Wurds Hurt
A downloadable game for Windows
Game developed for ISEP's GameJam 2022
Theme: "An Unconventional Weapon"
Sometimes, the heaviest words hurt more than the mightiest weapon...
Two distinguished gentlemen present themselves in a fisticuffs but- no fists are thrown! Only two foul mouths, insulting each other... TO DEATH!
During the gamejam, we were fed: Cafeteria food (dinner), Pizza (lunch), Pizza (dinner), McDonalds (lunch)
Wurds Hurt is a 1v1 turn-based fighting game where you type insults to defeat your opponent.
The game has 3 rounds + the OVERLOAD round. Each round starts with an attacking window for the player, followed by an attacking window for the opponent. The OVERLOAD round is the 4th and final round. It will last until one of the players is defeated.
The longer the word you type, the more damage it will deal. Words in bold are RICH WORDS (words we thought were funny and uncommon) and will deal more damage than other words.
Status | Francisco Leites |
Tags | Word game |
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