Ever wondered how Morse code works? How someone can read dots and dashes to decipher a message? Why my parents won’t love me? or How is it possible that beeps and boops can form words?
Well, I can help answer some of these questions with my game MORSE MESSANGER!
In this Short game, you will learn how to read, listen and DELIVER messages in Morse code in under 10 minutes! (If you or my code doesn’t suck)
MORSE MESSANGER puts you in the shoes of a young recruit learning how to use a Morse Code Telegraph in the army. Live out your fantasies on what it’s like to be young again, also in the army I guess…
The Controls can’t be any easier! It’s literally just 1 button(The spacebar). It’s so easy that you can play it if you are physically handicapped too! (EXCEPT BLIND AND DEAF PEOPLE….I mean they can try but it will be on extra hard mode for them by default).
It took me about 38 hours to make this game for Ludum Dare 53, I made everything except some art assets. I did what I could while I was busy so please be kind.
If you have enjoyed the game, Thank you very much. If you didn’t, it's ok. I still love you
Please feel free to check out another game that I’m helping to develop called Midwest 90: Rapid City. A Story-based Restaurant Tycoon game with a twist(facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/midwest90.rapidcity || Discord:https://discord.gg/caHsRg62yy).