an analysis of machine translation service usage (T310773), data shows that most of the translations from English to Zulu (53.30%) used the translations from NLLB-200 model despite that it was not the service provided by default.

Based on this, it may make sense to adjust the default service to be MinT where NLLB-200 model is used for Zulu.


SubjectRepoBranchLines +/-
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Backlog to Adding languages on the MinT board.Jun 9 2023, 12:29 PM

Change 945043 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Make MinT the default service for Zulu in Content Translation

Change 945043 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Make MinT the default service for Zulu in Content Translation

Change 945697 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2023-08-03-132800-production

Change 945697 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2023-08-03-132800-production

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-08-07T06:33:54Z] <kart_> Updated cxserver to 2023-08-03-132800-production (T338602, T333969, T343211)