GLAM/Newsletter/January 2025/Contents/UK report
Cairo Geniza
ByKhalili Foundation

Most of the work over the past month has been on the Memory of the World project, for which there is a separate report.
I spent a day at Cairo Geniza, 200,000 manuscripts from which are held at Cambridge. We discussed the possibility of using the Geniza materials in Interfaith Explorers to underline the shared history of Jews and Muslims. We also discussed sharing data on Wikidata about treasures of the collection to make the individual manuscripts more visible to search tools. The Geniza is already well-documented on Wikipedia, including the use of digital images from Cambridge, but the collection is relevant to a wide range of topics and so there is scope for more mentions of this very important resource.
I have been invited by the Wikimedia Foundation to speak about the Khalili Collections at the Commons community discussion on 5 February. I am also invited to speak online to Deoband Community Wikimedia, a community group looking to improve coverage of "global Muslim academia, scholarship, history and culture, at a global level, in any language."
There are no new articles or translations this month. The Commons analytics tool reports a total of 4,716,973 image views from 104 wikis.
- Africa report
- Albania report
- Aruba report
- Brazil report
- Germany report
- Indonesia report
- Italy report
- Netherlands report
- New Zealand report
- Poland report
- Serbia report
- Switzerland report
- UK report
- USA report
- Biodiversity Heritage Library report
- Special story
- Memory of the World report
- Wikidata report
- Calendar