Page MenuHome DeskanaAug 17 2018, 12:40 PM
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See parent task T202132: EPIC: Generate one-off metric snapshots for mobile editing documentation for more information on background and acceptance criteria.

What is the overall edit conversion rate—the percentage of edit sessions which reach the ready event where the edit ends up successfully saved—on desktop and mobile, and in the visual editor and wikitext editors?


Among 5.6 million sessions sampled during May 2018:

Edit success22.7%2.7%
Edit aborted77.3%97.3%

(sum of each item in the columns should add up to 100%)

MetricDesktop visual editorDesktop wikitext editors
Edit success12.6%24.6%
Edit aborted87.4%75.4%
MetricMobile visual editorMobile wikitext editors
Edit success18.6%2.5%
Edit aborted81.4%97.5%

Caveat: there were only 13 000 mobile visual editor sessions in the data set (0.2%), so the reliability of this data is limited.

Given how hard the visual editor is to find on mobile, and given that it's not the default anywhere, there may not be enough data to generate a reliable metric for the last table.

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