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* Insert WikiEditor (sMirC) emoticons buttons
* @created 2014-08-16
* @source [[mw:Extension:WikiEditor/Toolbar customization]], [[c:SMirC]]
* @version 0.2.3 (22:24, 5 June 2018 (UTC))
* @author [[User:Perhelion]], 2014
* @license released in the public domain
* @ToDo:
* Classic toolbar support?
* VE support?
* @required modules: mw.user, wikiEditor
/* global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
/* jshint eqeqeq:true, forin:false, laxbreak:true, multistr:true,
trailing:true, undef:true, unused:true, white:false, smarttabs:true */
( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
/ $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'emoticons' }); / Remove
/ window.customSmilies = [':-)',';-)',':-D',':-S','X-)','mm','lol','doh','=>'];
/ Pool of available smilies
var smilyPool = {
':-)': [ '6/69', 'smile' ],
';-)': [ 'e/ec', 'wink' ],
':-D': [ 'e/e3', 'beam' ],
':-S': [ '8/8c', 'dunno' ],
'X-)': [ '6/66', 'grin' ],
'=>': [ '9/90', 'happy' ],
'lol': [ '5/5a', 'laugh' ],
'doh': [ 'a/a2', 'doh' ],
'mm': [ '0/00', 'mmm' ],
'-.-': [ '6/6d', 'bored' ],
'"-:': [ '0/0b', 'whistle' ],
'^_^': [ '9/91', 'chuckle' ],
'B)': [ '0/08', 'cool' ],
'ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ': [ 'e/e3', 'bearhug' ],
'0:)': [ '3/3f', 'angel' ],
'3:D': [ '4/40', 'devil' ],
'*,,*': [ 'c/c2', 'vamp' ],
'(.V.)': [ 'b/bf', 'alien' ],
'☠': [ 'b/b3', 'dead' ],
'@_,@': [ 'b/b3', 'stoned' ],
'(゚*゚)': [ '5/56', 'puke' ],
'(°₀°)': [ '5/54', 'jealous' ],
'>:[]': [ '0/0e', 'angry' ],
'♨': [ '0/0d', 'hot' ],
':-{}': [ '9/93', 'freezing' ],
'x_x': [ '3/3d', 'spent' ],
'hi': [ '5/5a', 'hi' ],
'stop': [ '4/47', 'beware' ],
'-<-@': [ '6/62', 'congrats' ],
'*<:o)': [ 'f/f5', 'party' ],
'yes': [ '1/1f', 'thumbsup' ],
'no': [ 'c/c8', 'thumbsdown' ],
'O_O': [ '0/0c', 'shock' ],
'°o°': [ '5/5f', 'goggle' ],
'8-O': [ 'e/e8', 'scream' ],
/ 35
':-(': [ '3/39', 'sad' ],
':-|': [ 'd/d5', 'medium' ],
'8-(': [ 'a/aa', 'puppyeyes' ],
'8)': [ '6/66', 'rolleyes' ],
'(~_~)': [ 'e/e3', 'unnerved' ],
';,(': [ 'a/ae', 'cry' ],
'<3': [ 'b/b6', 'love' ],
':-*': [ '8/80', 'kiss' ],
'???': [ '3/35', 'what' ],
'zZz': [ '4/4b', 'zzz' ],
';-/': [ 'c/c2', 'sceptic' ],
':-x': [ '5/58', 'silent' ],
':-P': [ 'c/c3', 'tongue' ],
'%Þ': [ '1/1e', 'crazy' ],
'<3Þ': [ '6/64', 'horny' ],
'$Þ': [ 'e/ec', 'greedy' ],
'●^_^●': [ '0/00', 'shy' ],
'●°.°●': [ '7/7f', 'embarassed' ],
'8-)': [ 'd/d2', 'nerd' ],
'8-°': [ 'd/d8', 'wasntI' ],
'8-[': [ '8/85', 'worry' ],
'o_O': [ '8/8b', 'wtf' ],
'(-°-)': [ '1/17', 'martial' ],
'xmas': [ 'a/ab', 'xmas' ],
'C(_)': [ '3/33', 'coffeebreak' ],
'm(': [ '9/95', 'facepalm' ],
'daisy': [ '2/23', 'daisy' ],
'☀': [ '5/5d', 'sunny' ],
'☁': [ '3/37', 'cloudy' ],
'☂': [ 'd/d2', 'rainy' ],
'☈': [ '2/27', 'thundery' ],
'☃': [ '9/9e', 'snowy' ],
'≈': [ '5/55', 'hazy' ],
'\\S/': [ 'd/d3', 'super' ],
'wine': [ '0/07', 'wine' ],
'palm': [ '9/90', 'palm' ],
'(_*_)': [ '1/10', 'ass' ]
specialSmilyPool = [ / non sMirc
[ 'e/e0', 'Thumbs_up_icon', '=b' ] / 👍
smilies = [];
/ Add smilies to the toolbar in the specified order and count
var order = window.customSmilies;
if ( $.isArray( order ) ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var smilie = smilyPool[ order[ i ] ];
if ( !smilie ) { throw new Error( 'Unknown smilie: ' + order[ i ] ); } else { / Dict to array
smilie.push( order[ i ] );
smilies.push( smilie );
} else { / Dict object to array
for ( var k in smilyPool ) {
smilyPool[ k ].push( k );
smilies.push( smilyPool[ k ] );
var cUrl = '', / Commons
/** sMirC emoticons only **/
s = 'SMirC-',
sMList = {},
sRlen = Math.max( Math.ceil( smilies.length / 2 ), 35 ), / Max 35 preferred
sRo = [ '¹', '²', '', '' ], / ,'³','⁴' Max 2 rows supported?
sRi = 0, / smilie row index
fns = '[[' + mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[ 6 ] + ':';
if ( smilies.length > sRlen ) {
addSmilie( sRo[ sRi ], smilies.splice( 0, sRlen ), s );
if ( smilies.length ) {
addSmilie( sRo[ sRi ], smilies, s );
if ( specialSmilyPool.length ) / add special smilie
addSmilie( sRo[ sRi ], specialSmilyPool, '' );
* Adds smilies to toolbar object (make buttons).
* @param {string} gp { group/row name suffix }
* @param {array} sL { list of smilies }
* @param {string} s { group name }
function addSmilie( gp, sL, s ) {
var sb = {}; / Smilie buttons
for ( var i = 0, l = sL.length; i < l; i++ ) {
/ for (var i in sL) {
var id = s + sL[ i ][ 1 ];
var k = sL[ i ][ 2 ];
var src = cUrl + sL[ i ][ 0 ] + '/' + id + '.svg/22px-' + id + '.svg.png';
sb[ k ] = {
label: k,
type: 'button',
icon: src,
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: { pre: fns + id + '.svg|x20px|' + k + ']]' }
sMList[ gp ] = {
label: gp,
tools: sb
function wikiEditorEmoticons( $toolbar ) { / make to toolbar
$toolbar = $toolbar[0]? $toolbar : $( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( mw.libs.wikiEditorEmoticons instanceof Object || !$toolbar[0] ) return; / load only once
$toolbar.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
sections: {
emoticons: {
type: 'toolbar',
/ 'deferLoad': true,
groups: sMList
} );
/ made section button (hack)
$( '#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .tabs .tab-emoticons a' ).append( $( '<img>' )
.attr( {
'src': cUrl + '5/59/Cute_Ball_-_Games.png/22px-Cute_Ball_-_Games.png',
'width': 22,
'height': 22,
'title': 'Emoticons',
'rel': s,
'role': 'button',
'class': 'tool tool-button'
} ) );
/ made bar wider (hack)
if ( $( document ).width() < 1100 ) {
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', function () {
mw.util.addCSS( '.section-emoticons .label {display:none}' +
'.section-emoticons {width:900px;margin-left:-5px}' +
'#content {margin-left:140px; margin-right:-54px; padding: 9px}' +
'#mw-panel {margin-left:-22px}' );
} );
mw.libs.wikiEditorEmoticons = wikiEditorEmoticons;
function handleQueue( $toolbar ) {
if ( $.fn.wikiEditor ) { wikiEditorEmoticons( $toolbar ); }
else {
$toolbar.on( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-doneInitialSections', function () {
wikiEditorEmoticons( $toolbar ); }
/ Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar…
$( function () {
var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
if ( [ 'edit', 'submit' ].indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== -1 ) &&
( ns % 2 === 1 || [ 2, 4 ].indexOf( ns ) !== -1 ) &&
mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentModel' ) === 'wikitext' ) {
mw.loader.using( 'user.options', function () {
if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) ) {
$toolbar = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
if ( $toolbar[0] ) {
handleQueue( $toolbar );
} else mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor' ).always( function () {
handleQueue( $( '#wpTextbox1' ) );
} );
/ mw.hook( 'resourceloader.loadEnd' ).add( wikiEditorEmoticons ); -- removed somewhere in "1.32.0-wmf.6"
} );
} );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );