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really quick block —  adds configurable buttons to block 
IP and temporary users from Recent Changes and Page History. 
Each button takes 4 seconds to 'load', to prevent accidental blocks, 
and is available for another 6 seconds to 'shoot'. 
Re-blocks are disabled, and a warning will be issued. 
Use responsibly!
Documentation: [[:m:User:Ponor/really-quick-block]]
$(document).ready(function() {
if (
    && (mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName")==="Recentchanges" || mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName")==="Watchlist" ||mw.config.get("wgAction") === "history")
   ) {return;} /you don't belong here

/available block options: anononly, autoblock, nocreate, allowusertalk, noemail
/see mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Block
if (!window.rqb_buttons) {
  window.rqb_buttons = {
    V4:  {reason:"vandalism", expiry:"4 hours", options:["anononly"]},
    P6:  {reason:"profanity", expiry:"6 hours", options:["anononly"]},
    A24: {reason:"attacks", expiry:"24 hours"},

`.rqb-button {font-size:90%; border:2px dotted #f66; border-radius:6px; padding:0 2px; margin-right:4px;}
.rqb-button-disabled {background-color:transparent; color:gray; border-color:gray;}`

/triggered by Recent Changes autoupdate
mw.hook("wikipage.content").add(function(el) {
  if (el.hasClass('mw-changeslist')) {


/------------------------------------------------------- hoisted functions
function initialize() {
  let elements = $('li[data-mw-revid] a.mw-tempuserlink'); / temporary accounts
  if (elements.length==0) {
    elements = $('li[data-mw-revid] a.mw-anonuserlink'); / IPs
  elements.each(function() {
    let sp = $("<span/>");
    for (const b in window.rqb_buttons) {
      let button = $(`<a>${b}</a>`);
            .attr("data-anon", $(this).text())
            /.data("expiry", window.rqb_buttons[b].expiry)
            .attr("title", window.rqb_buttons[b].reason + ': ' + window.rqb_buttons[b].expiry)
            .on('click', on_click);

    $( ".mw-usertoollinks", $(this).parent() ).append(sp);
} /on_load

/first click: 4 seconds to "load",the button remains inactive; 4+2 seconds to "shoot" or go back to inactive again
function on_click() {
  if ($(this).data("status")===undefined || $(this).data("status")==="WAITING") {
    $(this).animate({"background-color":"#f66"}, 4000,  ()=>{$(this).data("status", "CHARGED")})
           .animate({"background-color":"transparent"}, 2000,  ()=>{$(this).data("status", "WAITING")});
  else if ($(this).data("status")==="CHARGED") { /ready to block
    let anon = $(this).attr("data-anon");
    if ( anon.match(/^~\d{4}-\d{1,6}$/) || (anon+'.').match(/^(?:\d{1,3}\.){4}$/) || anon.match(/^(?:[0-9a-f]{0,4}:){2}[:0-9a-f]*$/) ) (
      api_block(anon, window.rqb_buttons[$(this).text()].expiry, window.rqb_buttons[$(this).text()].reason, window.rqb_buttons[$(this).text()].options)

function api_block(user, expiry='1 minute', reason='block test', options=["anononly","autoblock","nocreate","allowusertalk"]) {
  if (!user) {return;}
  /if not already blocked, block
  let api = new mw.Api();
  var blocksPromise = api.get({
      "action": "query",
      "format": "json",
      "list": "blocks",
      "bkusers": user,
      "bkprop": "id|by"

  blocksPromise.done(function(jsondata) {
    if (jsondata.query.blocks.length===0) {
        var params = {
          action: 'block',
          format: 'json',
          /anononly: "", /yes
          /nocreate: "", /yes
          /autoblock: "", /yes
          /allowusertalk: "", /yes
          user: user,
          expiry: expiry,
          reason: reason,
        for (const i of options.keys()) {
          params[options[i]] = ""; /means yes

        api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params )
          .done( function() {
             $("a.rqb-button[data-anon='"+user+"']").addClass("rqb-button-disabled").data("status", "BLOCKED").off();
             mw.notify("⛔ " + user, {'type':'success'}) ;
          .fail( function() {
             mw.notify("⚡⚡⚡ " + user, {'type':'error'});
    else {
      mw.notify("2× ⛔ " + user, {'type':'warn'});
  }); /blocksPromise.done

} /api_block


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