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    Tools for Podcasting

    (14 reviews)

    Jill Olmsted

    Copyright Year:

    Publisher: American University

    Language: English

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    Reviewed by Franklin Williams, Adjunct Instructor, Tidewater Community College on 1/2/25

    I think this text does a superb job read more

    Reviewed by Dan Thibeault, Adjunct, University of Massachusetts Lowell on 6/4/24

    Everything one needs to know about podcasting is included in this textbook. Artwork, branding, recording, editing, publishing, monetization, and legal issues all have a great deal of information on the necessary tools and best practices in the... read more

    Reviewed by Kevin Smith, Instructor, Chemeketa Community College on 8/29/22

    Tools for Podcasting by Jill Olmsted is an excellent introductory guide to podcasting, covering everything from traditional journalism interviewing techniques to suggestions for marketing podcasts online. The author has top-notch credentials as an... read more

    Reviewed by Emily Corio, Teaching Associate Professor, West Virginia University on 3/30/22

    Tools for Podcasting provides the reader with comprehensive information about what podcasts are and how to create one. read more

    Reviewed by Sinuk Kang, Associate Professor, Westfield State University on 6/20/21

    The textbook covers adequate information regarding podcasting. It is clear in the ways that they explain the material, but there is no evident index or glossary at the end of the chapters or at the end of the textbook. Still, the text provides... read more

    Reviewed by robert bowers, Professor, Massasoit Community College on 6/16/21

    I was amazed at how much that I didn't know about podcasting and I teach it. Also, super links to podcasting resources really enhance this text. read more

    Reviewed by Barth Cox, Assistant Professor, Pittsburg State University on 6/3/21

    This textbook covers a lot of the issues and procedures for creating and establishing a podcast. It has a lot of information that would be useful to a student or anyone who is trying to start a podcast. The first chapter has a very strong... read more

    Reviewed by Maureen Ebben, Associate Professor, University of Southern Maine on 3/30/21

    This book covers podcasting from soup to nuts. I would use this volume in an introductory audio production course or in any class where students will be engaged in the actual production of podcasts. As an OER, it could also be a valuable and... read more

    Reviewed by Gustavo Rosa, Assistant Professor, Bunker Hill Community College on 6/29/20

    The textbook covers many of the topics in podcasting -- scripting, marketing, the basics of interviewing, etc. The book is very good at addressing broad and emerging questions in podcasting. For a book like this I would expect slightly more... read more

    Reviewed by Anthony Schultz, Instructor/Lecturer of Audio Technology, Bridgewater State University on 6/27/20

    This book is amazing. A comprehensive guide to ALL aspects of podcasting from start to finish. The tutorials cover aspects of recording/editing and an overview of free/affordable recording software applications. Other topics include; How to... read more

    Reviewed by Cary Riche, Instructor, NTCC on 4/23/20

    The book covered what a pod cast was. The technical knowledge that was needed. The fundamentals of communicating via audio. There was even some legal information included that is very helpful. read more

    Reviewed by Nancyruth Leibold, Associate Professor of Nursing, Minnesota State University System, Southwest Minnesota State University on 3/8/20

    The book, Tools for Podcasting, is comprehensive in introductory information about podcasting. The intended audience is those who are interested in learning how to get started with podcasting or develop their skills. The book provides helpful... read more

    Reviewed by Daniel Trego, Educational & Media Design Specialist, Michigan State University on 11/11/19

    This book does a great job of laying the framework for an introduction into the world of podcasting. The first chapter is dedicated to the history and current trends of podcasting. The subsequent chapters address format and content considerations... read more

    Reviewed by Susan Wilson, Professor of Communication and Theatre; Director of the Speaking/Listening Center , DePauw University on 10/13/19

    Jill Olmstead's book included both a breadth and depth of material about the audio podcasting process. The book explains the history and current state of podcasting. It goes on to describes step by step how to make podcasts from initial ideas... read more

    Table of Contents



    About the Author

    • Chapter 1: Podcasting Growth, Trends, Landscape
    • Chapter 2: Title, Description, Music, Cover Art
    • Chapter 3: Microphones, Recorders, Filters
    • Chapter 4: Best Practices for Recording
    • Chapter 5: Interview Preparation, Listening, Ending
    • Chapter 6: Scripting, Opens, Bumpers, Outros
    • Chapter 7: Voicing Tips, Exercises, Script Marking
    • Chapter 8: Audacity, Garageband, Audition Editing
    • Chapter 9: Publishing Hosts, Transcription, Promotion
    • Chapter 10: How Do You Measure Audience?
    • Chapter 11: Avoiding Legal Trouble

    Appendix A: Newsletters, Podcasts, Conferences

    Appendix B: Resources

    Appendix C: Podcast Assignments & Examples

    Ancillary Material

    • American University
    • About the Book

      Welcome! If you’re interested in learning about the growing universe of podcasting, how it works and finding tools and inspiration to create your own podcast, this online resource is for you. My focus is on audio podcasting and this practical guide will help you navigate the technology and best practices in an easy-to-understand handbook.

      You will also find many audio and video clips that provide examples and video tutorials leading you through editing software, vocal delivery, promotion ideas and more. All videos have closed captioning and there is an extensive section on the importance of transcription of podcasts to enable web accessibility for the deaf, hearing impaired and language learning audiences. There is also an emphasis on diversity and inclusion with resources listing mentorships and employment opportunities. For even more information click on the extensive links throughout this e-book.

      In addition, each chapter has learning objectives and there are practice exercises in Appendix C at the end of the e-book along with additional resources about podcasting from newsletters and conferences to how-to-create tools and podcast recommendations.

      Podcasting is a dynamic way to use your smarts and creativity to tell stories about compelling subjects. This handbook provides instruction and tools to produce your own podcast — whether you are a professional in journalism, the arts, sciences, business or law, an activist or just someone who has a story to tell. The tools discussed are focused on keeping costs low for entry-level podcasters and designed to help anyone who wants to record, edit and distribute podcasts.

      About the Contributors


      Jill Olmsted is a full-time professor of Journalism at the American University School of Communication in Washington, D.C. She has taught communication courses for 30 years, specializing in audio and video storytelling and public affairs reporting. She writes and comments about media issues, does freelance voice-over work and has done media training for law enforcement and government agencies. She has worked as an on-air television and radio news anchor, reporter and editorialist as well as a producer, editor, photographer and news manager. As a former Washington, D.C., correspondent for nationally syndicated programs, she covered federal agencies and the White House. She’s been a member of professional organizations that include the Online News Association (ONA), Radio-Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and The Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).

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