show up when someone is replying to another person as well, since this is probably the most likely moment for someone to need my pronouns. Am I missing something or is this not (yet) possible? Thanks! :) Elphie (talk) (they/them) 11:37, 7 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

@Elphie currently these are only shown when you create a New Topic —TheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 12:03, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Request for Instructions on Hiding Public Logs for Anonymous Users (MediaWiki 1.39.3)



I am using MediaWiki version 1.39.3 and I would like to know how to hide all public logs that are accessible via Special:Log for anonymous users. Could you please provide me with step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards Sdelriog (talk) 13:04, 7 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

You can try removing all read access from anonymous users as described in Manual:Preventing_access. It should be noted however that wikis are about transparency, so you might be better off with a CMS if you want to lock down things like this. —TheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 10:58, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply


This part of wiki is an important place for collectors and neerds.

Problem is, the original author does not seem to exist any longer. She disappeared years ago.

There is only a few people over the world that can update now. And they're drowning in information that should be added.

Is it only the original author that can expand the group of administrators? Or is it possible to make some more people admin?

Please help. We're getting desperate.

Christine Tomtlund. Paintdelicious (talk) 15:54, 7 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

You need a "bureaucrat" account to create admin accounts, and it looks like the owner is the only one with this right on that site. If you absolutely must have more admins and the owner can't be reached, maybe you should consider using Special:Export to export the articles and a spider to download the 8.48 GB worth of images and then replicate the wiki under a new domain. Tactica (talk) 03:01, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
heyyy unrelated, but my sis wants to like add a bunch of infos + a new page to the my little wiki!!
okay, so like I started using this MediaWiki thing today and I have like no idea how it works.
Anyways, I wanted to log in to My Little Wiki, since I got a media wiki account, but even though the password and username are correct, I keep getting the error "The supplied credentials could not be authenticated."
I have no idea how to script or anything uh, what do I do? Skwurpiederp (talk) 12:45, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
@Skwurpiederp: Sorry, what I meant below was that you need to talk to the people in charge of, not people here on There's a message on the main page there saying that you should contact User:Absol (there's an email address given). I'd recommend doing that. There's nothing we can do to help here. Sam Wilson 00:54, 22 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Upgrading Mediawiki through export and import


Dear all,

I want to upgrade my Mediawiki installation from 1.42.1 to the latest LTS 1.43.0.

I've read the upgrade documentation and it seems to me quite difficult and error prone.

Considering that:

  • my wiki is really small (20 pages more or less);
  • I only modified 4-5 lines in LocalSettings.php;
  • I only installed a couple of extension and I'm using the default skin;

I'm thinking of:

  • creating a new subdomain;
  • making a fresh installation of 1.43.0 on the new domain; with all extensions I'm using on 1.42.1;
  • merging the old LocalSettings.php (1.42.1) into the new LocalSettings.php (1.43.0);
  • copying the images directory;
  • export all pages an importing them in the new wiki (Special:Export + Special:import)

Do you think this could be easier than following the upgrade procedure?


Massimiliano 00:25, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

For a wiki with 20 articles and a couple of extensions, your plan sounds overkill. It would be far simpler to just overwrite your MW installation with 1.43.0 and updated versions of those extensions, backup the database just in case and then run maintenance/update.php to upgrade it. This presumes you have all the requirements to run MW 1.43. Tactica (talk) 02:37, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
It's not meant to be a great idea to overwrite the files. But it would be nearly as easy to use a separate directory to download the 1.43 files and compatible versions of the two extensions, copy the images and LocalSettings.php across, and run update.php. Jonathan3 (talk) 23:28, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your reply. What do you mean by "run maintenance/update.php"?
If I run now mysiteaddress/maintenance/update.php I get
You don't have permission to access this resource.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Is the "maintenance/update.php" something that's contained in the update package?
Massimiliano 01:12, 16 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
See Manual:Update.php. You probably need sudo for it to work, even if the documentation here doesn't say so explicitly:
$ cd maintenance
$ sudo php run.php update.php
Jonathan3 is right BTW, it's safer to install 1.43 in a separate directory and work with that. Tactica (talk) 13:15, 17 March 2025 (UTC)Reply


I installed Mediawiki on a server (Debian/Apache), directory /var/lib/mediawiki

In the directory /var/www/html I added a link

docs -> /var/lib/mediawiki

When I call the link mon-site/docs/index.php/Accueil I display the page, it works

But when I want to make a modification of a page and I click on Validate. I don't return to the previous page. The URL has been change, the link to my site is double mon-site/docs/mon-site/docs/index.php/Accueil

What parameter does this modification make ?

Thanks 16:15, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

This indicates an incorrect configuration of Manual:$wgScriptPathTheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 12:14, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Unable to import wiki dump using Special:Import or importDump.php


Hi, I'm trying to fork my Fandom wiki, eventually to a custom domain, but for now only locally hosted. I'm having many issues importing the xml dump of my wiki to my new database. I'm in way over my head, I have no experience with mysql or php, just the frontend stuff.

Initially I tried using the maintenance scripts such as importDump.php as per the Manual:ImportDump.php article, but I keep getting this error in return:

PS D:\Wiki Files\htdocs\wiki\maintenance> php importDump.php --conf ../LocalSettings.php /destinycollect_pages_current.xml --username-prefix="w:c:destinycollect"


NOTE: Do not run maintenance scripts directly, use maintenance/run.php instead! Running scripts directly has been deprecated in MediaWiki 1.40. It may not work for some (or any) scripts in the future.


PHP Warning: fopen(/destinycollect_pages_current.xml): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\Wiki Files\htdocs\wiki\maintenance\importDump.php on line 296 Warning: fopen(/destinycollect_pages_current.xml): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\Wiki Files\htdocs\wiki\maintenance\importDump.php on line 296 fopen(/destinycollect_pages_current.xml): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if the script just no longer works as the warning suggests. I see it's apparently having trouble finding my xml file, though I placed it in the maintenance folder for simplicity's sake, but like I said, I don't know if that's the actual problem or not. I also couldn't find anything explaining how to work run.php for this purpose.

Next I tried the Special:Import page of my wiki. I have had multiple different errors with this method, the following being the latest one:

[1b039779a0e57e43db782d99] /wiki/index.php?title=Special:Import&action=submit Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionStateError: Cannot execute query from LCStoreDB::get while transaction status is ERROR

Initially, I was running into issues with the maximum execution time, which was defaulted to 120 seconds in my php.ini file. I changed it to 3600 (really not sure how long it should take, my wiki is ~320 articles with various categories and templates), and after a couple errant issues like the attached one, I eventually ran into a problem with the memory limit being exceeded. I changed that from 512M to 1024M. Then I set it to run overnight, and this morning it had reached the time limit again, which I increased again to 24 hours. Now I'm running into the attached error each time.

The approach used in the Manual:Importing XML dumps article is appealing, but I honestly have little clue what I'm looking at here. It's clearly intended for those with more experience.

I tried to provide my LocalSettings.php and php.ini files for reference, as well as screencaps of my error messages, but external links are unallowed it seems. In any case, help would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I don't know what I'm doing! If anyone has any up to date learning resources as well, I'd be glad to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks! Ironybee523 (talk) 17:58, 8 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

@Ironybee523: It looks like one issue is that you're missing a leading dot in the filename: /destinycollect_pages_current.xml doesn't exist, but ./destinycollect_pages_current.xml presumably does? Sam Wilson 08:58, 9 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the reply. I'm not sure what the deal was, but the Special:Import page eventually worked when I wasn't looking. Well, it didn't say it worked, but when I checked the site, everything had loaded up. Ironybee523 (talk) 15:41, 14 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Unable to import Wikipedia into Unraid MediaWiki Container



I am trying to host my own Wikipedia on my unraid server for my family and friends. I am using mariadb for my database. I am very new to this world so apologize if I missed the solution in a previous post or instruction document. When I run php /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php --quiet /config/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml, I keep getting these errors:

root@Tower:~# docker exec -it mediawiki bash

root@d1c82999f116:/# export SERVER_NAME=""

root@d1c82999f116:/# php /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php --quiet /config/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml


[no req]  

CannotCreateActorException from line 2516 of /config/www/mediawiki/includes/user/User.php: Cannot create an actor for a usable name that is not an existing user Backtrace: #0 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/ActorMigration.php(256): User->getActorId(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli)

#1 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(774): ActorMigration->getInsertValuesWithTempTable(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli, string, User)

#2 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(573): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->insertRevisionRowOn(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli, MediaWiki\Revision\MutableRevisionRecord, Title, integer)

#3 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(511): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->insertRevisionInternal(MediaWiki\Revision\MutableRevisionRecord, Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli, User, CommentStoreComment, Title, integer, integer)

#4 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php(3988): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->MediaWiki\Revision{closure}(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqli, string)

#5 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/libs/rdbms/database/DBConnRef.php(53): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->doAtomicSection(string, Closure)

#6 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/libs/rdbms/database/DBConnRef.php(613): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->__call(string, array)

#7 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(519): Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef->doAtomicSection(string, Closure)

#8 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/Revision.php(1166): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->insertRevisionOn(MediaWiki\Revision\MutableRevisionRecord, Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef)

#9 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/ImportableOldRevisionImporter.php(129): Revision->insertOn(Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnRef)

#10 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiRevision.php(595): ImportableOldRevisionImporter->import(WikiRevision)

#11 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(365): WikiRevision->importOldRevision()

#12 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(198): WikiImporter->importRevision(WikiRevision)

#13 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(502): BackupReader->handleRevision(WikiRevision, WikiImporter)

#14 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(939): WikiImporter->revisionCallback(WikiRevision)

#15 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(858): WikiImporter->processRevision(array, array)

#16 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(800): WikiImporter->handleRevision(array)

#17 /config/www/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php(607): WikiImporter->handlePage()

#18 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(347): WikiImporter->doImport()

#19 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(280): BackupReader->importFromHandle(resource)

#20 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(116): BackupReader->importFromFile(string)

#21 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php(96): BackupReader->execute() #22 /config/www/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(352): require_once(string)

#23 {main}

I have already Checked MediaWiki User & Actor Tables, Attempted to Reset and Fix Actors, Verified MediaWiki Database Status, and tried importing a smaller .xml file.

Any advice? Please let me know if I need to give more info or some logs.

Again sorry if this an easy fix. Dionysiann (talk) 02:06, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

setting ldap


"Good afternoon. Could you please tell me where the error is? The username or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again."



"": {

"connection": {

"server": "",

"port": "389",

"use-tls": "true",

"user": "CN=MediawikiAuthenticator,CN=Users,DC=local,DC=ru",

"pass": "Rrrrrrr",

"enctype": "clear",

"options": {




"basedn": "dc=local,dc=ru",

"userbasedn": "dc=local,dc=ru",

"groupbasedn": "dc=local,dc=ru",

"searchattribute": "sAMAccountName",

"usernameattribute": "sAMAccountName",

"realnameattribute": "cn",

"emailattribute": "mail",

"grouprequest": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\LDAPProvider\\UserGroupsRequest\\UserMemberOf::factory",

"presearchusernamemodifiers": [ "spacestounderscores", "lowercase" ]


"userinfo": [],

"authorization": [],


"groupsync": {

"mapping": {

"engineering": "CN=EngineeringCoreTeam,OU=MediaWiki,DC=local,DC=ru",

"bureaucrat": "CN=Mediawiki_Admins,OU=MediaWiki,DC=local,DC=ru",

"interface-admin": "CN=Mediawiki_Admins,OU=MediaWiki,DC=local,DC=ru",

"sysop": "CN=Mediawiki_Admins,OU=MediaWiki,DC=local,DC=ru"



/ Safe IP or not (for bypassing external login via AD)

$safeIPs = array('','');


foreach ($ipsVars as $ipsVar) {

if (isset($_SERVER[$ipsVar]) && mb_strlen($_SERVER[$ipsVar]) > 3 ) { $wikiRequestIP = $_SERVER[$ipsVar]; break; }


$wikiRequestSafe = ( isset($wikiRequestIP ) && ( in_array($wikiRequestIP,$safeIPs) ));

/ Create Wiki-Group 'engineering' from default user group

$wgGroupPermissions['engineering'] = $wgGroupPermissions['user'];

/ Private Wiki. External LDAP login. Default NS requires login.

$wgEmailConfirmToEdit = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['createaccount'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = true;

$wgBlockDisablesLogin = true;

/ Load LDAP Config from JSON

$ldapJsonFile = "/var/www/ldap.json";

$ldapConfig = false;

if (is_file($ldapJsonFile) && is_dir("$IP/extensions/LDAPProvider")) {

  $testJson = @json_decode(file_get_contents($ldapJsonFile),true);

  if (is_array($testJson)) {

    $ldapConfig = true;

  } else {

    error_log("Found invalid JSON in file: /var/www/ldap.json");



/ Activate Extension

if ( $ldapConfig ) {

  wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );

  wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPProvider' );

  wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthentication2' );

  wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthorization' );

  wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPUserInfo' );

  wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPGroups' );

  $LDAPProviderDomainConfigs = $ldapJsonFile;

  / Force LDAPGroups to sync by choosing a domain (e.g. first JSON object in ldap.json)

  $LDAPProviderDefaultDomain = array_key_first(json_decode(file_get_contents($LDAPProviderDomainConfigs), true));

  $wgPluggableAuth_Config = array(


        'plugin' => 'LDAPAuthentication2',

        'buttonLabelMessage' => 'pt-login-button',

        'data' => ['domain'=> $LDAPProviderDefaultDomain]


      array('plugin' => 'LDAPAuthorization'),


  if ($wikiRequestSafe) { $LDAPAuthentication2AllowLocalLogin = true; } Binbonm (talk) 11:05, 10 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Hi! Try to wire debug logs and check if CLI script extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/CheckLogin.php works. Please share the redacted logs here. Osnard (talk) 06:48, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
/var/www/MediaWiki$ sudo php maintenance/run.php   extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/CheckLogin.php    --domain=""    --username="login"
Script 'extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/CheckLogin.php' not found (tried path '/var/www/MediaWiki/maintenance/extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/CheckLogin.php' and class 'extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/CheckLogin\php').
chmod -R 755 /var/www/MediaWiki/extensions/LDAPProvider/ completed
CheckLogin.php the file is in the package 12:20, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Automatically Place File Uploads into a Category


When I upload a file, it's File:Filename.ext page is automatically created, but it's empty. I'd like to automatically place it into a category.

I would love if it were default to this namespace, where I don't even need to run a script to edit the empty page.

I see Manual:Creating pages with preloaded text and some extensions that look like they'd work on normal pages, but not the File namespace.

Is this possible? 04:27, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

If all you want is have all the uploaded files placed in one or more categories, the most simple way I can think of based on the default upload mechanism is a template like Template:Information inserted in MediaWiki:Upload-default-description, modified to suit your specific requirements. Tactica (talk) 19:27, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply



On the MediaWiki page, clicking on the "..." in the top right corner and clicking "(learn more) will take you to Help:Introduction, a nonexistent page. 01:00, 12 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

On what wiki are you seeing this? (You're posting on, and you might've come here from a link in the sidebar of some other wiki; we're not part of that wiki.) Sam Wilson 01:24, 12 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
This is on MediaWiki. 21:10, 12 March 2025 (UTC)Reply, or which website address? MediaWiki is a software which is ran on numerous machines out there. On, I do not see any "..." in the top right corner. A screenshot might be helpful. Malyacko (talk) 06:25, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Could not create directory when uploading images.

  • MediaWiki: 1.43.0
  • Php: 8.2.12
  • XAMPP: 3.3.0
  • Windows 10 22H2

The wiki runs on a Windows 10 server using XAMPP. XAMPP is installed at C:\xampp. The wiki is inside the directory C:\xampp\htdocs\wiki.

When uploading some pictures, sometimes the upload fails for specific pictures with the translated error:

"Could not create directory: « mwstore://local-backend/local-public/8/80 »

The actual error is (the wiki is running on FR language):

"Impossible de créer le répertoire « mwstore://local-backend/local-public/8/80 »."

The link in the error changes depending on the picture. The error will keep occurring if I try to upload the same file.

The wiki is internal; so it's not accessible to the Internet. There's not much information out there about Windows installs or XAMPP in particular. Most solutions pertain to Linux installs and it involves setting permissions on the directories. I'm not sure which user I need to give permissions to, but I already tried "Guest", "Everyone" and so on just to test and nothing seems to resolve the issue.

It appears the issue affects files that try to write in an existing directory structure. If the image is being created in a new directory, then the error doesn't occur.

Note: The directory in the error actually exists in the images folder in the wiki directory.

Edit: This error shows in the log: [FileOperation] Wikimedia\FileBackend\FSFileBackend::doPrepareInternal: directory C:\xampp\htdocs\wiki/images/8/80 is read-only

I checked the directory and the read-only flag is showing a square instead of a checkmark. If I remove it and to everything under that directory, it automatically reverts back to a square again.

Edit2: Ultimately, I had to modify the FSFileBackend.php file. I commented out the line 516 to 518, which were the following:

		/} elseif ( !$isWritable ) {
		/	$this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ": directory $fsDirectory is read-only") ;
		/	$status->fatal( 'directoryreadonlyerror', $params['dir']) ;

This is not an ideal fix, but it works for now. I figured out that there is probably a bug with the is_Writable php function that returns false even if the directory is writable.

If anyone knows a more proper solution, please respond and I will implement it.

Sillycrow13 (talk) 19:00, 12 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

edit, running MediaWiki software, has no active bureaucrats. As a result, no old admins can be de-sysopped and no new admins can be promoted. Can MediaWiki stewards promote someone on the wiki to ‘crat status? 19:55, 12 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

No, because (that is a website) stewards cannot take over random third-party websites on the interwebs which occasionally installed the same piece of software on their machines. Malyacko (talk) 06:22, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

identifying Author's Comments


Hello everyone,

I'm new here and just set up the Comments Extension. I'm working on T155466 and looking to highlight author's comments on blogs while excluding comments on articles (if enabled).

I previously asked about this on mw:Extension talk:Comments, but there doesn't seem to be any activity there.

Could someone advise on:

  • Identifying the author's comments programmatically.
  • Differentiating between blog and article comments.

Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks! Parv ch (talk) 12:12, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

No revisions imported (all were either already present, or skipped due to errors).

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.39.11
PHP 8.3.17 (fpm-fcgi)
MariaDB 10.6.21-MariaDB
ICU 67.1
Lua 5.1.5
Elasticsearch 7.10.2

The xml import file was exported from the same wiki a few days ago, with 5 pages, which had changed since then. However, these were not updated with the uploaded file versions giving the above notice. Spiros71 (talk) 15:14, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

The error report is pretty much self-explanatory and matches the documentation. ImportDump is supposed to skip imports where the current content is more recent than the content being imported, and only populate the history if appropriate in this case. Tactica (talk) 20:17, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Is there way way to mass delete a list of bot users?


Hey Everyone. My wiki has been slowly invaded by bots since last March. There are a little over 1000 bots. They haven't made any edits or created pages to my knowledge, but I do have a bunch of dead accounts that I'd like to get rid of. There were only supposed to be about 10 uses in my wiki at the point I noticed the bots. I tried the built-in mediawiki remove unused accounts script, RemoveUnusedAccounts.php, but it only returns three accounts, which is a lot less than the 1000 I need removed. User merge is another option to delete accounts, but doing that for each bot would be super time-consuming.

Is there any way to just input a list of accounts you want gone and have them blocked and/or removed?

I'm on Mediawiki 1.41. Thanks for any input in advance. 17:58, 13 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

One of the first things that came to my mind was the blockUsers.php maintenance script , which (IIUC) would allow you to provide a list of accounts to mass-block. However, that script doesn't currently support blocking accounts with the hideuser option enabled (which, while not deleting the accounts from the database, would result in MediaWiki pretending that they don't exist). (I've filed T388841 to request that this functionality is added to blockUsers.php.)
Someone else might have an idea about how to mass-delete/mass-hide the accounts in the current situation - apologies that I can't be more help myself! All the best, ‍—‍a smart kitten[meow] 07:25, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
What about Manual:RemoveUnusedAccounts.php? Jonathan3 (talk) 23:40, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
@Jonathan3 The OP mentions that they’d already tried that maintenance script, unfortunately. Best, ‍—‍a smart kitten[meow] 08:37, 16 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Oops :-) Jonathan3 (talk) 23:34, 16 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

MySql shut down unexpectedly


I had been using MediaWiki with XAMPP for a few days without issues, but now MySQL suddenly won't start. It stops with the following error message:

21:25:39 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.  

21:25:39 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,  

21:25:39 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.  

21:25:39 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check  

21:25:39 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues.  

21:25:39 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this  

21:25:39 [mysql] entire log window on the forums.  

I've checked the basics, but I'm unsure how to resolve this. Any guidance would be appreciated! Parv ch (talk) 16:21, 14 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

I would try a forum that focuses on support for mysql/mariadb —TheDJ (Not WMF) (talkcontribs) 10:29, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
i reinstalled xampp and mediawiki not facing this issue anymore but now I'm facing an issue with the Comments extension on my MediaWiki setup. After reinstalling XAMPP, the Comments extension stopped working, showing
[10c8bd3be1b4b96233873a77] 2025-03-15 13:08:16: Fatal exception of type "Error"
Other extensions like Quiz are functioning correctly. Parv ch (talk) 13:08, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
See Manual:How to debug how to provide a stacktrace. Please also read "Post a new question" at the top of this page. Malyacko (talk) 18:26, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

FileImporter configuration question


My question, see Help talk:Extension:FileImporter#File with en:Template:CC BY 4.0 not acknowledged as importable. ZandDev (talk) 17:17, 14 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

option not to display the group name in <ref> tag ?


is it possible to reduce the scope of the <references/> tag to a section only, without using the printed group name before the index which overloads the contents where the <ref> tag are used ? That means that the [1][2][3]...would concern the section (paragraph). The 'group=' principle is still used but group name is not displayed in this case. This is useful when references are used in an array of contents and the URLs are displayed just below. Thanks. -- Christian 🇫🇷 FR 🚨 (talk) 07:44, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

That's an enhancement request for Extension:Cite, not something related to MediaWiki itself. Tactica (talk) 13:12, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
I didn't follow your question completely so might have missed the point... but I have a feeling that if you transclude a page, and that page has a "references" tag, it only shows references relating to the transcluded page. You could do that for each of your sections. Jonathan3 (talk) 22:30, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
My understanding is that he simply wants e.g. <ref group="Blah" name="myref"/> to display [1] rather than [Blah 1] in an article, hence my comment. Tactica (talk) 23:24, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. My suggestion above would still work for that, in an unwieldly way! But it looks like it's not an enhancement request: it's all described at Help:Cite#Grouped_references. If you create the page "MediaWiki:Cite_link_label_group-Blah" with "1 2 3 4" etc then the word "Blah" won't be displayed. Jonathan3 (talk) 23:38, 15 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Yup, you're right. I never used customization so I didn't even think it could be done this way, oops! Tactica (talk) 12:51, 17 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
There is NO question of transclusion here. The array is already in the page, in any paragraph under a title == and I would like it light and with the references just after for immediate reading. so @Tactica yes you are right it is what would be nice. Thanks. may be i m more clear now. --Christian 🇫🇷 FR 🚨 (talk) 08:53, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Read on. I think your question might subsequently have been answered. Jonathan3 (talk) 13:05, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

blending transclusion with numbering


I am using version 1.36.1, and I am trying to figure out if there is a way to transclude text without breaking numbering. I have found a lot of information about numbering and bullets and indents, and also much about transcluding, but nothing about how—or if it's even possible—to transclude a block of text within a formatted list. Thanks for any guidance.True Pagan Warrior (talk) 14:57, 17 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Give us an example of what you've tried. There's some useful information here: Help:Lists. I think that anything that can be done on the page can be done with transclusion. Jonathan3 (talk) 00:45, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Setting a default tabber


Dear ∀,

In our wiki we employ extension:tabberNeue to present different versions of elements of an XML schema.

Some elements have been deprecated in the newest version, so we would prefer to set the last existing version as the default view. E.g. on #3.2-0 as the default view.

Is there a way to achieve this?

Thank you in advance.

yours, Ciciban (talk) 15:57, 17 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Issue: CirrusSearch and Elasticsearch Configuration - "Couldn't Resolve Host" Error After Days of Debugging


System Information

  • MediaWiki Version: 1.43
  • Elasticsearch Version: 8.17.3
  • CirrusSearch Version: Latest (as of March 2025)
  • Elastica Version: 8.0.0
  • Server Environment: Windows 11 + XAMPP
  • PHP Version: (your PHP version)
  • Database Type & Version: (MySQL, MariaDB, etc.)

Problem Description


We have been trying to configure CirrusSearch with Elasticsearch 8.17.3, but every attempt to run indexing commands fails with the same error: Ricklach (talk) 21:30, 17 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Trying to create my own wiki in MediaWiki, but there is an error



I installed MediaWiki and configured the wiki, but I encountered the following problem after the installation was complete.

[c41c5a9a9395a239c7007829] /jayandrewboy-mediawiki/mw-config/index.php?page=Install Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading or after adding a new extension?

Please see and for more information.

Error 1044: Access denied for user 'jayandrewboy-mediawiki'@'localhost' to database 'main_wiki'

Function: MediaWiki\Installer\MysqlInstaller::setupDatabase



from E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\libs\rdbms\database\Database.php(1198)

#0 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\libs\rdbms\database\Database.php(1182): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryException(string, int, string, string)

#1 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\libs\rdbms\database\Database.php(1156): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->getQueryExceptionAndLog(string, int, string, string)

#2 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\libs\rdbms\database\Database.php(647): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportQueryError(string, int, string, string, bool)

#3 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\installer\MysqlInstaller.php(337): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->query(Wikimedia\Rdbms\Query, string)

#4 [internal function]: MediaWiki\Installer\MysqlInstaller->setupDatabase(MediaWiki\Installer\MysqlInstaller)

#5 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\installer\Installer.php(1744): call_user_func(array, MediaWiki\Installer\MysqlInstaller)

#6 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\installer\WebInstallerInstall.php(47): MediaWiki\Installer\Installer->performInstallation(array, array)

#7 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\includes\installer\WebInstaller.php(257): MediaWiki\Installer\WebInstallerInstall->execute()

#8 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\mw-config\index.php(93): MediaWiki\Installer\WebInstaller->execute(array)

#9 E:\xampp\htdocs\jayandrewboy-mediawiki\mw-config\index.php(43): wfInstallerMain()

#10 {main}

I'm not sure how to solve this issue, let me know in the comments.

P.S. You can ignore that my name was inscribed. JayAndrewBoy (talk) 09:25, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

There's some stuff at Manual:Installing_MediaWiki#Set_up_the_database that might help. Jonathan3 (talk) 13:08, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
It didn't work at all. I feel my mind is blank. :'( JayAndrewBoy (talk) 14:13, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Well, the error message says you need to grant permissions for a given user in your database:
Error 1044: Access denied for user 'jayandrewboy-mediawiki'@'localhost' to database 'main_wiki'
See 14:19, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Search suggestions not working


Hello, On our wiki if you type in the search field you don't get search suggestions. This worked before but no longer for a while now. Can someone help me troubleshoot this? Where do I start trying to find out the cause? Thanks PKFP (talk) 10:09, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Hi, please see "Post a new question" above, and also check the web browser's developer tools' console when this happens. Malyacko (talk) 14:50, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Sorry for the missing info. Our tech team fixed it by now. It was an error in the ngnx settings and in the rest.php file.
So this topic can be closed. Thanks. PKFP (talk) 16:33, 19 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

too many files


I am running a wiki for 9 years now, but recently have the problem that my hoster tells me that I have reached a limitation of file numbers (it says 260,000, but actually it is 262,144). The wiki has about 48,000 uploaded files (mainly images), but of course there are all the thumbnails, some archived and some deleted files.

What is the safest and easiest way to get rid of (somewhat) unnecessary files? And how much would that help in the medium to long term? (talk) 23:44, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

and I should perhaps add, that it took me some time to find out that this limitation created my login, edit and file upload problems.
Not consistently, but intermittedly I had got the following error messages:
Manual:Common_errors_and_symptoms#Login_page_warns_about_cookies_disabled (talk) 23:52, 18 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
I'm fairly certain you can just delete all the thumbnails. Unless you change settings, they'll eventually regenerate themselves. It might reduce your file number by quite a lot, as (for example) maybe you've got a thumbnail for every page of thousands of PDF documents. Jonathan3 (talk) 00:36, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Yeah deleting thumbnails could save a bit, as well as reducing the number of sizes in $wgImageLimits maybe? Although I must say, I'd be more inclined to move to a better host! Sam Wilson 05:20, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

How to add custom font in Commons.css?



I recently installed MediaWiki and it works just perfect. 👍👌

I'm in the process of customizing the wiki and would like to add any custom font to Common.css. Although I tried, it didn't seem to work. I've sought help from ChatGPT, but I'm still not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Here's the code I put in Common.css:

@font-face {

    font-family: 'MyCustomFont';

    src: url('/path/to/mycustomfont.woff2') format('woff2'),

         url('/path/to/mycustomfont.woff') format('woff');

    font-weight: normal;

    font-style: normal;


body {

    font-family: 'MyCustomFont', sans-serif;


Please leave any comments on how I can improve this. JayAndrewBoy (talk) 10:05, 19 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Something like @import url( '' ); should work. Then you can use the ... part in "font-family".
Also, I'm not sure but think you might need to list other elements as well as "body" to get everything to work, e.g. h1, h2, h3, button etc. Jonathan3 (talk) 00:33, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
But I probably did it or tested it like this.
@font-face {
    font-family: 'Murs Gothic Key';
    src: url('MursGothic-KeyBold.woff2') format('woff2'),
        url('MursGothic-KeyBold.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: swap;
} JayAndrewBoy (talk) 06:44, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
If you only probably tested that way then try it and see :-) Maybe experiment with the path to the files. Jonathan3 (talk) 10:11, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Could you please send me some sample code on how to add custom fonts like in Fandom? 🙂🙏 JayAndrewBoy (talk) 14:24, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Error in BootstrapHelperFunctions.php prevents upgrade to MW 1.43



I've just completed preparing a new copy of MediaWiki 1.43 (i.e. downloaded the release, copied over images/LocalSettings/skins from the old folder) and when I ran (in terminal) php maintenance/run.php update I got the following error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) in /tmp/newwiki/includes/BootstrapHelperFunctions.php on line 30

Any idea what I should do, please? Bozla (talk) 12:34, 19 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

@Bozla Out of interest, do you know what version of PHP you're running? (You should be able to find this out from the terminal by running php -v) Best, ‍—‍a smart kitten[meow] 09:15, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

How do I remove a user group?


Not from a user, but how do I remove it's existence? A extension, Commentbox, created a group called "comment-admin". I removed the extension but how do I remove the group? 14:36, 19 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

I'm not 100% sure if it'll help in your case, but have a look at Manual:User rights and check your LocalSettings.php for "comment-admin". Jonathan3 (talk) 00:22, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
I am on a hosting service. I don't have access to localsettings.php. That's why I made this 13:23, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
Change your hosting service :-) Jonathan3 (talk) 18:37, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
How did you remove the extension if you don't have access to LocalSettings.php? Sam Wilson 04:15, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
The hosting service has an extension called "ManageWiki" with allows me to edit LocalSettings.php with a GUI interface. I just cannot remove user groups. That is not included in the GUI. 13:28, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
In that case, my (personal) instinct would be that you may need to ask your hosting service if there’s anything they can do to remove the group. Best, ‍—‍a smart kitten[meow] 17:33, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

foreach error from MimeAnalyzer


The error log on my wiki's server has lately been filled with constant repetitions of this PHP error, always citing MimeAnalyzer:

PHP Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given in /var/www/ on line 129, referer:

I see the line it references in MimeAnalyzer.php is in this block:

foreach ( $this->mimeToExts as $mime => $exts ) {
    foreach ( $exts as $ext ) {
        $this->extToMimes[$ext][] = $mime;

I'm not sure how to diagnose this, so I was curious if anyone might know the cause. Any insights are much appreciated!

System details:

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.43.0
PHP 8.3.19 (apache2handler)
ICU 66.1
MySQL 8.0.33
Pygments 2.17.2
Lua 5.1.5

Huwmanbeing (talk) 18:50, 19 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

How about making MediaWiki run offline like XOWA but newer and with a visual editor


I've been using XOWA to make my own wikis but the MediaWiki version is outdated. How about if those that want to have a wiki but cant afford and host their wiki wanted to have a wiki application like XOWA but it was made by the Wikimedia Foundation? Wikipedian2025 (talk) 12:04, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

This is a support forum for MW and your "problem" isn't related to MW, so you'd be better off requesting the company or development team behind that app to update MW and that's it. Tactica (talk) 13:56, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
oh okay, i already figured out how to use XOWA Wikipedian2025 (talk) 09:19, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Need to reduce SQL DB Size


My hosting company (SiteGround) has a max db size of 1000 MB and I'm 4MB from hitting it. I have MediaWiki 1.42.3, php 8, MySQL 8.0.39-30. I contacted their support team and they tried several things to reduce the db size, but they were only able to reduce by about 30MB. They even ran the DeleteOldRevisions.php script and compressOld.php, but this didn't do much. I thought for sure this would make a huge difference. FYI, I don't know anything about MySQL. I do have access to the database through SiteGround's interface. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Scott216 (talk) 12:20, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Manual:Reduce size of the database --Malyacko (talk) 16:53, 20 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

edit api with oauth javascript (not nodejs) (not mediawiki js) example


Hello, 03:06, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

And is pkce supported instead of oauth? Thanks. Gryllida 03:06, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
03:39, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
CC 04:27, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

My Little Wiki login


okay, so like I started using this MediaWiki thing today and I have like no idea how it works.

Anyways, I wanted to log in to My Little Wiki, since I got a media wiki account, but even though the password and username are correct, I keep getting the error "The supplied credentials could not be authenticated."

I have no idea how to script or anything uh, what do I do? Skwurpiederp (talk) 12:05, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

@Skwurpiederp: Is this related to the thread above? You're posting here on, which is the site for the software. You should probably be asking someone on your wiki. Note that your username here is unrelated to your username there, and you (hopefully) have a different password. Sam Wilson 12:31, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
ohhh ok, I'm so sorry!!! Skwurpiederp (talk) 12:39, 21 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

I don't know how to change the font of the second heading and the others.


When I tried to change the font for the second heading and other headings, the font did not change.

.mw-heading2, h2 {

  font-family: "Roboto Flex", sans-serif;

  font-optical-sizing: auto;

  font-weight: 700;

  font-style: normal;


    "WGHT" 700

    "SLNT" 0,

    "WDTH" 100,

    "GRAD" 0,

    "XOPQ" 96,

    "XTRA" 468,

    "YOPQ" 79,

    "YTAS" 750,

    "YTDE" -203,

    "YTFI" 738,

    "YTLC" 514,

    "YTUC" 712;

} JayAndrewBoy (talk) 13:16, 22 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

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