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जावा प्रोग्रामिङ्ग भाषा जेम्स गोस्लिङ्ग द्वारा सन माईक्रोसिस्ट्म्स (हाल ओराकल कर्पोरेशन)मा बनाईएको एक प्रख्यात कम्प्युटर प्रोग्रामिङ्ग भाषा हो। यसको मूल नाम ओइक(OAK) हो।
जावा प्रोग्रामिङ्ग विशेषता
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- साधारण (Simple)
- सुरक्षित (Secure )
- जोडनालाएक (Portable)
- बस्तु-परक (Object-Oriented)
- रोबुस्र्ट (Robust)
सन्दर्भ सामग्री
[सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्]- ↑ उद्दरण त्रुटी: अवैध
नामको सन्दर्भका लागि कुनै पाठ प्रदान गरिएको छैन - ↑ Java 5.0 added several new language features (the enhanced for loop, autoboxing, varargs and annotations), after they were introduced in the similar (and competing) C# language [२]
- ↑ Gosling, James; and McGilton, Henry (मे १९९६), "The Java Language Environment"।
- ↑ Gosling, James; Joy, Bill; Steele, Guy; and Bracha, Gilad, "The Java Language Specification, 2nd Edition"।
- ↑ "The A-Z of Programming Languages: Modula-3", Computerworld.com.au, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१०-०६-०९।
- ↑ Niklaus Wirth stated on a number of public occasions, e.g. in a lecture at the Polytechnic Museum, Moscow in September, 2005 (several independent first-hand accounts in Russian exist, e.g. one with an audio recording: Filippova, Elena (सेप्टेम्बर २२, २००५), "Niklaus Wirth's lecture at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow"।), that the Sun Java design team licenced the Oberon compiler sources a number of years prior to the release of Java and examined it: a (relative) compactness, type safety, garbage collection, no multiple inheritance for classes -- all these key overall design features are shared by Java and Oberon.
- ↑ Patrick Naughton cites Objective-C as a strong influence on the design of the Java programming language, stating that notable direct derivatives include Java interfaces (derived from Objective-C's protocol) and primitive wrapper classes. [३]
- ↑ TechMetrix Research (१९९९), अभिलेखिकरण २०१०-१२-२९ मिति
- ↑ "A Conversation with James Gosling – ACM Queue", Queue.acm.org, २००४-०८-३१, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१०-०६-०९।

विकिमिडिया कमन्समा जाभा सम्बन्धी अन्य सामग्रीहरू रहेका छन्।