Termlink access hack
terminal hack minigame from fallout4
find the password in the memory dump
you will get between 0 and word length in likeness if your selected word is like the answer
0 means word is totally unrelated to the password and word length means it's the password
finding "{" or "(" or "<" that is closed with character inside them will reset attempts or remove a dud
game difficulty is randomized by length of the word and number of the words for now
this game is created with react-native and doesn't use any external API
originally wanted to create this game to put as an easter egg in my app
support cheats (dud remove and reset) and use the ice_coefficient algorithm for likeness
right now after finding the password nothing happens to expect a message, to restart try another word until reset
If you want to play with the code you can check out:
there you can change the code and see the result in real-time.
if you find a bug or you wanted to add a feature just let me know in the comments
or if you want to contribute to the project you can check the game GitHub page: